
Thursday, September 6, 2018

Create the Life You Want through Journaling

I love my life. I have a supportive husband, great kids, and adorable grandkids. I live in my dream home that my husband and I are slowly renovating. I am active in my community and feel connected to a large network of friends.

But lately I've been restless. My business is growing steadily.  We have the time an money to travel and do the things we've always wanted. Still, I sometimes wished for something more fulfilling. I just didn’t know what that might look like.
Journal for Personal Growth
When I finally voiced this thought on Facebook, a friend told me to begin journaling daily. At first, I struggled to journal. Then I began to describe my restlessness and desire for something with more substance. I journaled about the jobs I've worked over the years, describing which tasks had made me happy and which I avoided.
The more I wrote, the more I discovered I wanted something more creative. At the same time, I also noticed the times I was most happy was when I was surrounded by others, learning and teaching. So, I dusted off the old "It Should Be a Dog's World" endeavor and am once again designing merchandise for that ecommerce site. I have also started painting.  No dreams of becoming a great artist!  This is purely for pleasure!  But it satisfies the creative part of my soul. And within a few weeks of starting this process, I knew I'd found the new path I wanted to pursue—bringing women together for growth, development, building relationships and FUN!
Journal for Self-Discovery
Journaling can improve your life in so many ways. But one of the most important benefits is that it helps you discover yourself. You learn more about what you like and what you don’t. You begin to understand how you’re wired and what you want to create more of in the world.

But that’s not the only thing that journaling is good for. It can also help you set new and exciting goals. Maybe, like me, you’re stuck in a rut and wondering what the next step is. Maybe you feel overwhelmed and want to get clarity before you make your next move.

Journal to Brainstorm Solutions
You may already be clear on what you want to create more of in the world or know your goals. But you’ve encountered obstacles when you’ve tried to pursue what you want or you’ve faced a significant setback.
Journaling can still be helpful for you. Often, writing out what you’re experiencing can lead to new breakthroughs that you hadn’t considered before. This is because journaling encourages you to see your situation in a new light.
Use journaling to chart a different course, adjust your sails, or lean into a new adventure. You just might discover something new about yourself or the world around you!