
Monday, April 1, 2019

Make the Sales Decision Simple & Easy

When it comes to creating a sales page, you should have one goal: make the sales decision simple and easy for your visitors. When the decision is easy, your visitors don’t have to think very hard. They see your offer and think, “That’s sounds amazing!”

Then they sign up and you get to enjoy the profits from your product or service. But making this decision simple requires a little bit of work. That’s because you’re used to viewing your sales page as the product creator. You have to be willing to look at it as a visitor and potential customer. If you’ve never given it a lot of thought, here are a few things your visitors want to see on your sales page…

Add Testimonials

Don’t use the stuffy, corporate kind of testimonials that use fancy words like “synergy”, “allocation” or “utilization”. Words like these make your testimonials sound as if they came from robots, not real people.

Instead, use testimonials with everyday language that will appeal to your buyers. The best testimonials often come when you least expect them. For example, you may have received a compliment from your client about your writing services or a customer may have sent a “thank you” email because you followed up with them on an important issue. Use these casual messages (with permission) for your testimonials section.

Share Your Stats

Sometimes, statistics can be helpful for convincing a client to take action. For example, you may have seen a statistic announcing that 70% of smart devices are infected with some form of malware. If you’re selling a virus protection product then sharing this statistic can be a good way to convince your visitors to take action.

But keep in mind that statistics can be overwhelming if you share too many of them. Try to pick one or two stats to share with your audience. 

Stick to the ones that will have the most impact and explain why they matter. For example, you might say, “According to a recent study from ABC, 7 out of every 10 smart devices are infected with malware. This makes you five times more likely to be the victim of identity theft.”

Feature a Real Life Story

Testimonials often feature clients or customers that are praising you and your product. But what they don’t cover is the personal journey your customers take in order to achieve the results they wanted.

But real life stories are some of the most powerful examples you have. They reassure and comfort your site visitors and let them know that they’re not alone.

The stories you share can be from your own life or that of a client you’ve helped. For example, if you’re selling a weight loss menu then you could share a story about how you struggled with weight loss for years until you learned how to hack your diet like a professional fitness instructor. Whatever your story is, share it openly with your potential customers and they’ll be more likely to make a purchase from you.

A good sales page isn’t about fancy marketing software or hiring the best copywriter you can afford. It’s about understanding a visitor’s need and creating a product that addresses that need in a real, tangible way.