
Saturday, July 16, 2022

4 Myths That Keep You From Connecting and Collaborating

Social media marketing is all about building relationships.

Collaboration is the currency of entrepreneurship.

And yet it's easy to let assumptions about connecting with other business owners keep you from developing deep relationships. 

See if you recognize any of these myths in your own thoughts.

Myth #1: They're My Competition

If you think of other entrepreneurs as competition, it's hard to build a relationship. You're constantly worried that they might steal your ideas or take your clients and customers away from you. You feel like you have to protect your business from outsiders.

Rather than viewing everyone as competition, what if you started looking at them as co-workers? Sure, your goals might not be exactly the same but you're all working towards the same mission - building a business that supports your dreams.

Myth #2: I Am Not As Far Along

Sometimes, what holds you back from building connections isn't your beliefs about others. It's your beliefs about yourself and what you do. Maybe you think that an award-winning coach won't want to hang out with you because you run a tiny mom blog that gets only a trickle of traffic each month.

But we don't pick friends solely for where they are in their business. We choose our friends for how they make us feel, for their support and encouragement during the different seasons of life.

Myth #3: You Need to Be in the Same Niche

You don't have to connect with others based on which niche they're in. Maybe you know a blogger who runs a website about parenting and your niche is al about low-carb eating. That doesn't mean you can't connect or collaborate with them. It just means that you have different interests and desires and that can be a good thing!  You can still learn from each other. You can still promote each other. And you may be surprised to find that there is something you have in common that you can collaborate on.

Myth #4: She's Not Like Me

You think you'd be great together. She has the same wacky sense of humor or passion for health and wellness. But a quick look at her Instagram or Facebook page and you see she's in a totally different place in her life.

Sometimes, we create an idea of what a friend will look like in our heads and when someone new doesn't quite fit that mold, we automatically dismiss them. This can be a terrible mistake that keeps your from making wonderful new connection.

Stay open to new relationships that might not look like you'd first expect. Be willing to take your time and get to know other entrepreneurs. Be willing to take your time and get to know other business owners before making a snap decision.

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