
Monday, August 16, 2021

Watch for Your Champions

The Dream Giver is one of my favorite books. It tells the story of Ordinary, who dares to leave the Land of Familiar and pursue his Big Dream. As he overcomes obstacles and challenges on his journey, he meets Champion. Champion is a character that also once chased a dream and now encourages others to do the same.

This story illustrates an important truth—every dream seeker needs to be surrounded by champions. Champions are dreamers who didn’t give up. They kept going even in the face of pressure and ridicule from others. Here’s how to build your own network of champions…

Look for Your Dream Team

Sometimes, we don’t see what’s right in front of us. Maybe you’ve had a dream to get healthy and lose weight for years now. Every month, a co-worker invites you to visit his gym as a guest. You’ve always said no because you were too busy listening to the voices who discouraged you.

Many times, life moves champions into our path right before we realize a dream. You have to look up and look around for these people. They’re usually the ones that are positive and upbeat. They’re challenging themselves and pursuing BIG goals. They’re not threatened when you go after what you want because they know that growing together is powerful.

Double Up

For every naysayer in your life, you need two champions to drown out the doubtful thoughts they plant in your mind. Sometimes, the champions will be people like you that have similar goals. Sometimes, they have drastically different goals but they still believe in and support you.

For those of us who are Christians, Jesus is the ultimate Champion. He is our Advocate and friend. He fights for us on days when we’re too weak to fight. He believes in us even when we feel lost and alone.

Make an Effort to Connect

As you’re looking for champions, make sure you’re willing to reciprocate. Just as you want people around you that you believe in you, you need to believe in others. Listen to their dreams, remind them that they can succeed, and motivate them on the hard days.

Care for your champions. This might be as simple as texting a friend to check-in, writing a “thinking of you” note to a champion who’s been feeling discouraged, sending a care package, or meeting up in real life (or virtually) to chat.

Humans were designed for connection. As The Dream Giver illustrates, we’re not meant to travel this journey alone. Take the time to surround yourself with champions and love on them whenever you get the chance!