
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Becoming Part of a Community of Givers

I am committed to being a radical giver in my business and I want to build a community of like-minded entrepreneurs. That is one of the reasons I started my Facebook group.

I try to keep it filled with positive, encouraging posts. And posts from other members are helpful and supportive. If you are a radical giver, we would love to have you join us. Once you are accepted into the community, focus on doing a few key tasks to enhance your experience within the group…

Answer Questions from Members

When other members post a question I can answer, I respond. If radical givers have knowledge that can help someone else who is struggling, they share what they know.

When I wanted to know what landing page software was the best, I received lots of advice. One person even did some research and shared the information with me...even though she was using MLSP and not landing page software. Talk about a radical giver!

Share Your Journey with the Group

Don't just focus on helping other members. I openly share my journey...with the group, on my blog, with my list. I am not embarrassed to admit my struggles. It actually encourages my network marketing team to know them. Because if I can do it anyone can.

I am also not embarrassed to admit when I don't know something. I am not the most tech savvy person in the world. So when I need help with something, I often go post in groups that I belong to. Often I will find that someone else has the same question but was too embarrassed to admit it and ask.

Try a Test Run for Someone Else

I have had group members post to the Facebook community that the shopping cart software they had just installed didn’t appear to be working correctly or their ad didn't seem to be running properly, or their website wasn't loading as expected. I took a few minutes to test out the cart, review the ad, and check the website.

Welcome New Members

I regularly ask new members to introduce themselves and their business to the group. Make it a point to welcome them. Ask about their business and who they enjoy working with. This gives you a chance to get to know new members and means you know who to refer a client to when they need a specialized service or product. I connect people all the time. And it always comes back to me 10X!

Create A Thriving Community

I have built a strong network of entrepreneurs I can rely on. I love being able to support them and receive encouragement in return.

If you’re like me and you want to give back to others, consider joining our community,
Ninja Marketers.. Then actively participate and engage with the other members, so you can build your own thriving community.

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