
Thursday, September 5, 2019

It's So Predictable!

I am cracking up right now...seriously!  What's so funny?  People.  People are funny.  

Here's the scoop...

If you are part of my mailing list, you got an email the other day.  In it, I invited guests to attend a webinar with Mark Harbert.  Yes...THE Mark Harbert.  The topic was how to put your lead generation on autopilot.

It was an awesome webinar.  Really high level stuff.  Mark shared the exact funnel he uses to attract new prospects all day long. People pay big money for the information he shared, but he gave it to my folks for free.  So that's not what has me laughing so hard.

The reason I am cracking up right now is that the subject line of the email I sent was NO BULL INVOLVED...

I explained to my coaching class why I used that subject line and why it was so irresistible.  And no, I'm not sharing that in a blog post.  It's for my folks only.  Sorry!

But right now I am giggling as I just saw that the open rate on the email was over 50%!!!  That is unheard of!  And I knew it would happen.  A good email open rate is 37% and yet I consistently get open rates of 50% or higher.  And I am not an email marketing expert.  So if I can do this, so can you.

I spend my days on a crusade to teach people that you do not need to be an internet pro to get silly results.  You don't need to know much about hits, clicks and analytics to make money.  The answer lies in understanding PEOPLE and what drives them.  Once you understand that, the rest is easy.

I don't worry about driving people to my website with SEO or crazy marketing funnels.  Sure, I use them.  Every marketer should use all the available tools.  But I focus mostly on my email list and this blog.  Why?  Because they work.

There are only two things online that are totally yours.  Your blog and your list.  Social media platforms can come and go.  Algorithms change.  Technology changes.  But your blog and your list are yours.  So if you are listening to the people that tell you email marketing is dead or that blogging is unnecessary, you are listening to the wrong people.

And once you have these tools set up and running, you can use them to focus on your PEOPLE and on learning what makes them tick and giving it to them.

So let me ask you know why the subject line NO BULL INVOLVED was so darn irresistible?  If not, you need to brush up on your study of people.  (Maybe that's the topic for another blog post).

If you do understand why NO BULL INVOLVED grabbed attention, then good for you!  You are farther along than 98% of other marketers.  But let me ask you this.  Are you truly using this knowledge to expand your business?  Very few do.  The extent that you resist your greatness is the extent that you are ruled by other people.  Someone said that.  I don't remember who.  But it is true.  And what is so predictable...besides my email open the number of marketers who continue to resist stepping into their greatness and building their dream.  

Over 50% of my list opened my email.  A large portion of them registered for the webinar.  Many of them even attended.  But what's sad...and that very few will actually implement what they learned.  Isn't it time that you realized that to a large extent the only thing holding you back is you?

Are you ready to stop resisting?  Are you ready to become UNPREDICTABLE?  You know you are!  Just say YES!  Then take the first step...sign up for my email list so you can be the first to hear about incredible trainings by people like Mark Harbert. 
P.S. Are you following me on Twitter?

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