
Sunday, November 17, 2019

It's New! It's Sexy! And I Want It!

That was me back in the day.
Every time I saw something new, hot, sexy that promised instant results, I was in. It didn't matter whether it was something that was going to make me rich or something that was going to help me lose weight. If it promised to work FOR me with little or no work FROM me, I wanted it.

Network marketing training
Real Estate Wealth
How to courses on teleseminars, recruiting, prospecting, blogging, and every other money-making scheme out there.
Books and CDs and programs all "guaranteed" to help me get rich - QUICK!

Weight Watchers
Jenny Craig
Pills and powders and gadgets galore all "guaranteed" to help me lose weight.

Want to know what that got me? Debt. Lots of it. Even though I had a $62,000 a year job at the time, I was still broke. And fat. Almost 300 pounds fat.
It got to the point that debt collectors were threatening to sue me. I could hardly walk because of the pain in my hips and knees from all the weight.

When my husband finally threatened to stop helping me pay my debts...
When I couldn't climb the stairs in my own home anymore without being completely out of breath...

That's when I knew something had to change.

Fortunately, that was also the time some life changes made it crucial that I figure all this out and quickly.

There is a saying - When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. I believe that wholeheartedly. Because that is also when I was introduced to some entirely new concepts.

Law of attraction
Prosperity consciousness

And that is when I discovered that hot, new, and sexy may sell short term, but real wealth and true success comes from some time honored success principles. Study. Knowledge. Value. Giving.

As I began to understand these concepts, I was fortunate to be able to study with some of the most successful marketers out there. Because I quickly came to understand that the definition of sexy will will ALWAYS change…and therefore leave those that use “sexy” as their attractor factor high and dry pretty darn quickly.

And sooner or later, word will get out that your "instant" method isn't so instant, and sales will begin to drop. People will learn that you really have nothing of value to offer them and so they will leave, looking for the next hot, new, sexy tool for instant success.

But prosperity principles are timeless. They are they key to lasting success.

The crazy part is that learning these principles was in fact the laziest and quickest thing I could have done as now money is no longer an issue and it is almost effortless to produce. It’s actually FUN! Kind of a GAME.

True prosperity is moving into PASSION where you spend your days doing what you LOVE and income streams towards you from all angles.

True prosperity is when you can see income opportunities all around you that you could never see before. That is why so many successful people have multiple streams of income. (Hmmm...where have you heard that before?). This is why most of the GURU types end up in so many arenas…they can see money everywhere.

This is why we see those that study the prosperity principles and attraction marketing constantly attract all the best partners and venues for income production where so many others STRUGGLE or have one success and then fade from the forefront.

People will always be attracted to hot, new, and sexy. Nothing can stop that. And it used to get me very frustrated to see so many good people fall for things that I knew would be gone in a short period of time. But now I accept what will never change.

But fortunately for me, with age has come wisdom. That is often the case. We see it time and time again.

Who a man wants to date and who a man wants to marry are often very different women. Where a new marketer wants to begin his career and where he wants to build his lasting legacy are often two very different things as well.
And so I now look for MATURE people who can see just how darn hot, new, and sexy what I have to offer is.
Because FREEDOM is always hot and sexy. It’s just the definitions that change.

For some it may be the huge house and fancy car. For others it may be the small country house with land for kids and grandkids to run and play on. It may be the ability to actually run and play with them.
It may be the freedom to spend your days as you see fit instead of following someone else's plan for your time.

Or knowing that your retirement years will be comfortable and debt-free.
Or being able to simply climb the stairs of your home and not be out of breath.

It may be about freedom of being whatever you want to be and financial freedom and self sufficiency. Those things are VERY hot and sexy.
And they all start with your thoughts. Thoughts of prosperity. Of gratitude. Of service.

Success really is all in your mindset.

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