
Monday, April 27, 2020

5 Things I Do To Keep Motivated

Feeling less than motivated? With all the chaos in the world right now, it can be hard to get up and get moving...especially if you're not accustomed to isolation and "social distancing." 

Don't feel bad. It's common for people to struggle with maintaining focus and momentum during stressful and uncertain times. And I think 2020 qualifies as stressful and uncertain! Fortunately, there are things you can do to help. Here are 5 that I've discovered to help me. Let me know if one of them works for you.

1. Strike a "Power Pose." I heard about this last summer while working at GiveCamp. I had been unconsciously doing it for years, but at GiveCamp I learned that it is actually a reasearched and recommended way to motivate yourself. What's a Power Pose? Any pose that opens the body so you take up more space. I have a habit of standing with my hands on my hips when I am stressed and trying to figure things out. I'm a pacer so it's not unusual to see me pacing back and forth in my office, with my hands on my hips, as I sort through the problem I am facing. Classic power pose! I have a friend who spreads her arms out wide whenever she takes the stage to speak. Another classic power pose. We always assumed we did it to appear more confident. But research has proven that holding a power pose for a few minutes actually DOES increase confidence and reduce stress. And when you're confident and powerful, it's easy to motivate yourself to do whatever needs to be done.

2. Make a promise to reward yourself. I hate getting on the phone. I don't know why. I just do. But in business, it's virtually impossible to avoid the phone altogether. So I make myself a promise. Once I've completed all the phone calls I have to make each day, I can take a break for a cup of tea and some reading or a little TV time. I can't stop until I've made each and every call. This has been a really good way to stop procrastinating and get those phone calls out of the way. 

3. Vary your routine. Doing the exact same thing day after day after day can be boring. It's hard to stay motivated when you're bored. So change things up a little. Do you normally head right to the office once you're up and about? Try going for an early morning walk instead. Is lunch time usually a quick bite at your desk while you catch up on emails? Try taking your lunch outside and reading a book or listening to a podcast while you eat. 

4. Have a treat. But not just any treat. Have a CHOCOLATE treat! And not just because it's my personal favorite. Chocolate triggers a release of dopamine in your body which will raise your heart rate and actually increase motivation. I prefer dark chocolate, but milk chocolate will work also.

5. Listen. Music is my go-to motivator. But you can also listen to motivational podcasts or personal development recordings. My daughter says she can always tell when I'm working because she can hear the music blasting in the background. 

You can motivate yourself when you're feeling down and stressed. These tips work for me. What tricks have you discovered to increase your motivation or give yourself a boost? I'd love to hear from you in the comments. 

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