
Monday, June 8, 2020

What Does It Look Like to Be Fierce and Fearless?

My friend Paula was a lawyer living in Philadelphia. Through a mentoring program, she met Sasha, a teenage girl who was growing up in the foster care system. She was routinely moved and often only spent a week or two with each new family.

After Sasha was kicked out and left on the streets, Paula took her in. Many of Paula’s friends and family didn’t support her decision. They pointed out that teenagers with traumatic backgrounds can be difficult or unruly. One of Paula’s friends turned it into a race issue, claiming Paula shouldn’t be willing to open her home to a young woman of a different race. Can you imagine?!

But through it all, Paula leaned into her own instincts. She navigated the legal system until she was given full custody. The years that followed were difficult at times but Paula’s never once regretted her decision.

Going for What You Want

Anna had dreamed about writing a book for years. But even though she knew I had finally published mine, she hesitated. She’d been diagnosed with a learning disorder in school and her teachers had made fun of her. Her self-esteem was low and she never pursued her dream.

Then a supportive friend told Anna about Frank McCourt. He was an author who wrote his memoir titled Angela’s Ashes, a book which went on to win many prestigious awards including the Pulitzer Prize. But what most people don’t know is Frank didn’t complete the book until he was sixty-six years old.

Anna listened to her friend and began writing her book. It was slow going and her husband often mocked her for spending her time working on what he called a “pipe dream”. But after several rounds of revisions, Anna’s book went on to sell to a major New York publishing house.

Creating More Joy in the World

Maddie was a home organizer. She loved getting to help her clients organize their lives so everything flowed effortlessly. She built a big stable of clients and she always had more thanks to the positive things her former clients said about her.

Eventually, Maddie was approached by a TV producer. He liked what Maddie was doing and her way of breaking through to clients. He wanted to gather some footage of Maddie going about her normal job and show it to a network company.

At first, Maddie said no. She worried that taking on this new project would take away from her existing clients. But Maddie’s mom encouraged her to look at the happiness she gave to her clients. “Now imagine being able to reach hundreds or thousands of people and share that joy with them.”

Maddie took her mom’s advice and agreed to the producer’s request. A few weeks after the initial footage was done, Maddie received a phone call. One of the TV network executives loved her work and wanted to talk with her.

To be fierce and fearless you don’t have to become a foster mom, write a book or launch your own TV show. These are just a few examples of what it could look like.

You might prefer to be fierce and fearless in a different way. Maybe you’ll travel the world, complete the Ironman Triathlon, learn a new language, or climb a mountain. Whatever you decide to do, choose an activity that sparks joy for you!

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