
Friday, April 8, 2022

Marketing Checklist for Network Marketers

I don't care what your upline tells you...

Being a good marketer will do more for your business than any "opportunity" calls, hotel meetings, or cold-calling/messaging. 

You only have so many hours in your day. How many calls can you send? How many messages? How many people can your realistically talk to?

Forget the endless Facebook Lives showing your products. And please stop spamming your links all over social media. 

Being a good marketer, learning to promote your business and products effectively, will help you recruit more people and make more sales. 

It's all about LEVERAGE...the ability to use something to maximum advantage. Today, there ae so many tools available to marketers. Learn to use them to your advantage.

Let's get started...

1. Brand yourself. Not your company. Not your products. This is your business. You are your business. The only way to stand out from all the other reps in your company is to sell YOU. This is more than logos, and colors, and taglines. Those things are important. But the key element is what sets you apart from everyone else. Why should I buy from YOU? Why should I join YOUR team? WHO ARE YOU? Who do you serve? How will you serve them? What do you stand for? Once you can convey that message effectively, you will be on your way to building your brand.

2. Show up every day. The internet allows you to get in front of literally millions of people. Once you know who you serve (your target market) go where they are. Of course, Facebook is the first place to look. But don't forget all the other social media platforms. Each one has it's own particular demographic. Figure out where your people hang out and then show up. Post valuable content at least once a day. 

Something that inspires, educates, or excites the person watching your video or reading your post.

Be responsive to comments from prospects and potential customers. And make sure you check your DMs daily for any new messages.

3. Meet 5-10 new people every day. In order to grow, you have to have new people to share your opportunity and products with.

Now when I say "meet" I don't mean "pitch." I mean meet and have a real conversation with at least 5 new people every day. You want to take the time to determine if they are a fit for your opportunity or products. "Everyone" is not your customer or your prospect. Finding the right people will help with retention so you spend less time recruiting replacements for those that quit and and more time actually building a winning team. And finding the right customers means more repeat sales so you spend less time having to look for new customers to replace the one-time buyers.

4. Build your email list. Communicating with your prospects through email is still one of the most effective ways to reach them. That’s why developing an email list is essential to your success. Social media is great. But the reality is that any one of them can shut your account down with no notice. If you haven't been building your list, you just lost the ability to communicate with all of your prospects. If you're not sure how to get started, here's a 5-day list building challenge from the Queen of email marketing.

5. Never stop learning. If your company has training calls, get on them. Read books on marketing. Listen to podcasts. Join my Facebook group. Test drive my marketing/training system.

6. Connect and Engage. People do business with those they know, like, and trust. They will join your team because they know, like, and trust you. To build that relationship you have to connect and engage. You can't just throw up some content on social media and then message 5 people and say your done.

Go love on some posts on Facebook. Retweet (with a comment) someone's Tweet. Share someone's Instagram post. Join some groups and get a conversation started on a post that you found particularly helpful or inspiring. The more you love on and engage with others, the more they will do the same for you. It's called the Law of Reciprocity. And the more engagement you get, the more people will see your stuff. And the more people you have seeing your stuff, the better the odds you will find the people who are looking for you and what you have to offer.

These are the things that I did...and still build my business. Did I miss anything? What do you do everyday to build your business? Let me know in the comments. 

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