
Monday, August 15, 2022

Where to Find Your Business Bestie

When you run a digital business, it can be difficult to find people who can relate to your struggles and your triumphs. Your family and friends may be supportive of you but they don’t understand what it’s like to work online.

The wonderful thing about having business friends is that they do understand what you’re going through. Other digital business owners can sympathize when you’re dealing with difficult tech problems or struggling to rebrand your site. They can also celebrate your successes with you and provide valuable guidance along the way.

But how do you find these business besties? Where do you go when you want to form friendships with digital business owners? Consider looking for new friends in these places…

Join Facebook Groups

Look for Facebook groups for online business owners. You’ll want to join a mix of groups—some should be general business groups. These are perfect for finding friends who may be in various niches or have business models that are different from your own.

You also want to look for groups that are specific to your business. For example, if you’re a virtual assistant, look for a few groups that are made up of just virtual assistants. If you’re a coach, you may want to search for specialty coaching groups.

Once you’ve joined a few groups, introduce yourself. Tell the group a bit about yourself and how you got started online. This isn’t the time to promote yourself or your website. Simply share a simple bio and mention that you’re looking forward to getting to know the other members.

If you're looking for a great group to join, check out our very own Ninja Marketers!

Attend Business Conferences

A business conference like the Like a Goal Digger Event can be the perfect place to meet new people. It’s important to understand that conferences come in all shapes and sizes. If you’re an introvert who prefers quiet, look for a small single-track conference with a small number of attendees. If you enjoy offline events and crowds energize you, then try to find a larger conference.

Some digital business owners approach a conference with the wrong mindset. They want to hand out as many business cards as possible and meet as many new people as possible. While this may feel more productive, it doesn’t allow you to plant the seeds for deep relationships.

It takes time to get to know people. Focus on making a few meaningful connections, rather than thirty or forty shallow introductions. You’ll be more likely to make lasting friendships this way.

Dive into a Mastermind

If there’s an area of your business that you want to excel in while finding like-minded friends, a mastermind group could also be useful. For example, if you want to improve your copywriting skills, then joining a mastermind dedicated to the topic will be helpful.

The advantage of a mastermind is that it gives you the opportunity to meet others who are also working on improving their businesses in a similar way. You can engage with the other participants by asking (and answering!) questions, giving feedback, or sharing notes.

When it comes to finding your business besties, you have to put yourself out there. That might mean joining a mastermind, attending a conference, or hanging out on Facebook groups. These activities might feel uncomfortable or even scary at first, but keep showing up and participating with others!

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