
Sunday, November 19, 2023

What's Your Purpose?

I believe in serving your audience before you sell. But how are you called to serve in your business?? How can knowing your calling help you serve your audience better?

I've been pondering this as I slowly figure out what Rebel Tribe will look like as I build it. I've had some thoughts and will share a few ideas. 

When I first started talking about the new direction for my business, I mentioned that I felt "called" to do this. But what exactly is a "calling" and how do you find yours? It's not something we're born knowing. And we aren't taught to find our calling in school. So what is the best way to find your calling?

I can only tell you how it came for me. It was a feeling that my business in it's state at that time wasn't personally satisfying. The money was great but it wasn't emotionally or spiritually gratifying. I felt like something was missing. That there was definitely more I could be doing to help people than simply teaching them about marketing skills. So I guess it starts by listening and engaging with yourself and your surroundings.

What are you passionate about? For me, it's helping others live the life they have always wanted. Whether that's as a 7-figure earner in an online business or a young man just starting out on his journey who simply wants to take his camera and a backpack and photograph the world.

Your calling is that thing that sets your soul on fire, and makes your heart sing and causes you to jump out of bed in the morning ready to get to work or stay up late at night working on a project because you're too excited to sleep.

And finding it can be a process that often starts with that little nagging voice in the back of your mind that says something is missing. There has to be more to life than this.

If you're struggling to hear it, try meditating. Or journaling. Or simply talking it through with friends. 

Your calling makes you feel like all your hard work is connected to your values or a higher purpose. It can take a lot of work to pursue your calling. Finding the meaning of life isn't easy! There will be ups and downs. There may be struggles as you try to figure out how exactly to bring your dream to fruition. 
There will be days when you it will simply be exhausting. But remember one thing.


Because once you find your true calling, you will discover a life filled with more meaning. You will discover a sense of purpose. You will LOVE what you do. And be happier doing it.

So now that you know what a calling is, is it time to find yours?

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