
Friday, February 2, 2024

Overcoming Fear. Embracing Courage.

I 've been absent from this blog for quite a while. Well over a month. I've been doing some soul searching and deep inner work. 

You see, my business is heading in an entirely new direction. One that is more aligned with my heart. Which meant decisions had to be made.

New website? Revamp the old one? Did I even need a website?

Ditto with branding. New logo? New photos? What could I keep? What needed to be discarded to make room for newer stuff?

What new skills would I need to learn? Definitely needed to up my video game. Instagram. YouTube. I'm even starting a podcast. 

And this blog. Keep it? Start over with a new one? Give up blogging all together?


It's a little overwhelming . I am making a HUGE change in my business. And as much as I am excited, exhilarated, and enthusiastic, there is a small amount of fear. 

What if I fail?

Yes, even after 23+ years in some sort of business, I can still experience doubt and fear.

And as a more "mature' woman, navigating through it can be particularly challenging in a world that sometimes feels like it is stacked against us. If I mess this up, there isn't a lot of time to correct course. Let's be real. 66 means there are far fewer years ahead than there are behind.

However, I am here to tell you that fear, even though at my age it can be formidable, is not unconquerable. In fact, it can be the very thing that propels us forward toward our dreams.

Understanding Fear

Many years ago I wrote an article about overcoming objections while recruiting for your network marketing team. And in it I said that no matter what the objection, the root cause was always the same.


Fear of failure. Fear of the unknown. Fear of rejection. Even fear of success. It's a natural response, designed to protect us from harm. But it can paralyze us if we allow it to dictate our actions. And for women, especially older women, it can be even harder to overcome. After lifetimes of being told we have to be strong to succeed, fear can make us feel vulnerable. And that is scary in itself!

It's Time To Embrace Our Vulnerability

Contrary to what many of us have been told all our professional lives, vulnerability is NOT a weakness. It's a strength. When we acknowledge our fears and vulnerabilities, it allows us to confront them. Honestly. Authentically. By embracing our vulnerability we open ourselves to transformative launching the project that sets your soul on fire!

Cultivate Self-Compassion

Self-compassion is the cornerstone of overcoming fear. Stop berating yourself for feeling afraid! Would  you treat a friend facing similar challenges like that? I get clients all the time that are afraid to take a big step with their business. I certainly don't scold them! It's time we treat ourselves with the same empathy and compassion we would offer to our friends. We need to talk to ourselves with the same respect and guidance I give my clients. 

I Had To Set Realistic Goals

Obviously, since I'm here writing this today, I managed to overcome my fears, at least enough to move forward with my vision. And yes, I decided to keep this blog active. It might be different in future than what you are used to. But I think you'll actually appreciate it more! 

Breaking down my aspirations into small, manageable goals helped me overcome my fear of failure. It helped me create action steps that make my objectives attainable. I'm not so intimidated anymore! In fact, I just celebrated one of my first achievements. The successful launch of my Designing Your Best Life Vision Board Journal! And I'll be celebrating more milestones along the way!

Challenging My Limiting Beliefs

I had to realize that some of my fears stemmed from some deeply ingrained beliefs about myself and my capabilities. I won't go into all of them here. If you read enough of this blog, you know all the things I have overcome in my years. Even so, I sometimes have to challenge those limiting beliefs that can still creep in. Thankfully I am very adept at self-coaching! By questioning their validity and reframing them in a more positive light, I was able to put them aside and move ahead. 

Remember, you are not defined by your fears, anymore than I am. You are defined by your resilience and determination to overcome them!

I Have Support

I also know I don't have to face these fears alone. I am surrounded by a supportive network of ladies...friends, family, mentors...many who are also making big changes in their lives. We uplift and inspire each other. By sharing our experiences and seeking guidance, we draw strength from our collective wisdom and encouragement. If that sounds like the kind of place you'd like to hang out, you can join us here. There's always room for one more!

It's Time for Another Growth Spurt

So yes, I'm pushing forward with my passion project. It might not work out exactly as I envision it. So what? That is not the end of the road. It's a stepping stone on the path to my best life. It's an opportunity to learn and grow. I might even have time to make some course corrections! After all, I'm only 66! I have a lifetime ahead of me! And as I navigate each setback or speed bump, I get valuable lessons and insights that just help me move closer to my goal.

I have my "Power Hour" activities to help keep me grounded. Meditation. Affirmations. Journaling. Reading books on business and personal development to keep me informed. Exercise, hydration and good whole food to keep me healthy. Self-care to nourish your mind, body, and spirit is vital when you're growing.

Celebrating My Strength

I'm proud that I decided to take this step. It brings all of my strengths, accomplishments, and unique experiences and qualities together to offer something that will empower other women to do more, see more, and most importantly, BE more. 

Overcoming fear is not something you do one time and that's it. It's a continuous process. Every new experience can result in growth, self-discovery, and empowerment if you'll let it. As women, we are inherently resilient. It's in our blood! We have the fortitude to face our fears with courage and grace. It's in our genes! I know I am not the only one facing big changes right now. Some of them of our own choosing. Some of them out of our control. And some of you may be afraid. Embrace those fears! Use them as a catalyst for transformation. You have the power to conquer them! It's already inside you! 

Dare to DREAM.  And when you dream, dream BIG! Dare to aspire. Dare to fearlessly pursue your passions and purpose. Come join me! Together we will rise above fear and forge a brighter, bolder future for ourselves, our families. And maybe even for generations to come!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Okay. Good job! Now, let’s hear it. What’s your new project all about?
Good luck,