
Friday, May 3, 2024

Do You Listen to Podcasts?

Guess what? Remember when I mentioned that I wrote down in my goals for the year that I wanted to conquer the podcast world? Well, buckle up because it’s happening!

I’m thrilled to share that I made my podcast guest debut on the one and only Doing Business Right podcast, chatting it up with the amazing Dr. Bryan Raya. And let me tell you, even though I’ve been rocking my own podcast for a hot minute now, stepping into the guest spotlight really got my nerves going.

Being a guest is a whole different ball game.

But here’s the kicker – this experience has got me itching for more. I’m talking about diving headfirst into the podcast pool and making waves and sharing the Rebel Tribe spirit! Problem is, I’m feeling a tad bit lost in the sea of choices.

So, what’s a gal to do? Well, according to the self-proclaimed gurus, step one is to whip up a list of podcasts that piques your interest

Here’s where I hit a roadblock – there are more podcasts out there than you can possibly imagine! Talk about decision overload.

Now, here’s where you come in, my wonderful tribe. I’m calling on you to be my podcast buddies and send some recommendations my way. I’m on the hunt for shows that dish out business savvy, empower women to conquer their dreams, and are all about living life on your own terms.

So, spill the beans! What podcasts do you tune into that fit the bill? Drop those recommendations in the replies, and I’ll be forever grateful.

You guys seriously rock!

Oh, and as a little thank you for being so helpful, here’s a digital download of my ebook "10 Ways to Make Real Money From Your Network Marketing/Direct Sales Business." You’re welcome!

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