
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Repeat After Me: Building Your Dream Business

"Building a thriving business takes time to learn, but it also takes me places I've never even dreamed of." 

Now write that down somewhere. Really, grab a pen and jot it down or type it into your phone notes. Go ahead, I’ll wait. Done? Perfect.

Now, repeat it to yourself whenever you feel overwhelmed. Business isn’t always easy. Sometimes it’s a slog, and there are days when you feel like giving up. On those days, this mantra is your lifeline.

Tell it to your grumpy spouse when they don’t want to hear another speech about "multiple income streams." Yup, we all have that person in our lives who just doesn’t get it. Maybe they think your dreams are a bit too big or your ideas a bit too unconventional. But you know what? That’s okay. You’re not here to fit into anyone else’s mold. You’re here to break the mold and craft your own path.

For me, cracking the code on marketing has allowed me to send my grandchildren to private schools, take them on fabulous adventures, and live in my dream home on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere. Yes, marketing magic took me from the mundane to the magical, and it can do the same for you. Imagine having the freedom to do what you want, when you want, and with whom you want. It’s not just a fantasy – it’s within your reach.

And I know that together, you and I are going to get you to some of your Bucket List Dreams too. We’re talking about those big, bold dreams that make your heart race just thinking about them. Maybe it’s a round-the-world trip, starting a nonprofit, buying your dream home, or simply having enough financial security to retire early and comfortably. Whatever it is, it’s possible.

So, here’s the deal: post a comment with your biggest DREAM or your biggest question about creating additional income streams. Seriously, don’t be shy. I promise to reply because your dreams matter. Your success matters. And we’re in this together.

Remember, building a thriving business is a journey, not a sprint. It’s filled with ups and downs, but every step brings you closer to where you want to be. Keep learning, keep pushing, and keep dreaming big. Because trust me, the places you’ll go will be beyond your wildest dreams.

Now, go ahead and comment. I can’t wait to hear from you!

Friday, June 7, 2024

Congratulations and Savings Galore: How to Keep More Cash in Your Pocket

Hey, savvy savers! First off, a big shout-out to the two brilliant readers who guessed the correct number and snagged themselves a fabulous t-shirt! It’s being printed as we speak and will be on its way to you soon. Make sure to share a pic of you rocking it when it arrives!

Now, Pay Attention...

Even if you're not a die-hard coupon clipper like me (my daughters can attest to our legendary weekly couponing marathons), I've got some savings secrets you won't want to miss.

A Blast from the Past: Coupon Queen Chronicles

Rewind to the days when I was clawing my way out of debt as a single mom. I was the undisputed queen of couponing and thriftiness. Seriously, I NEVER paid full price for anything. I got so creative with repairs that MacGyver would have been impressed. If it saved money, I did it.

Fast Forward: Financial Game On Point

Today, my financial game has leveled up just a tad (okay, a lot!). But my passion for saving? Still burning hot. I’m always on the lookout for ways to keep those dollars in my wallet.

Killer Apps to Cut Your Bills

So, after some serious sleuthing, I've discovered a couple of killer apps that’ll slash your bills—whether it’s groceries, gas, or utilities. And trust me, I put these apps through their paces before even thinking about sharing them.

Spoiler Alert: They Work!

Yup, these apps deliver as promised. And here's the kicker: there's a sweet compensation plan attached. Every time someone you know jumps on the saving train, you earn cash. No need to build a massive downline or peddle pricey products. This is as straightforward as it gets.

Ready to Save?

Intrigued? Check out this link and get ready to dive into savings like a pro.

Go VIP for Ultimate Savings

For those craving the full VIP treatment, upgrade to premium for all the perks and access to that lucrative comp plan. Drop me a line if you do, and I’ll hook you up with our exclusive messenger chat.

Freebie Option? Still Fabulous!

If you prefer to stick with the freebie option, that's perfectly fine too. Just start stacking those savings and watch your wallet get fatter.

Cheers to always having more money in our pockets!

P.S. Premium is Where It's At

Premium is where the magic happens. Shoot me an email if you're ready to upgrade, and we'll chat. Otherwise, enjoy the free ride and keep saving!

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Guess My Number....Win a Prize!

I've got a fun little challenge for you today. Think you can guess my secret number between 1 and 100? If you do, you'll score yourself a free Rebel Tribe or Smart & Sassy Business Women T-shirt. Yes, you read that right—a free T-shirt, just for guessing a number. Normally, this exclusive SWAG is reserved for Rebel Tribe members and Smart & Sassy Marketing customers. But today, I’m feeling generous and want to see more of you rocking our gear.

So here’s the deal: leave a comment with your best guess. Simple, right? If you guess correctly, you win. And if 20 people guess my number? Well, 20 people win. That's just how I roll.

Pro tip for my fellow bloggers: steal this game to boost engagement on your blog posts!

Now, you might be wondering why I'm doing this besides wanting to fill your closets with some killer T-shirts. I’ve got a little something up my sleeve...

Earlier this month, I was honored to be one of the 8 speakers at the Wealth Without Walls Virtual Summit. Alongside other amazing business leaders, I shared all the juicy details on how you can break free from the 9-to-5 grind and start generating serious income online.

You see, Jane Coleman Campbell had curated an impressive lineup of leaders to help you discover ways to create significant income streams. Since I spoke on Print on Demand (POD) and how to seamlessly integrate it into your business, this T-shirt giveaway is a perfect sneak peek into how easy it can be to create and sell products....because with it I'll send you my giveaway from the summit...

The Ultimate Print on Demand Business Guide

In the spirit of sharing good news, I was also a podcast guest this month! That with the upcoming summit, as I turn more and more away from actual agency work and more towards coaching and training, it just feels amazing.. And honestly, every business decision should feel this good.

Quick tip for entrepreneurs: cultivate a mindset that makes you love what you do!

So, if you’re looking to diversify your income streams or are still in the brainstorming phase of your business journey, you might want to consider Print-on-Demand. Take a chance to get a t-shirt and the business guide and see if it's the right business for you.

Alright, it's time to post this. Don’t forget to comment with your number! If you win, I'll reach out with the good news.

Let's see those numbers rolling in!

Friday, May 3, 2024

Do You Listen to Podcasts?

Guess what? Remember when I mentioned that I wrote down in my goals for the year that I wanted to conquer the podcast world? Well, buckle up because it’s happening!

I’m thrilled to share that I made my podcast guest debut on the one and only Doing Business Right podcast, chatting it up with the amazing Dr. Bryan Raya. And let me tell you, even though I’ve been rocking my own podcast for a hot minute now, stepping into the guest spotlight really got my nerves going.

Being a guest is a whole different ball game.

But here’s the kicker – this experience has got me itching for more. I’m talking about diving headfirst into the podcast pool and making waves and sharing the Rebel Tribe spirit! Problem is, I’m feeling a tad bit lost in the sea of choices.

So, what’s a gal to do? Well, according to the self-proclaimed gurus, step one is to whip up a list of podcasts that piques your interest

Here’s where I hit a roadblock – there are more podcasts out there than you can possibly imagine! Talk about decision overload.

Now, here’s where you come in, my wonderful tribe. I’m calling on you to be my podcast buddies and send some recommendations my way. I’m on the hunt for shows that dish out business savvy, empower women to conquer their dreams, and are all about living life on your own terms.

So, spill the beans! What podcasts do you tune into that fit the bill? Drop those recommendations in the replies, and I’ll be forever grateful.

You guys seriously rock!

Oh, and as a little thank you for being so helpful, here’s a digital download of my ebook "10 Ways to Make Real Money From Your Network Marketing/Direct Sales Business." You’re welcome!

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Hypnosis, Hurdles, and Hustle

Can we just take a moment to acknowledge the whirlwind that Mother Nature decided to whip up outside? Tornadoes, hail, and all that jazz. And now we're basking in a glorious 77 degrees of sunshine. Talk about a rollercoaster ride! We were lucky with just some property damage. But unfortunately, as happens all too often with severe weather, there were several deaths. I'm praying for everyone that was impacted by the latest round of destruction and have already donated to relief efforts. If you can help in any way, please do. I've seen first hand the devastation that is often left behind. People need all the help they can get.

But you know what? While the world outside might be throwing us curveballs, it's always good to pick up and move forward when we can. So here's what's going on in my world.

First things first, let's talk podcasts. I've just recently dropped my 15th episode, and let me tell you, it's a doozy. Picture this: yours truly getting hypnotized live on air. Yup, you heard that right. I have suffered from insomnia for years. This was an attempt to cure it. Did it work? Tune in and find out!

And oh, buckle up because I've got a little something I'm working on that I think you're going to love. Remember that workbook, journal, and devotional I mentioned ages ago? The one aimed at kicking imposter syndrome to the curb? Well, guess what? It's back on my to-do list! But before I dive headfirst into it, I need your two cents. Would you be interested in seeing it come to life?  Click right here if you're on board.

Now, let's get real for a sec. The podcast? It's more than just a passion project; it's the manifestation of a dream I've been nurturing for eons. And as someone who's battled imposter syndrome, I know firsthand the struggle is real. That's why these resources mean the world to me, and I'm beyond thrilled to share them with all of you. Seriously, your support makes my heart sing!

So, here's to chasing dreams, conquering doubts, and soaking up every ray of sunshine life throws our way. Keep slaying, Rebels, and don't forget to drop me a line with your thoughts. I'm all ears!

Friday, April 26, 2024

Unveiling the Unexpected...Getting a Little Personal Today.

So, here I was diving into the black hole of old videos and photos, and guess what? I stumbled upon something that's got me itching to share.

Spoiler alert: it's got nothing to do with the marketing stuff I normally share on this blog. Or the rah-rah empowerment/mindset posts I'm famous for. But hey, sometimes life throws curveballs, right?

Alright, brace yourselves, because here it comes: I get some seriously intriguing visitors out here on this dirt road of mine! Yep, you heard that right. But before you start scratching your head in confusion, let me clarify - I'm not talking about your run-of-the-mill door-to-door salesmen or the neighbor's yappy dog. Oh no, I'm talking about some next-level, out-of-the-box visitors.

Now, I know you're dying of curiosity, so I'm throwing you a lifeline in the form of a link. Click it if you dare to venture into the wild wonders of my world. Don't worry, I'll wait here with bated breath for your reaction.

Alright, now that we've had our little detour into the whimsy of my life, let's get back on track. But first, a massive shoutout to all you fabulous folks who always click, comment, and keep the conversation going. You rock my world!

Now, let's talk business, shall we?

How about a quick tip on how to stop giving all your stuff away like you're running a charity and actually start getting paid.

Step #1: Put your pricing on your website.

Step #2: Whenever someone asks you what you do or asks for advice, send them to your website.

Easy peasy, right? Well, okay, maybe not always, but hey, I'm here to help you overcome the MINDSET that prevents you from charging.

So, before you do anything else, head over to your website and make sure you've got some prices and/or packages right there on the home page to refer people to. Trust me, your bank account will thank you later.

Alright, my fellow smart and sassy entrepreneurs, that's all for now.

Remember, I'm always rooting for you and your journey to success.

(P.S. Did I spell "peasy" correctly? Is it even really a word? Where are my grammar and spelling nerds when I need them?)

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Ageless Entrepreneurship with Sharon, Betty, Julia, and Terri!

Buckle up, because this episode of the Rebel Tribe Podcast is an absolute game-changer! And no, it's not just because we're dropping another episode – though we do that every week like clockwork. This one's special. This one's different. Why? Well, let me tell you.

It's all about the guests! Let me introduce you to the fabulous foursome gracing our airwaves this episode: Sharon Reece, Betty Withrow, Julia Neiman, and Terri Dennis.

Now let me tell you, these aren't your run-of-the-mill ladies. Oh no, these ladies are blazing trails and rewriting the rulebook, all while rocking their seventh decade of life like nobody's business.

Picture this: marathons in their 70s, radio stations under their belts, bestselling books lining their shelves, and sass for days. They're not just living, they're thriving.

So, what's the big deal, you ask? Well, let's take a quick reality check. What are most 70-year-olds up to? Bingo nights and rocking chairs, right? Not our Tribe. Nope, they're too busy defying expectations, breaking boundaries, and living their best lives.

And guess what? They're here to spill the beans on how they do it. Want to know the secret to staying ageless? Want to learn how to kick butt and take names, no matter what the calendar says? Then you better hit that play button, because this episode is a masterclass in living your truth, no matter your age.

Oh, and fair warning: we got chatty. Like, really chatty. But trust me, every minute is pure gold. So grab your coffee, settle in, and get ready to be inspired.

I can't wait to hear what you think. Let's show these gals some love and soak up every ounce of wisdom they're serving. Here's to embracing the rebel spirit and living life on our own terms – no matter what the haters say!

Click here for the episode, and let's dive into the magic together. See you on the airwaves!