
Monday, November 5, 2018

5 Ways to Get Noticed in a Noisy World

My friend Joie Gharrity (you'll meet her later this week!) says everyone deserves to stand in the spotlight.  And it's true.  As business owners, we all want and NEED to be noticed for what we do.  But have you noticed?  It's a bit harder lately.  There is so much noise, so much chatter, it's almost impossible for the small business owner to be stand out.  You either have to be posting EVERYWHERE 24/7 or spend a ton of money on ads.  Maybe even both!  And if we are just starting out, we may not have the time (many of us may still be working a job) or the money.  It's a battle we just can't win...

Or can we? 

The answer to that question is yes...we can!  There are some simple steps you can take to help you stand out and shine in this crowded space.

1.  Choose your space and master it!  Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn...and probably a few more I haven't mentioned.  Lots of the marketing gurus tell you to have a presence on ALL of these social media sites.  And I a point.  It's okay to have a presence on each of them providing your target market is also present there.  And with the automation available today it's easier to manage multiple platforms than in the early years of social media marketing.  But I still say to pick one platform and become the master there.  I am active on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram.  Less so on LinkedIn.  But Twitter is my home!  It's where I generate the most leads and interact with thousands of followers.  When I have something big happening, Twitter is where I make the announcement.  

Twitter is my space but it might not make any sense to you.  That's ok.  If you love Facebook, then become the Facebook whiz.  If you love using images and photos to convey your message, then Instagram or Pinterest may be the best spot for you.  It doesn't matter which one you choose as long as you are comfortable there, can master the platform, and build your tribe. 

By the way...if you are on Twitter, I'd love to connect with you.  Follow me here

2.  Embrace the technology!  As I mentioned in the previous paragraph, you can automate much of your social media marketing.  Tools like HootSuite and SocialOomph or Social Jukebox allow you to schedule posts in advance.  You can link social media accounts so that what is posted on one will appear on others.  Of course, the same tool might not be right for every platform.  So once you have decided where to build your empire, do your research to find which tools and apps work best with that platform.

3.  Reuse your content!  It's hard coming up with fresh content everyday.  Especially if you are still working.  So reuse and revise.  For example, I will take this blog post and break it up into smaller posts for FB and Twitter.  I will use the image to post to Pinterest and Instagram.  I may find a couple of points and turn them into image posts for Facebook.  And when I'm looking for a topic for a video or Facebook Live, I will come right back to this post.

4.  Let your personality show!  When I first started on social media, I thought I had to be all professional and formal all the time.  But that's not me.  I'm the girl that does videos in her PJs or in Cosplay costumes.  I'm often snarky and irreverent and I tend to go against the norm.  When I finally let my true self show, my engagement skyrocketed.  Don't be phony.  People can spot phony a mile away.  So just be you. 

Oh - that doesn't mean you get to be rude, hateful, or hurtful.  If that is your true self, you are in the wrong business. 

5.  Provide value!  If you really want to stand out in the crowd, then share your expertise for free, with no expectations.  In a world full of people screaming, "Buy my stuff!  Join my team!  Notice me!", offering value free with no conditions is a definite attention-getter.  And when people see that you give away good stuff, they are more likely to purchase from you later because you have already proven your worth.

So...are you ready to stand in the spotlight?  Awesome!  Follow me on Twitter and I'll help spread your message if it's worthwhile.  I love retweeting value!  Or find me on any of the other social media platforms. 

Are you already getting noticed?  Share your tips and techniques in the comments!

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