
Monday, February 27, 2023

Defining Your Perfect Day

I have a question for you. What's most important to you? What is the one thing you really want to do on a daily basis that would make a big difference, but you just can’t seem to find the time for?

I mean, it is that time of year, right? The time for "spring cleaning." Renewal. Rebirth. Getting our summer whatever.

So what good habit do you want to cultivate that would make a real impact on your life?

Really think about this for a moment. Don't just resort to the standard "lose more weight", "make more money", blah, blah, blah. REALLY give it some thought this time. It can be in any area of your life.

Health and fitness...

Making more time for self-care.

Starting a walking program.

Drinking water instead of sugary drinks.

Or it could be business related...

Generate better quality sales leads.

Improve your SEO.

Increase brand exposure.

Create and maintain social media profiles.

Or it could be something important...

Spending more time with your family and friends.

Or as simple as getting in the habit of reading every morning.

You have to figure out what you want to work on, what you want to improve, and what's important to you. Then you can think about how to make it part of your daily routine.

So sit back and imagine your perfect day. It isn't stressed and rushed. You have time for everything on your list.

A long shower.

A run before breakfast or after work.

Meeting friends for coffee.

Carving out an hour first thing in the morning to work on your side-business.

So many possibilities!

The key is to start with what's most important to you. Then think about how you can fit it into your daily routine. Yes, we're just dreaming and imagining at this point. We'll have to figure where to find the time to fit it in and how to make it all work out later. But for now, simply paint a vivid picture of what your day could be. Imagine it in as much detail as you possibly can. Write it down in your journal. Define your perfect day.

Why is this so important? Because you can’t start to make any meaningful changes until you know what your goals are. You need to know your destination before you can start to pick a route and figure out how you’ll get there.

That’s what BeClub is all about. BEcoming who you were meant to be. It's a whole new way of thinking. It's about creating your dream life. It's about freedom.

We're just getting started, so you haven't missed anything. But we're ready to rock. Helping those who know who they want to BE. And those who are still figuring that out.

We have all kinds of tools and resources to help you get there. Webinars. Meditations. Masterminds. Live chats.

Yes, we have revenue streams.. 5 of them! Because even simple dreams need money.

And there are marketing materials. Lots of them. Created by the best minds in the business.

But the best part is the people. A whole bunch of people just like you. People who want a better life for themselves and their family. People who want the freedom to live their dream life. And who want do it without all the hype, hustle, spammy, scammy, get-up-and-grind crap others try to sell you.

So come check us out. See what we're all about. It's by invitation only, so reach out to me if you want to join us.

Whether your dream life is a country home at the end of a dirt road like mine, or a NYC high rise.

Traveling the country in a van, or cruising the world in style.

Figuring out what you want to BE, how you're going to get there, and finding the community that will support you along the way is the most important step you can take.

If it's time for you to take that first step, connect with me and say "I'd like an invitation to the BeClub."

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