
Thursday, March 2, 2023

Originality Matters

You're struggling to create content. No ideas are blossoming. You scroll social media, read a few blogs, check some newsletters and suddenly, there it is! The perfect piece of content. It's a bit old. And the source is a bit obscure. But that's all the better! People are less likely to remember it. So what's the harm if you copy it and use it as your own?

Well, there is one small problem.  Facebook, Google, your audience all value ORIGINAL content. Content that comes from your heart. Content that springs from your own personal experience. And they will punish you for copying and pasting someone else's material. Facebook and Google by limiting your reach. Your audience by limiting their engagement with your content. (Not to mention you are now guilty of plagiarism).

Ok, so can change up the wording some to make it sound more like you, and without too much effort, you can still have a great piece of content. Better? Not really. If you look and sound just like everybody else out there, even if you are using "your own words", why should I follow you? What's the value?

Let's create content that's truly yours. Your insights. Your perspective. Your experiences. It doesn't have be to some deep-thinking, earth-shattering piece of content. You just need to be YOURSELF. You need to share your knowledge and experience.

Sure there are a lot of network marketers out there. A ton of health coaches. Lots of makeup consultants. Jewelry makers. Financial advisors. In fact, you can choose almost any niche and it's loaded with folks trying to build a business. But none of them are YOU! None of them have seen things through your eyes. They haven't had your successes or your failures.

Why was my little network marketing book such a hit? A best-seller? Because I took everything that other "experts" were teaching and used my own experience to show why most of it didn't work. I wasn't afraid to admit that I struggled. Quit. Got back up and tried again. Repeatedly. And every time I learned something new.

I wasn't afraid to say that most of the "gurus" didn't really know how the average network marketer worked. And eventually I put all that experience into a book. I gave my audience something they couldn't get anywhere else no matter how hard they searched. Me. My experience using what was being taught at the time. And the ways I had found to make my business work.

I don't know about you but I'm tired of seeing the same copy/paste content. Let's share the most valuable content possible. You. And if you're still struggling with how to just BE yourself and still earn money, BeClub is launching. Ask me for an invitation. I mean, it's free and all, so what's stopping you?

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