I love to cook. And I have a cookbook collection that fills several shelves in my kitchen. According to my husband, if I made a new recipe everyday for the rest of my life, I would still never try all of them. So when I first met fellow Baby Boomer Diva Betty Lynch, there was an instant bond. I buy the cookbooks and try the recipes. But Betty actually writes the cookbooks and creates the recipes! She's a foodie and she is another shining example of how a woman can turn her passion into her business. She also has a couple of other businesses that she promotes. She's an amazing woman and my good friend. Let's get cooking with Betty Lynch!
1. Tell us about yourself.
My name is Betty Lynch, I'm a cook and food loving recipe collector. I love trying new recipes and putting my special touches to a dish. I'm married to my best friend and we're about to celebrate 20 years this November. I have one 4 legged child, Copper who is a Treeing Walker Coonhound and is full of energy.
2. Tell us about your businesses.
My Country Kitchen, http://www.mycountrykitchen.com/ is a recipe website. I share recipes, and cooking tips and anything that I think might interest my readers. I've published one cookbook, Back to the Table with My Country Kitchen, and it is for sale from that website. I'm currently working on a second cookbook that will hopefully be out in time for Christmas. You will have to watch that website for more information about the new cookbook for Dads.
L'Bri Pure n' Natural, http://www.bettyl.lbrionline.com/ is an aloe vera based skin care company that is the BEST on the market today. It is affordable and it really works. I no longer have dry skin due to using these products every single day. My skin is silky smooth, which before using L'Bri was not smooth at all. This skin care product line is truly amazing!
My Power Mall, shop while saving time and money. http://mypowermall.com/biz/home/66536
Purchase the things you already purchase from yourself and get money back. Give away power malls to your family and friends and earn rebates on their purchases. You just have to purchase one thing a month, that's it. Try purchasing your Christmas gifts on line from over 1000 stores all year long. That's it.
3. Why did you start your own businesses?
I started My Country Kitchen to share recipes and cookbooks with others. My original goal was to write one cookbook, but it is turning into much more. We're working on behind the scenes to add a new feature to My Country Kitchen that you will really enjoy. It is so much fun sharing recipes with my subscribers. I have a newsletter you can sign up for and receive notices of new recipes.
I started L'Bri because I believe in the product from the bottom of my heart. I want everyone to have silky skin as I have.
I started with My Power Mall because I shop online about 90 percent of the time. It just makes good sense to save money and time, while making money doing something I already do, shop online.
4. What do you like most and least about being your own boss?
I like being my own boss because I'm in control of how fast my business grows. It is totally up to me. What I like least about being my own boss, is it's totally up to me. Haha! If I don't do it, no one else will. So see that can be good and bad. At some point I see hiring employees that will carry on when I take time off.
5. What personality traits and skills are needed to run a business?
Top notch customer service has to be your number one priority. If you do not treat your customer like a gem, someone else will. You need to be of a servant's heart when you are dealing with customers.
When you make a business decision, think it through and through. Do not make quick decisions.
6. What has been the most difficult part of being an entrepreneur?
When I was working on my first cookbook, I had to "unhire" the person who I hired to edit and put the cookbook in final format. That was so unpleasant and I cried for days. But I had to have the best possible product to represent My Country Kitchen, and it was not getting done. I saw my dream rolling out the window. It cost me a lot of money and I will never make those mistakes again.
7. Do you have any resources you have used to build your business that you would recommend?
For editing, I recommend Kim Emerson of Writing Pro and for graphic design work Ginger Marks, both are on the Ryze network. These ladies take your project to heart and will work until the job is done correctly. Both are full of wisdom!
8. Do you have any tips to share on promoting your business?
Both Kim Emerson does email promotions that are top of the line. Promoting your business through postcards at events, business cards with a piece of candy attached to it. You always have to look outside the box for easy and inexpensive ways to keep your business name in front of people.
9. What other advice do you have for someone starting their own business?
Make a business and marketing plan. Work your plan every day!
10. How can we contact you about your products and services?
Betty Lynch
cmclynch@prodigy.net or betty@mycountrykitchen.com --
Betty LynchAuthor - "Back to the Table with My Country Kitchen" http://www.mycountrykitchen.com/
L'Bri Pure n' Natural Aloe Vera Based Skincare -Ask me for your FREE mini skin care set - http://www.bettyl.lbrionline.com/
My Power Mall - Shop From Yourself - http://www.mypowermall.com/Biz/Home/66536
Tea Party Resident Columnist - http://roses-and-teacups.com/menu-tea-party-food.html
Featured Writer for Passionate for Life Magazine http://www.passionateforlife.com/