I look at what posts got the most traffic over the year. And it always amazes me. First, because it doesn't always correspond with the list published on my blog. And second, because sometimes the post wasn't published that same year! Those are the ones I love the most. It lets me know that I shared something valuable and timeless. And that is a dream come true for me!
Are you curious to see what caught everyone's attention this year? Me too! So without further ado, here are my Top 10 Most Popular Posts of 2019!
1. The number one post of 2019 was actually published in 2018 but continued to strike a chord with lots of people. And I'm not surprised. I introduced you to the woman who can help your children or grandchildren go to college for FREE! If you haven't met her yet, you will definitely want to check out Free College? Yes, Says Elizabeth Wallace. If you have a college-bound teen in your family, this is a must read.
2. I Know What I Bring To The Table. I really do! And I laid it all out in this post from 2018 that still resonates with people today. Your experiences in life can make you or break you. I chose to use mine to help me grow. What will you choose?
3. If you want to know where I learned how to make money, look no further. The third most popular post this year was What My Parents Taught Me About Money. You might be surprised. It's may not be what you think!
4. You know how I feel about multiple streams of income. Everybody needs them. So I loved the interview I did with Terri Dennis. She is the master of multiple streams of income. Apparently many others liked it too because it was the fourth most popular post of 2019. Check it out. Terri Dennis Talks about Multiple Streams of Income.
5. One of the reasons you chose to work from home was to spend more time with your family, am I right? But you also have to actually work from time to time! My fifth most popular post helps with that dilemma by sharing how to Make Your Home Office Family Friendly.
6. Just so you know...my book collection now rivals Kerry's! Build a Better Business with This One Simple Habit.
7. If you have a side hustle that you want to turn into a full-time gig, I have a suggestion for you. Set up a referral or affiliate program. If you're stuck on how to begin, #7 gives you some steps to help you Start an Affiliate Program.
8. My tribute to my dad touched a lot of hearts, making it the eighth most popular post of for 2019. Lessons from My Dad I still carry with me today.
9. I love introducing everyone to the amazing people I meet and work with. Apparently you like it too. Three of my top most popular posts were profiles of really cool people. You've met Elizabeth Wallace and Terri Dennis. Now meet Al Glover. You can read all about him here. Sometimes It Pays to Step Outside the Norm! Meet Al Glover!
10. Last but not least. This post has made the list every year. That tells me a lot about what is happening in the industry. I wrote this back in 2013 and six years later it still hits people where they hurt...objections to our business model. If you are struggling, check out Network Marketing Tip of the Week - Overcoming Objections.
Which post on this list is your favorite? I know which ones I had the most fun writing! Or is there one you love that didn't make the list? Share your faves in the comments.