
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

When Will You Make Time for Your Favorite Podcasts?

If you’re like me, you probably feel a bit overwhelmed by your to-do list each day. I have a lot of responsibilities, projects, and tasks on my plate. And I have a lot of people I don’t want to disappoint like my team, my customers, my family, or my friends.

So, how do I find time to listen to positive podcasts that inspire me to grow? It doesn’t have to be challenging. You can fit podcasts into your days by doing these things…

Listen in the Morning

Most people have morning routines that keep their hands busy but not necessarily their minds. For example, my morning consists of taking my dogs out, preparing breakfast, and drinking my coffee on the porch when it's warm enough. Instead of just letting this time slip by, I play an episode of a podcast.
Get Pumped at the Gym

Try swapping out your music at the gym for a podcast. But pick one that you find matches your workout speed. If you prefer a slower, longer workout then a podcast that’s soothing might be a good match. If you prefer intense workouts, choose a show that you find inspiring and that leaves you feeling motivated.
Tune In While You De-Stress
Do you have a hobby that helps you relax? Maybe you love to knit or you spend each evening with your adult coloring books. It’s easier to absorb a message when your hands are busy, so these are the perfect times to tune in. 

Catch an Episode during Chores

Play a podcast while you do your usual chores. It’s a simple way to make boring chores go quickly and use that time to focus on your personal development. You can listen while you’re doing dishes, mowing the lawn, or mopping the floors.

Commute and Learn

Another way to enjoy your favorite podcasts is to listen while you’re commuting. It doesn’t matter if you drive to work or take the subway. Use your travel time to fill your mind with a positive podcast.

Relax and Rest

If you have trouble going to sleep because of a busy mind, you can try listening to a podcast before bed. Look for a host whose voice and content helps you to relax.

You might want to consider the
Sleep with Me Podcast , which is a collection of nonsensical stories designed to lull you to sleep. Other good ones for relaxation before bed include Daily Meditation Podcast and Meditation Minis.

Remember, listening to a podcast isn’t about adding another to-do to your list. It’s about challenging yourself to grow in exciting, new ways. Keep a few episodes stored on a smart device so you can listen in from anywhere.

CTA: Discover six podcasts that can shake up your mindset when you download your
free workbook!

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Selling Your Newsletter

We all know the money is in the list.  And one of the easiest ways to build a list is to offer a regular newsletter.  But just because you plan to publish a newsletter, it doesn't mean your visitors will subscribe.  So you may need to sell them on the idea.

"Sell my newsletter?  How do I do that?"

The same way you make any other sale, whether it's your products, your services, your business opportunity....whatever!

1.  Stress the benefits.  How will subscribing to your newsletter help your reader?  What value does it offer?  Why should they give up their personal information to read what you publish?

2. Design a great offer.  Most people won't give up their personal information for nothing.  What can you offer to entice them?  We call these "lead magnets" and they can be almost anything - e-books, reports, videos, training, product samples.  The only requirement is that it have a perceived value to your prospective reader - enough value to persuade them to give you their personal information in exchange.  And it should be relatively inexpensive for you to provide.  If you suddenly get thousands of subscribers, you don't want to go broke from your lead magnet!

3.  Add a clear CTA (call to action).  Believe it or not, some people need to be told what to do.  They LIKE being told what to do.  So make it obvious by including a call to action.  "Subscribe Now!"  "Click here to subscribe."  "Subscribe here."  "Click here to get your free report (or book or whatever)"  Your CTA can be anything you choose as long as it is obvious what you want your prospective subscriber to do.

4. Create your subscription form.  This will probably depend on what autoresponder you use so I won't get into detail here.  But do make sure you only ask for pertinent information.  For example, I am signing up for an electronic newsletter so unless you are using a physical product as your lead magnet, you shouldn't need my physical address.  If you ask for it, I may choose not to give you any information at all and you've lost a subscriber. 

If you are doing business with European Union residents, be sure your form is GDPR compliant.  There's been tons of information posted by all of the major autoresponders on how they are meeting this requirement.  So again, I'm not going into detail here.  Use the tools your autoresponder provides.

"Why am I having to sell my newsletter?  It's FREE!  Why won't they just sign up?"

Good question.

Your newsletter may not cost money, but it's not exactly free either.  You are asking for something that many people consider extremely valuable - their personal information.  That is something many people do not give away easily.  And it's going to cost me time.  So if I'm going to give you my valuable information and then devote my valuable time to read what you send, you had better show me that it's worth it!

And make sure your subscribers know that you will not use their information for any other purpose.

Take your time setting up your newsletter subscription page.  Getting it right can have a huge impact on the size of your list. 

Are you ready to build your business even bigger with your newsletter?  I'm ready to personally teach you everything I know about making money via List Building and Email Marketing.  I'll be showing you some things you may not have even thought of!  Register now.  Click here!