1. Tell us about yourself.
I’m older than dirt, but have a passion for life, and anticipate that the best is yet to come. I am married, and the mother to three daughters, the eldest of who is my business partner. East Tennessee, in the awesome Appalachian Mountains, is my home. I was born and raised in Knoxville. One of six siblings, born to a Baptist minister, I have a heritage steeped in southern tradition, for which I am very grateful.
2. Tell us about your businesses.
Well, I have two.
I am the president of Archer Fitness Consultants, Inc., which umbrellas everything I do in the fitness industry, from producing exercise videos to teaching classes, personal training, and certifying instructors all over the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico. I have had the privilege to work on national TV, with Jenny Craig, Int’l, on an exercise show called “Jenny’s Fit in 15”. I am still very active in the fitness industry, video production, and training instructors. I write a health and fitness column for a local newspaper, and blog for Prevention.com.
My other business, Pamela’s Exclusive Floral & Event Design is a full service wedding and event planning company. We are not a retail store rather we are strictly dedicated to creating dynamic and dramatic special events, including elegant floral design. I have a trained and artistic staff of floral designers, directors, coordinators, and design specialists. We will travel anywhere at any time. We provide personal, professional, and exemplary service to our clientele.
3. Why did you start your own business?
To tell you the truth, I didn’t plan either of my businesses, they just happened!
As for the fitness career, I had created an innovative and unique workout. It was a step work out, meant to be performed with a partner, employing the use of two steps. My classes loved the workout, and I experimented with it at my trainings. In 1995, my husband and I made the decision to produce a video of it. Our attorney advised us to incorporate, so that is exactly what we did. We had no idea that this would open the doors in the industry the way that it did. The business expanded from there to include all of the other activities.
Pamela’s Exclusive Floral & Event Design was formed after several young women in my church asked me to do the flowers for their weddings. That was in 1999, and we have steadily grown into the full service business that we are today.
4. What do you like most and least about being your own boss?
The biggest reason I love being my own boss is because I get to initiate my own ideas and shoot for the stars without someone telling me it can’t be done. I like working from my home, and the flexibility that comes with that. However, what I love is also what I don’t like. I can never truly get away from my work without leaving my home, and the ideas never stop. I often overload myself, due to my tendency to take on more projects than I should.
5. What personality traits and skills are needed to run a business?
First of all, I believe that for a person to be a successful entrepreneur, they have to have a passion for what they are doing. If you don’t have that passion, you will burn out, because owning your own business is hard work! Integrity is key, too.
Being able to interface with people on a personal level; possessing good people skills is essential.
A sense of humor goes a long way to being able to withstand the pressure of the day-to-day problems that arise.
I believe that it is important to have some organizational skills to keep the business running on track, and on budget.
Your employees must be a reflection of your mission statement. They are the true face of your business. Be careful who you hire, and treat them well when you find a good one.
6. What has been the most difficult part of being an entrepreneur?
Time management! I have my fingers in so many pies, and wear so many totally different hats, that I get very frustrated, because I want to do even more.
Transitions are tough. Every business goes through them. Last year, we went through a lot of growing pains. We needed more workers, but since I price jobs months in advance, I didn’t have the budget to hire more. It cut into my profit to have to train new employees and put them on the job. We eventually caught up, once I was able to quote new jobs to include new hires.
7. Do you have any resources that you would recommend?
BNI, Business Networking International, is a great local resource for growing your business, regardless of what it is that you do. It’s like having 25-40 salespeople working for you for free. Look on-line to http://www.bni.com/ to find a chapter in your area.
I do a lot of social networking and blogging. I enjoy both, but neither has really grown my businesses yet, but you never know who you will meet on-line or the connections they may have. With my blogs, I am laying a good foundation for a readership of a soon to be published book I am writing.
I am a member of the Boomer Diva Nation, Founded in 2007, by Beverly Mahone. This is an incredibly gifted group of Baby Boomer women who are shaking things up, and paving the way for women around the world. We network daily. I met Beverly on My Space.
8. Do you have any tips to share on promoting your business?
Volunteer, volunteer, volunteer! Volunteering to speak at Civic Groups, schools, churches, everywhere someone would listen, is how I got my start. When you are involved in your community, someone will eventually ask what you do for a living. People like to do business with people they trust. You build trust among people with whom you are working concession stands!
Call your local newspapers and offer to write articles on your area of expertise. Submit these articles to trade publications, and other magazines.
Offer discounted or free services for a limited amount of time, to gain a loyal customer. Donate door prizes for fundraisers. Build a name in your community.
Trade publications are useful to learning more about your business, and how others in your field handle growth or problems. For us, trade shows are the foundation of our business. We promote directly to the brides.
I would not recommend wasting your resources for advertising in publications or in media that doesn’t target your market. Save your marketing dollars for a big hit to your demographic. We learned that the best value for our dollar was to advertise in bridal magazines, as opposed to the newspaper.
Having an on-line presence is necessary. Our web site, because it displays our work, is our best advertisement. Make sure that yours looks professional, not too busy, and is easy to navigate.
9. What advice do you have for someone starting their own business?
Do your homework! Research whether there is a demand for your services in your area.
Have a plan. You will take too many detours, if you don’t have a map to where you want to go.
10. How can we contact you about your products or services?
You can call me at 800-PAM-2861 or contact me on-line:
afcpam@mindspring.com or pam@pamelaseventdesign.com
Pamela’s Exclusive Floral & Event Design
http://www.pamelaseventdesign.com/ blog: http://www.idoweddings.wordpress.com/
Archer Fitness Consultants, Inc.
Blog: http://www.archerfitpress.wordpress.com/
11. Is there anything else you would like to share?
Be consistent, endure, and true to yourself. Follow your dreams and your heart, and you will succeed.