I love networking! It's what brought me to the attention of my guest this week. We started out having nothing more in common than the fact that we were both members of the Divas at Boomer Diva Nation. But as we networked and interacted I discovered we have a lot in common. We are both big believers in the power of medicinal herbs and organic foods. But she is much more knowledgeable about it than I am. Her website and blog have taught me a great deal. We're both from the East. She lives in New Jersey and I was raised in Northeastern Pennsylvania. And best of all - we both have dogs who blog! I can't wait to have you all meet her - Claudia Meydrech - and her Yorkie, Aspen! (There Aspen. I know Bob promised we would mention you in the interview.)
1. Claudia, tell us a little bit about yourself.
I live in Northern NJ, a rural part of the State. Our home is a little lakefront log cabin in a small lake community. We are surrounded by protected forest on one side of our street, and a lake and state forest on the other, so enjoy a variety of wildlife, including beautiful black bears who frequent our garbage and the bird feeder. I have been married to my wonderful husband, Paul, for almost 30 years, and have a son, Mark, and a married daughter, Heather. We share our home with our little Yorkshire Terrier, Aspen. She has her own blog at http://aspentheyorkie.com./
2. Tell us about your business.
I am a Certified Nutritionist who is discovering ways to help people find health through Nutrition using the internet. One way that I do this is through educational articles and information at my main website, http://happynutritionist.com/. I charge very reasonable prices for Nutrition and Health Evaluations through my site, and also receive some compensation when people click through some of the text link ads on the site. My interest in Nutrition began with an interest in medicinal herbs. For over 20 years I have been helping people choose the right medicinal herbs for their needs through http://mynsp.com/happynutritionist as a Nature's Sunshine Herb Specialist. I am also a wholesale buyer and seller of delicious, unusual, natural/organic snacks through the Wholefood Farmacy, http://happynutritionist.wholefoodfarmacy.com/ - it is free to be a wholesale buyer and you receive a free website.
3. Why did you start your own business?
I can honestly say that I never planned on having my own business. When I was 36, almost 21 years ago, I was very unhealthy, and so was my son. After numerous visits to doctors, and many a bad reaction to prescribed medications, I met someone who introduced me to medicinal herbs. I experimented on myself first, and was so thankful to see dramatic improvement. I then learned how to resolve my sons health problems, people saw the change, and the rest is history. I later realized that Nutrition was also extremely important, and changed our eating habits while taking courses to be certified in Nutritional Counseling. Others saw the change in us, and it was natural for me to want to help, and the business evolved over time.
4. What do you like most and least about being your own boss?
I loved the freedom of revolving my work schedule around my children as they were growing up. I loved the fact that about 5 years ago I was able to chose to cut back dramatically to be available during my father's illness and passing, and to help my disabled brother get settled into a wonderful group home. I love the fact that if you work from home, it is so helpful for your income tax return...everyone should do some type of business at home, no matter how small, to enjoy the write-offs.
5. What personality traits and skills are needed to run a business?
I appreciate the words from the Bible that describe the Fruits of the Spirit when I deal with people, and carry out business. Galations 5:22 says "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Dealing with people can be wonderful, but at times, it can also be a challenge. Keeping these words before me remind me to approach everyone with love; to help them to find peace and remain peaceful myself; show patience when a call comes at a time when I am busy, or a person has a difficult personality; offer goodness; be faithful and consistent in my work and how I treat my clients; be gentle and self-controlled when my business or circumstances seem out of control. I am sure each person will find a different way to apply these principles. It is true that it helps to learn to be outgoing toward people, listen to them and their needs, and to some degree, be assertive, but most of all, be yourself. If you know there are areas you can improve about yourself, find a coach to help you in these areas.
6. What has been the most difficult part of being an entrepreneur?
Being disciplined and balanced. It is easy to get distracted when working from home, but it's also easy to get so involved in your business that you neglect your family and home.
7. Do you have any resources you have used to build your business that you would recommend?
I have chosen several online networking sites through with to interact with people, and maintain a few blogs. Before the internet, when serving my local community, I posted business cards or fliers on our Community Center bulletin board, advertised in our local paper, even took our community phone book and made "cold calls", a few a day. I always have business cards or fliers available to give away. I am looking forward to getting back to that again in the near future.
8. Do you have any tips to share on promoting your business?
If you are a grandmother, or a Baby Boomer who could be a grandmother,you may want to visit my Work at Home Grandmoms blog and learn from others, or share your own business story, http://www.workathomegrandmoms.com/
9. How can we contact you about your products and services?
My contact information: Claudia L. Meydrech, CN Phone: 973-573-3395 Website: http://happynutritionist.com/ - please visit and sign up for my newsletter, then contact me using the form on the site, and I will send you "Natural Remedies for Common Problems"
Contact me using the form on any of the pages at my website.
Networking:Follow Me on Twitter - happynutritionRyze - http://www.ryze.com/go/ClaudiasCorner
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/ - search for Claudia L. Meydrech
I am also on LinkedIn and MySpace
Health Blogs: Happy Nutritionist's Nuggets - http://www.happynutritionistsnuggets.com/
HerBulletin - Herb Synergy & Body System Health - http://www.herbulletin.com/
Happy, Healthy Children - http://www.happyhealthychildren.com/
Health Squidoos:
Herbal Medicine - What's in Your Medicine Cabinet? http://www.squidoo.com/herbalmedicine
Mommy, I have a Tummy Ache - http://www.squidoo.com/tummyache
Mommy, I have a Pink Eye - http://www.squidoo.com/pink_eye
Mommy, I have a Sunburn - http://www.squidoo.com/sun_burn
10. Is there anything else you would like to share?
I just want to than Melodieann for her kindness is sharing this on her blog, thanks, Melodieann, and thanks to each who have taken the time to read this!