
Play Bigger Online!

What if you stopped playing small and started thinking bigger? You need to stop waiting for permission! The best time for playing bigger is right now! Here's how...

Take a Stand: Be Opinionated! Don’t hold back on your blog or website. You can share an opinion—even one that others disagree with—and still build a thriving community.

Start an Affiliate Program. If you have a side hustle that you want to turn into a full-time gig, I have a suggestion for you. Set up a referral or affiliate program. An affiliate program lets your customers sign up and share your services with their friends using a special link. If a friend makes a purchase, the affiliate gets a small commission.

3. Create a Partnership. Partnering with another business owner can be a blast. You’ll grow your brand, discover more about what you enjoy, and maybe even make a new friend for life.

Jump into Communities & Stand Out. It’s easy to join Facebook groups then quietly lurk in the background for weeks or even months. While this might feel safer, it defeats the whole purpose of joining the group—getting to form relationships and build your own community.

Host a Summit. Creating a summit is a great way to stop playing small and step into your awesomeness. If you’re not familiar with the term, an online summit is an intentional meeting of leaders to discuss important issues.

I hope this is the push you need to step out of your comfort zone and do something BOLD!



Lisa King said...

Great tips! When you play small no one benefits, that is one of my favorite quotes!

Melodieann Whiteley said...

Lisa King, I see you stepping out and showing up every day! Ready to kick it up one more notch?