
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Host a Summit

Creating a summit is a great way to stop playing small and step into your awesomeness. If you’re not familiar with the term, an online summit is an intentional meeting of leaders to discuss important issues.

Most online summits feature several guest speakers and the content is organized around one central theme. For example, MLSP recently hosted a marketing summit and invited some of the top online marketers in the industry to participate.

Hosting a summit allows you to step up and be a voice in your niche. You can help your community connect with speakers and leaders they’ve never heard from before. But there’s a lot to do when it comes to hosting a summit. Here’s what you’ll need to keep in mind…

Start Small

You might be tempted to host a lengthy two-week summit with dozens of speakers. But don’t feel like you have to do that. Not only will a larger summit be exhausting, you may struggle to keep your audience engaged if it stretches out over weeks.
Instead, start small. Plan to have your summit last just a day or two. Once you have a few short summits under your belt, you might want to arrange for a longer one.

Choose Your Topic

Pick a topic that you know will appeal to your audience. If you’re a health and wellness blogger, then hosting a summit on marketing won’t be interesting to your community. But a summit about digital fitness is more likely to generate interest.
Curate Your Speakers
For a summit, you’ll need a group of speakers. For a one-day summit, you’ll want four to six speakers. Look around for speakers who might be a great fit for your event. You can also post your idea for a summit online and ask your friends for speaker recommendations.

Keep in mind that you don’t want to have eight hours of back-to-back speeches. Doing that doesn’t allow time for your audience to ask questions or for you to use the restroom. Just like you’d plan for some down time during a real-life conference, schedule down time during your summit, too.

Make It Awesome

Hosting a summit is a lot of work. It deserves excellence in every area and this includes the graphics and the sales page. If you struggle with graphics, outsource them to a virtual assistant who’s a whiz with PhotoShop. If you don’t enjoy writing the sales letter, find a ghostwriter who can punch up your copy for you.

You want to create an event that speakers will feel proud to be part of. You also want your affiliates to be excited about promoting it and your attendees to feel delighted by the speaker line-up.

Putting together a summit does take time so begin planning 4-6 weeks in advance. This allows you to create an amazing event that will be memorable for everyone involved.

If you’d like to know more about hosting a summit, check out Kelly McCausey’s
Stretch Yourself Challenge. She invites her challengers to do daring things in their businesses like being bold on Facebook Live, starting a group coaching program, and of course, hosting a digital summit.

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