Don't sweat it though. Friendly competition can be healthy.
Of course, not all competitors are friendly; some will view you as the enemy
simply because you’re not in their downline or with the same company. You may even have some of your own team
members or customers who don’t think you’re all that wonderful. So what?
Just accept that you can please some of the people some of
the time; but you’ll never please all of the people all of the time. And when
it comes right down to it, the only people you really have to please are your
customers. If you are running a business of integrity, you just keep doing what
you’re doing. Don’t change who you are
or what you are doing simply because someone doesn’t like it. Change if you
need to for continuous improvement; otherwise be true to yourself.
Unfortunately, not everyone operates with the same
principles. Some people will try to sabotage your business. Some people will
call you a liar. Some will try to get into an argument with you on a public
forum. Some people may even do something that you could never imagine. So what?
Keep on building your business and do not let others determine the fate of your future.
Don’t spend too much time worrying what others think or say about you - and
never stoop to their level. Remember, those who talk badly about you only make
themselves look ugly. By taking the high road, you can keep your integrity intact.
All that said, lest you think network marketing is all cat fights
and mud slinging, you will find that most people in this industry are
inherently good. Like you, they're simply too busy running their own business
to pay much attention to your business. Most are very helpful and supportive, and will
freely give advice when asked. When you do run across those naysayers,
just walk away.
You should be aware, though, that the more involved you are
in your business, the bigger the target on your back. The best way to deal with
competition and those who have made it clear they are not a fan, is to politely
ignore them and focus your time and attention on growing your business and
delivering exceptional customer service.
As in everything you do - church, school, work, and even
family gatherings - you will meet some people who like you and some who don't.
Concentrate on building relationships with people with whom you have a
connection, and ignore the ones who are just looking for trouble, and you'll
have much more success - and a lot less stress - in every area of your life and