Some adults still live with that same fear. Network marketers are particularly vulnerable. What if someone asks you a
question for which you don't have the answer?
Here's the thing, though: Who said, or where did you read
that you need to have all the answers?
Even if you're a sponsor, team leader, Manager or Director, what is the
worst that would happen if you uttered the words, "I’m not sure, but I
will find out and get back to you?”
We’re mostly all adults in this business, at least according
to our driver’s license. We’re at least the age of majority in our states. Yet
some consultants confuse being an independent business owner with being in
sixth grade. No one is going to laugh and point and call you mean names if you
don’t know the answer to something. Rather, it will likely make you look more
human and approachable when others see that it’s ok if you don’t have all the
Starting a new business can be scary. There is a lot to
learn. But it’s not nuclear science and the good thing about network marketing, is
that there are no real emergencies. Meaning it’s not life and death and there
is nothing so important an immediate answer is necessary. “I don’t know but I
will find out” is a very good response. It shows your willingness to learn and
to provide an accurate and timely response to the customer or downline member.
Network marketers who are too afraid to take risks will not go
very far in this business. Risks don’t
need to be massive with extensive consequences. They could be as simple as
stepping out of your comfort zone and taking a chance that you will be okay if
someone asks you a question to which you do not immediately know the answer.
Interestingly, some networkers are perfectly fine telling
their customers or team members that they don’t know the answer to something,
but at all costs will avoid being in this situation with their peers. Some
leaders who are very comfortable around most people will do everything within
their power to not meet with fellow managers or directors for fear of not
knowing something. That is just crazy because fellow peers don’t have any
direct influence or impact on your business, so who cares if you know or don’t
know something about these folks?
It sounds silly when you say it out loud, doesn’t it? I’d
rather not put myself out there, talking with people because I might not know
the answer to something and I don’t want to look stupid. If you are paralyzed
with this feeling of not knowing an answer to something, consider what advice
you might give your child if she came home and told you she wasn’t doing very well
in school because she didn’t want to raise her hand to answer a question. She
was too afraid she might get the answer wrong. Whatever advice you’d give your
child on this subject, give it to yourself too. Then watch your business grow.