Why do you want to win this book? I have been speaking as a trainer and coach for several years and I must admit even I discovered some exciting new ideas in this book. If you are a new speaker, this book will be an invaluable tool in helping you learn to build an income as a speaker.
The book is amazingly easy to read in spite of being packed full of information. I read it through the first day. Now, I am going back through it and picking out the ideas that I want to incorporate into my own business. I suggest you take the time to read it thoroughly the first time. Have a highlighter with you so you can highlight the ideas you want to use. One of the fabulous things about this book is that it is filled with ideas you can use now. Today. So you will want to take note of them so you can put them into practice. Now. Today!
Not only does she give you ideas for making money as a speaker, but most of the chapters provide a list of resources to help you get started. No searching for the information or tools necessary. Felicia leads you right to them.
21 ways to make money speaking. Each one described so you know exactly how to do it. With resources to help you get started. And guidance from one of the best professional speakers and coaches in the business - Felicia Slattery. If you have ever dreamed of making money as a speaker, this book will give you everything you need to succeed. How do you win your copy? Easy!
To be entered to win Felicia's book, simply post in the comments what you love about Felicia or why you want her book. The winner will be randomly chosen from all the entries. That's it! So post your comment now to win Felicia Slattery's book!