1. Faye, tell
us about yourself. This question
always gives me reason to pause; as each day it feels as if I am someone new
based on lessons learned, experiences from the previous day and even the
weather or if I have meditated/practiced any yoga that day.
A more nuts and bolts answer:
In hindsight, a trend setter.
Having been raised in a traditional family where the women work in some
low level job, get married and have kids, I started out following that model
and broke it when I chose to divorce after 21 years in a marriage with 2
children. So for the first time in my
life truly being on my own I was now single parenting, working full time; I
decided to go back to school for massage therapy in addition to everything else
that was going on in my life! From one
decision my world has evolved into me realizing my potential as an Intuitive
Transformational Empowerment Specialist; a human GPS for emotional, personal
and life guidance. An International speaker and educator utilizing my years of
training and personal one on one work incorporating modalities such as: EFT
(Emotional Freedom Technique), NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Strategic
Intervention Coaching, Access Bars, Reiki, Massage Therapy, Raw Foods, Yoga,
Sound Healing, & Relaxation Meditative modalities to ingrain a sense of
positive energy flow within each client or group.
2. Tell us about your business. My business is a healing practice.
What started out mostly as massage therapy has evolved into integrated
modalities being customized to what a client requires. Depending on the day and
or the client, we can be looking at EFT/Coaching sessions, Access
Bars/Reiki/Amethyst Bio Mat, Yoga/Meditation, Crystal Singing Bowl
Meditation/Healing. An exciting
development with the crystal bowl meditations was my recently released CD:
Crystal Bowls for the Soul! Feedback has been outstanding as to positive
experiences with increased sleep, an ensuing of peace.
A recent appointment example: Client was
involved in a car accident one year prior to our session, had been in constant
pain for that year. We originally
decided they needed to have an Access Bars Session while on the Amethyst Bio
Mat to help delete the old “stuff” in their brain and to ease some of the pain. In speaking with the client once they
arrived, we decided to work with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) while they
were on the bio mat. Not only were we
able to release a ton of held stuck negative emotions surrounding the accident,
the client left with no pain! Cookie
cutters don’t apply here. Every client’s
needs are customized.
3. Why did you start your own business? I don’t truly know if we start our own
business or we choose something different from what we have been raised to
know. When there is a deep yearning for
something different rumbling through our minds, we begin to search for answers;
as we come to those answers we see different possibilities and then decide how
to proceed.
4. How did you choose this particular niche? After being in the corporate world for far
too long and having a deep sense of knowing this was not the way to be, I began
looking for something that would allow me to give back in the world. Having been adept at back rub contests
between friends as a kid, I believe the information was there but took awhile
to be seen. I guess I was a closet
5. What do you like most and least about
being your own boss? Like most:
choosing when to work and with whom I want to work. Like least: paperwork!
6. What personality traits and skills are
needed to run a business?
Staying focused when required. It
can be quite easy to just want to not handle the business basics. You get to be the boss looking over your
shoulder as if you were in a J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) and the
boss/employee. Being able to switch
gears on a dime also helps.
7. What has been the most difficult part of
being an entrepreneur? Feeling
guilty about taking time for ME. When
you are an entrepreneur you always want to be available for your clients. The reality is, that does not serve anyone
well for the long run. The most
important thing you can do for your business is to take YOU time,
consistently. It feeds you on a
spiritual level and gives you the energy you require to keep doing what needs
to be done.
8. Do
you have any resources that you have used to build your business that you would
recommend? A large part of
the evolving and expansion of the business came in the form of education. Areas where I was either challenged or had a
desire to learn more. Also being aware
of what the clients were requesting and I didn’t yet have training in. This
created the space for the interlacing of modalities so that if say “x” didn’t
serve this client, then we could go to “y”.
That’s the nuts and bolts aspect.
The deeper aspect came from doing A LOT of personal transformation
work. When funds were low, tapping into
as many free resources as were available to help open dark spaces
internally. Then taking bigger plunges
and doing organized programs. As you
expand, you bring that to your business.
No one escapes looking inward.
9. Do you have any tips to share on
promoting yourself? Smile! No one wants to hang around someone who is
grumpy. Have lots and lots of person to
person conversations. Ask for referrals
from happy clients.
10. What other advice would you like to
share with someone starting their own business?
You owe it to yourself
to try. Fear of losing a paycheck kicking in?
Start part time developing your business, then when you feel comfortable
in at least having a foundation built, move into it full time. IF for some reason it doesn’t work out, you
can always find a different arena to play in or go back to a J.O.B.
11. How can we contact you to learn more
about your products and services?
12. Is there anything else you would like
to share? Create your own
because you feel passionate about what you are choosing. If you are going into this just for the
money, you will soon feel as tied down as you did with an employer. Know that there are always avenues for
expansion, you just need to ask yourself:
How does it get even better than this?!