Are you in this boat? Are you sitting in front of your computer with a dream, a great idea, and no clue how to get started because you don't understand the technical stuff? Are you on the verge of quitting because you don't know where to learn? Or maybe you - like me - are just a little embarrassed to ask. Or perhaps you are just overwhelmed. How are you supposed to find time to learn all this technical stuff while trying to build a business, learn how to market online, care for your family, take care of your home, and still have some time for yourself? The answer is simple. Just like everything else, you take it one step at a time.
Step #1: Assess your general computer skills. Build on the ones you already have and learn the ones you don't.
I am going to assume that if you are reading this blog, you are comfortable enough with a computer to use basic programs like browsers and emails. If you are not comfortable with this, there are places to learn. Many community colleges and senior centers offer introductory computer courses. And the best part is that many of them are free or very inexpensive. These courses will teach you the basic skills necessary to get started on your computer. If you can't find a class near you, then there are books available at your local library that can also teach you basic computer skills. If you want to invest in books of your own, I recommend the "Dummies" books. I'm sure you have seen these. It's a series of books on everything under the sun explained very simply. I personally own Internet Marketing for Dummies, Marketing for Dummies, Social Media Marketing for Dummies, and Laptops for Dummies. You can find these at any bookstore or at
Step #2: Learn your way around the internet.
Once you're comfortable with your basic computer skills, it's time to move on to your Internet skills. You need to know your way around the internet if you want to build a successful online business!
This doesn't mean you need to know all the technical details of how the internet works. I sure don't!
But you need to understand the basic principles of how websites work, what a search engine is, what is a domain name, and how everything fits together on the Web. I learned all this the hard way. Too late I discovered my favorite series of books has one called 'The Internet for Dummies.' I highly recommend you use it to learn all you need to learn your way around the internet.
Step #3: Learn to build a website.
Some people will tell you that you don't need to know anything about building websites in order to have a successful business on the internet. All you have to do is hire web designers to do it for you. I don't agree. First, web designers can be expensive. And as I have again learned the hard way, they can be unreliable and difficult to deal with. You must have control of your website. Now, you can take a web design course if you want to learn to build your website completely on your own. A better choice is to do what I did. First, read 'Web Design for Dummies.' Not to become an expert but to learn enough to use a great web design program. I use SBI! It's a great way to build a website of your own without having to become a web design expert.
Three steps to become technology-smart. Now you're ready to start your business! And I have lots of resources to help you with that. Just go to Boomer Business Ideas to learn all you need to know about getting your business started.
Starting a business on the Internet without any technical skills can be overwhelming. But like most challenges in life, if you break it down into steps and then take these steps one at a time, you will be surprised at how quickly you progress.
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