
Sunday, June 25, 2017

Keep Healthy Snacks In Your Home Office To Reduce Stress

It's true we have to eliminate clutter, get organized, and create calm surroundings in our home office in order to reduce stress. However, once all this is accomplished, we still have the stress of our work load. When work is stressful, many of us reach for something to calm and comfort our nerves. Too often, that something is food; and not healthy food.

The title 'comfort food' typically brings on visions of fast burning carbohydrate-loaded goodies. This food will calm and comfort, yes, but at what expense? The comfort is over quickly, leaving you just wanting more, while the damage to your body goes on, and on.

What can be done? Are there better foods that comfort, calm, and relieve stress? Let's take a look at some foods you can enjoy in your home office that truly comfort and calm for healthy stress relief.


This super-loaded berry is an antioxidant powerhouse and is known for improving cognition. High in vitamin C, blueberries and other berries, as well, lower blood pressure and cortisol levels, reducing the effects of stress.


Although all nuts are great for snacking because they're rich in healthy fats and protein, cashews are especially high in zinc. This is an important element for reducing anxiety and for improving overall mood. Since zinc is not stored in the body, having a cashew snack every day is definitely a good idea.


Another brain booster, the humble walnut has proven itself to be a real memory builder. And what's more stressful than forgetting what you need to know for your work assignments? Walnuts contain essential omega-3 fatty acids which not only improve memory but helps the brain stay younger, too.

Chamomile Tea

Take a break and have a nice cup of tea; but not just any tea. Try chamomile to calm and soothe the nerves during a stressful work day. Chamomile tea has been proven to reduce anxiety, making it the perfect addition to your stress reducing routine.

Green Tea

Stress can sometimes cause our brains to go into slow motion. If you're feeling sluggish and can't seem to get your mental motor running, grab a cup or two of green tea (hot or cold) and enjoy a boost to your brain power. And the caffeine is not getting all the credit; green tea contains an amino acid that is linked to mental alertness.

Dark Chocolate

No, you don't want to go crazy with a bag of M&Ms. But a small piece of dark chocolate has been shown to lower blood pressure and calm the nerves. Stress reduction can be sweet! But, remember; dark chocolate in moderation.


This complex carbohydrate is a true comfort food. Snacking on a handful of rolled oats will kick your brain into over-drive producing serotonin, the feel-good antioxidant which soothes and calms the brain. Mix together a combination of rolled oats, nuts, and other good foods and keep a container in your home office for a quick snack that satisfies both body and brain.

These are just a few of the many healthy foods that have been shown to help reduce stress in many ways. Keep a supply in your home office for a quick snack that truly comforts and calms.

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