One of the things I love to do is help other network marketers discover the world of online marketing. Right now, I am holding the 90 Day Ninja Marketing Blitz. We are having a ton of fun! And learning the skills necessary to become true Ninja Marketers! One of those skills is blogging and I have invited all of the participants to do a guest post on my blog while they get their own blog set up. So read on and meet Ninja Marketer Shelli Barnette!
Dream Together

Happy Friday everyone. My name is Shelli. I am 50 years old, married to a wonderful husband and my best friend. I have a son, stepson, and became a proud MawMaw 2 years ago to my beautiful Anneliese.
Today is my first day of blogging, and I have a couple of reasons to embark on this new adventure. First, I want everyone to know where I've been and my purpose for my final days on earth. Second, my goal is to inspire all my readers to dream big and don't settle for mediocrity; because there is so much opportunity available out there .
I was married at 18, started nursing school and became a nurse at 20. I had a baby at 20 and started my nursing career! Boy, was that a busy 2 years; but well worth it.
I have been a nurse for 30 years, so I have devoted my life to caring for others. I've helped people live. I've helped people die. I've laughed with, cried with and comforted 100's of patients and families. I've had to walk out of the operating room and tell a daughter she was not going to be able to say goodbye to her mother. I've held a demised baby in my arms attempting to comfort a mother who tried to get pregnant for 10 years. I've carried limbs to the morgue and I've prayed with a mom watching her 21 year old daughter die. the most rewarding profession; yet some of the most devastating of life's events.
My heart and soul has been devoted to helping others and I now know I have the ability to change lives, in a different capacity, with something that was shared with me by a colleague on Feb. 16th, 2017. I believe, with everything in me, what I have to share with others will affect their health,well-being and financial security.
Before we go further though, I would like to ask a few questions to my readers. Where are you in your life and are you exactly where you want to be health wise, family wise financially and spiritually? What would be one thing you would change today if you could? Why? Do you have a bucket list? What are your goals? What are your fears? Can you answer these questions and if not, why?
Life is a journey and we only get one shot. Some people settle, some people exist, some people excel. Who are you? We all get caught up in the day to day. We think it's the only way because no one is challenging us to be better, to dream bigger or step outside the box. Why? Are you afraid?
That is why I am here today writing and I am happy you decided to read this . I want to be the person to instill change in you. I want to be your cheerleader. I want to help you reach your goals and inspire you to answer those questions you have never thought about. Why? Because remember, we have only one shot at this thing called life and there are incredible opportunities out there to give you an amazing ending to look forward too.
So, I challenge each of you to find your answers, and my goal is to partner with you to help you reach those goals and live the best life left to live. It will happen. It is possible....if YOU choose it.
Stay tuned......
Dream BIG,
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