
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Customize Your PLR with Stories

I love PLR content! I frequently buy it to use in my own business.

If you aren't sure what PLR content is, let me explain. PLR stands for Private label Rights. Private label rights are a special right or license you purchase which grants you the right to use content written by someone else as your own. Normally, using someone else's content can be considered plagiarism. But with PLR content, the author is giving you the right to use their material. 

What does this mean? Usually, this means you have the right to modify or re-write the material. You also have the right to claim to be the author. And you have the right to sell or give away the material as your own.

This is a very affordable way to get quality content for your site. Perhaps your writing skills aren't as good as you would like. Or perhaps you just don't have the time to create your own content. And in either case, hiring someone to create content for you can be very expensive. 

There is a downside however. Whereas a ghostwriter will be creating content only for you, PLR content may be sold to a multitude of users. And the internet loves original content and can actually punish users of duplicate content.

That's why it is so important to personalize your content.

When I talk about personalizing PLR content I get a lot of confusion. Many PLR users always post the content exactly as-is because they are afraid they'll “mess it up”. Or they may not understand they have the right to edit the material as they see fit.

While personalizing PLR isn’t necessary, it can help you strengthen the bond you have with your community.

Imagine you’ve purchased PLR on the topic of weight loss mistakes. You could use it as-is but if you take some time to personalize it, you’ll get more traction. You can do that by sharing a story from your own life, like the moment when you realized you’d eaten a whole bag of chips only to discover it wasn’t a single-serving bag. Or when you admit that you skipped your morning workout two days in a row. Moments like that make you relatable in the eyes of your audience.

Here are three more benefits of customizing PLR with stories…

Stories Grab Attention

You may not realize it but stories are around you constantly. You hear stories of heroism or tragedy on the news. You watch fictional stories on Netflix. Your best friend shares stories about her day with you.

Using stories is a powerful communication technique. It gives readers and website visitors a reason to pause and pay attention. They want to know what’s going to happen next and how the story ends.

Stories Invite Conversation

Just as you hear stories all day long, you also talk about them all day long. You do this when you gossip about a co-worker at work, when you recommend your Netflix must-binge to a friend, or when you repeat a news story to your spouse.

But stories invite conversation, too. Telling readers of your parenting website about your toddler’s tantrum can lead to discussions on what causes tantrums, tips on how to spot them before they happen, and more.

Stories Create a Feeling of Belonging

Not only do stories create conversation they also help the people feel like they belong. Every day, your community is bombarded with ideas of what they should look like, how they should parent, what they should wear, how they should eat, etc.

It can get to the point that your visitors feel like everyone else has a wonderful life. But when you share a story and peel back the curtain, it creates a bond. Suddenly, your people don’t feel alone any more. They can look at your blog and proudly say, “She gets me!”

Customizing your PLR with stories doesn’t have to complicated or time-consuming. It only takes a few minutes to add a relevant story to your content. Doing this will grow your community in new and exciting ways!

Need a source for great PLR articles?
Here's where I go!

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