
Thursday, March 1, 2018

Don’t Wait, Create: Radical Giving in Your Content

One simple way you can practice radical giving in your business is to be generous with your content marketing. Instead of making all of your content focused on you and what you can do, focus on providing value to your readers or listeners. Here are a few easy ideas you can use to create content that serves…

Curate Content from Other Bloggers

Don’t be afraid to tell your community about the bloggers you admire or link to their amazing content. You can’t serve everyone and even if you could, that would quickly get exhausting. There’s more than enough attention and applause to go around, so take some time to focus on content curation.

Curating valuable content lets you share brilliant ideas and fresh insights with your community. Plus, it gives you a chance to introduce your audience to experts in your niche that they should follow.

Interview Industry Leaders

Another way to practice radical giving in your business is to interview industry leaders. You can do this through podcast episodes or by creating webinars where you feature an authority on their area of expertise.

When it comes to interviewing others, create a list of questions. Try to avoid questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no.

Instead, make sure your questions invite detailed responses from your interviewees. Generally, questions that start with “How…?” or “Why…?” get the most interesting answers and can create thought-provoking conversations.

I did this frequently when I first started in business. At that time, they were simply recorded audio interviews. I recently started this practice again using Zoom. Check out my interviews with Andy Shepherd, Terri Dennis and Gwen Weiler on my YouTube channel!

Add A Bonus to a Great Product

When you find a product you’d like to promote to your community, go the extra mile and give back. Offer a juicy bonus that only your buyers will get. This bonus could be a short report, an audio course, access to an upcoming webinar, or any other product you can think of.

The important thing to do with this is to make sure your bonus is relevant to the actual product being sold. For example, a great bonus for a product all about Facebook Advertising would be 50 Facebook-ready images.

Promote Others on Social Media

Don’t be afraid to use social media to promote others in your industry. If you’re reading a great article that is challenging the way you view your niche, tweet about it. If you stumble on a funny video that you think your community will relate to, share it on Facebook.

Make sure to tag the original creator on social media so they’ll see your promotion and be encouraged. You also want to do this so your audience will be able to clickthrough and follow the thought leader you’re linking to.

This is something I have been doing for a very long time. Search for the Success Stories posts for profiles of many online entrepreneurs. 
And check out the guest blog posts by some of the same.

Therese Kienast of
Radical Leadership recommends that online business owners create more content. She says, “Don't wait, create!” If you wait, you’re less likely to follow through and publish excellent content.

Instead, try to capture inspiration the moment it strikes. If you can’t right then, try to do it as soon as possible. This will keep your enthusiasm and energy revved up as you create and share your new content.

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