
Sunday, July 22, 2018

I'm Unveiling the Secrets

It doesn't matter how old you are.  It doesn't matter what you currently do for a living.  It doesn't matter where you were born, or what race, religion, or nationality you identify with.  In fact, none of the ways we label ourselves matters.

We all have something in common.

We want to be successful in life.

Now, every person's definition of success is different.  What I call successful may not be important to you at all.  Some equate success fame or power or wealth.  Others say they are successful if they have a strong family.  And still others call it success if they are living life on their own terms, regardless of whether they have any of the fame, power, wealth, or family life others desire.

So the first step to becoming successful?  Define success and what it means to you.  You can't be successful if you don't know what that actually looks like for you.  Set your goals.  Make sure they are clear.  And try to be as realistic as possible.

Plan ahead and plan big

Next you need to have a plan.  Every journey starts with a plan or a map.  I'm leaving for California next week.  I'm not going to step out of my front door Thursday morning and suddenly decide how I'm going to get there.  I have a plan.  I know what flight I'm taking, when it departs, and when it arrives in California.  I know what hotel I'm staying in and have reserved my room.  I have my rental car reserved.  I know when my meetings and events are scheduled.  And I know when it's time to return home.
Likewise you need to plan ahead for the things you want to achieve in life.  Do you want to start a business?  Great!  What will your business be?  What products or services will you sell?  How will you market and advertise?  What equipment or supplies will you need to start?  How much will it cost?  Will you continue to work at a job while you build your business?

A plan for achieving your goals is essential.  Otherwise they are just a dream.

And while you're planning, plan BIG!  I'm traveling to California next week in an effort to expand my business.  But I could just as easily have said I'm traveling to the next town to work on my business.  But why settle for that when I can do something bigger?  Never underestimate your worth or your skills! 

Lean how to balance life

Balance is crucial.  All work and no play and you will soon burn out.  All play and no work and you will soon be out of business!  Neglect your family and you may lose them.  Same with your health.  Spend your money as fast as you make it and you may not have anything for later years.  Save it all and you may have a heck of a retirement fund - and no family or health to enjoy it with.

Balance in all areas of your life - faith, family, business, health, finances - is the only way to succeed.

Find your purpose

This is a bit different than your goals.  I knew I wanted a business of my own.  And I tried my hand at several.  But I didn't really have any success with them until I figured out my purpose.  Helping others who want more for themselves and their families is what is important to me.  Once I focused my business on what was true to my heart, the rest began to fall into place.

Doing what you love, knowing that this is your mission, will keep you going when the going gets a bit rough.

Stay away from distractions

I call it shiny object syndrome.  And it can come in many forms.  New business opportunities.  New systems or programs that are supposed to help you grow.  New toys.  New friends.  

We all love new things.  Bright shiny new things!  But sometimes these things can distract us from our mission, from our purpose.  They can move us away from plans we made to reach our goals.  Be careful not to let all those shiny new things throw you off course.  Always ask if this new thing, new experience, new person is in keeping with your overall plan, your values, and your purpose.  If not, banish them!

Accept things as they come

Life can be really unfair.  You can put all your time and effort into building your business and then the market changes.  Or your opportunity shuts down.  Despite your best efforts, you have a major health issue.  Family problems can happen to the best of families.  

My family laughs at me because I love watching those movies about people who had something catastrophic happen in their lives but overcame it to achieve something wonderful.  Why?  Because they remind me of what is possible if you don't give up.  

I've had some setbacks in my life.  Health problems.  Family problems.  Lost jobs when I really couldn't afford to.  Divorce.  I could focus on all that and wonder why me and wish it hadn't happened.  Instead I kept stepping out in faith that everything would work out as it was supposed to in the end.  And here I am today!  

How many people can you think of that have achieved great things in the face of adversity?  What would have happened if they had chosen to sit around complaining about their misfortune instead?

Say goodbye to all your fears

Easier said than done I know.  Maybe I should put it a bit differently.  I'm terribly shy (no really) and I still get stage fright when I have to speak in front of people.  But instead of focusing on my fear, I thing about why I'm here, and what I'm doing.  What's the worst that could happen?  I don't get my message across.  So?  I can start over and try to improve my speaking skills.  But what if one person needs to hear what I have to say and doesn't because I was too afraid to speak?  What if I reach that one person and say the thing she needs to hear to move forward with her dream?  Ridiculous you say?  I assure you it has happened.  And if I can change the life of even just one person, then I am fulfilling my purpose.  That is way more important than whether I'm afraid. 

Success comes from hard work.  There will be rejection.  There will be pain and disappointment.  But there will also be victories and celebrations!  You will feel pride in overcoming obstacles.  You will feel satisfaction at the end of a long day working on your dream.  You will feel elated when you start reaching your goals and seeing the rewards of your efforts.  So don't give up.  Stay true to your plan.  Dream BIG!  Find your purpose.  Maintain balance.  Avoid bright shiny objects.  Accept that life happens.  Face your fears.  Those are the real secrets.  The rest is just tricks and techniques that anyone can learn.

You really can have everything you want in your life.  Ready to learn more 

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