
Sunday, July 15, 2018

Work Smarter: 5 Business Books You Should Read Right Now

Every entrepreneur has days when they don’t want to get anything done. It might be that you’re tired, stressed, or just plain overwhelmed. If that describes you, you’re not alone.

One of the best ways to overcome these emotions is to read a few pages of a book that you find motivational. Here are five books that won’t only inspire you, they’ll also help you work smarter, too…

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker

If you’ve ever wondered why one person is financially successful while the other struggles for years despite having similar business models, this book is for you. In it, the author tackles the biggest predictor of financial abundance—your mindset.

With a down-to-earth style, T Harv Eker explains the importance of preparing your mind for success and anticipating big business growth. If you’re tired of struggling and need a motivational book, reach for Secrets of theMillionaire Mind.

Talk Like Ted by Carmine Gallo

Communicating clearly is an important part of getting what you want from your life and your business. In Talk Like Ted, you’ll learn the secrets of public speaking from some of the world’s most inspirational minds.

This book will give you the tools to improve your public speaking and you’ll find the more confident you become with your speaking, the easier it is to embrace other forms of marketing like video streaming and podcasts. If you want to refine your communication skills, grab this book today.

Drunk Tank Pink by Adam Alter

Drunk Tank Pink is a fascinating read that discusses why humans behave in certain scenarios. This type of behavior analysis can be helpful for entrepreneurs as they make everyday decisions like what colors to use in their branding and what words will evoke the best response on their sales page.

Although the book references numerous scientific studies, it never slows down or gets dull. Instead, the author deftly explains the results of these experiments in terms that every layman can understand. If you’re curious about what drives customers’ behavior, this is the book you’ll want to read.

The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone

Setting your goals too low is a common cause of mediocrity. In The 10X Rule, Grant Cardone focuses on the importance of setting big goals and taking action toward them every single day.

His high-energy style and enthusiasm for business have inspired readers around the world. The author also touches on why some people succeed in business while others fail despite their efforts. If you’re looking to be challenged to dream bigger, this is the book you want on your nightstand.

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

If you’ve ever felt like something was holding you back from hitting the next level, then you need to check out The Big Leap. In it, Gay Hendricks discusses the four false beliefs that can hold you back and sabotage from success.

As you examine these beliefs and how they’re formed, you’ll discover how to overcome them so you can live in your zone of genius. Be prepared to dig deep into your mindset to uncover the hidden obstacles that are keeping you from the life and business you want.
Make it a habit to take time to read each day. Doing this regularly refreshes you and gives you inspiration to work smarter on your business.


Sharon said...

Oh my, where have I been. I've only ever heard of one of these books and haven't read even that one! I think I'm in trouble!

Melodieann Whiteley said...

Sharon, just add them to your list. I should post a picture of my reading table. It's more like a reading mountain! But I will get to them all eventually.