
Monday, March 9, 2020

Are You Ready To Be a Coach?

You all know the story of how I started my online business...or at least you should. I've shared it repeatedly! And while it may have started just as a way to bring in some extra income, once I discovered how to build a network marketing team online, I was hooked.

As time went on, I began mentoring other members of my team. I’d teach them the basics of social media marketing and how to set up their online business. Then I began working with marketers from other companies. I even promoted their products to my mailing list if I thought they were good quality.

But when a friend suggested that I might be a good business coach. frankly...I was shocked. I’d never considered becoming a coach. I’d assumed I wasn’t qualified enough to be one. But my friend shared several important facts with me:

You Don’t Have to Be Spammy to Coach

When it comes to coaching, some people have an idea of a sales page filled with a coach who shows off her mansion, expensive sports car, and exclusive lifestyle. She tosses phrases about like “seven figure” or “eight figure” and promises you the exact same results if you’ll only hire her.

But what you might not know is that there are plenty of business coaches who run modest businesses. They live in suburbs and they make enough to afford the lifestyle they want.
They don’t have fancy sales pages but they do believe in what they’re doing. They don’t guarantee that you’ll achieve the same things if you follow their advice but they do promise to support you on your journey.

You Can Have Fun Coaching

When I imagined coaching, I’d always thought about coaching executives in stuffy suits and having to talk about how to add dollars to the company’s bottom line. This type of situation bored me to tears and I didn’t want to do anything like that.

You can design a coaching program that feels fun to you. Maybe you’ll agree to meet your client on Skype once a week for casual chats. Perhaps you’ll use Facebook Live videos to stay in touch inside a private group while your dogs lay quietly beside you.

You May Already Be Coaching

As my friend continued to talk, I became excited. I realized I was already coaching and had been for years! I just hadn’t put it out there by calling it “coaching”. Now though, I felt more confident about the idea of coaching.

Some people are natural teachers. If you are, you might be like me. You may already be coaching others. Maybe you call it “mentoring” or “teaching” or “consulting”. But many of these activities involve coaching in some capacity. Owning this is the first step toward starting your own coaching business.

Keep in mind that there’s no right or wrong way to coach. It’s just a matter of discovering your coaching style and energy while providing a supportive environment for your clients.

Ready to learn how to build your coaching business?  Take my multiple streams of income challenge!

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