
Monday, May 4, 2020

Why I Came Back

2020 got off to a great start. Life was good. Business was good. But the kids were grown up and had kids of their own. The grandkids were also growing up. The oldest one would graduate in June and then it was a steady stream after that. And I was getting older. 62 isn't really old. I don't FEEL "old." But in the words of Capt Jean Luc Picard (yes, I'm still a Trekkie) there were far fewer years ahead then there were behind. I didn't want to spend the rest of whatever time I had left working. I wanted to spend time with my family. I still had things I wanted to do. Places I wanted to visit. And while my online business provided me with more freedom than many people have, much of it still took time. I had to work to keep it growing. I had embraced attraction marketing wholeheartedly by this time. But so many members of my team, both upline and downline, still didn't seem to grasp the concept. My coaching clients, even though they saw my success, still struggled to stop using the old methods that just didn't work anymore. I knew that by choosing to target a more "mature" market, I was also targeting people who had a good many years of bad habits under their belt. It was a challenge to get them to embrace technology and to learn new skills. And I just wasn't sure I wanted to do that anymore. I mean, I could survive quite comfortably on the residual income I already had.

My husband and I had been preparing for retirement for years. We had all we needed to spend our retirement doing pretty much what what we wanted to do. How much money does one person really need anyway? That's why, after so many years, I made the decision that it was time to walk away.

Or so I thought. Despite my best intentions, life had other plans apparently. I remember quite well the exactly when and how it all changed. I was working online. Just because I was no longer actively building my business, I was still active on social media. I supported my team and my friends by sharing general information about the business model. I posted inspirational quotes. I had stopped taking new coaching clients but I still tried to teach others what I had learned. I still hoped to change the way the business model was perceived and to get people to change the way they built their business. I'm not sure why I still cared. Maybe in the back of my mind, I knew something was coming. Maybe I was still searching for those that thought like I did. But I did care and so there I was, late one February evening, posting online, when I saw some chatter on Twitter about a virus in China.

Many of you may not know, but prior to my years in the Navy, I had been attending college. And what was I studying? Clinical microbiology. My dream? To go on to become an epidemiologist. I had been intrigued by the field for years. Viruses are fascinating organisms! And while my career path changed, my love for the field has not. So I keep informed and up-to-date on all the latest developments.

The social media chatter caught my attention and so I began reading and researching. And the more I read, the more concerned I became. I remember telling my husband that this was going to be bad. I am not an expert in virology by any means. But I knew enough to understand that this was serious. And I also knew that the U.S. as a whole was woefully unprepared.

Now I wish I could tell you that I was wrong. But I wasn't. And I wish I could tell you that I had a solution for the millions of people who were about to have their lives turned upside down. I don't. This pandemic has impacted everyone on so many different levels, that one person couldn't possibly have all the answers. But I knew I could help some people. I could do what I have always done. Teach. I could show people who were about to lose their jobs how to create side hustles that would see them through until they went back to work. I could teach people how to improve their health and their immune systems so they stood a better chance of being able to fight off any illness. I could help people learn to care for themselves and their families and friends, their neighbors, their community, instead of waiting for government help that might come to late...if it came at all.

And so in March of 2020, I jumped back into the world of network marketing and online marketing with both feet and I have not regretted that decision for one minute. It isn't work anymore. It's a calling! This is what I had always wanted to do. Help others change their lives. And when your passion and your career come together, it's not work. It's JOY! My website is still under construction, but in the meantime, I am sharing what I know in every way possible.

So that's why I came back to work. It has been quite a ride! And it's not over yet. There is still a long hard road ahead. And I would be remiss in my mission to change as many lives as possible if I did not offer you the same chance. Ready to change your life? Ready to help others change their lives? Let's talk!

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