
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

My Secret Marketing System

Okay...I confess...

I hate doing one-on-one sales and prospecting. I detest closing. It's just not my thing. It just feels unnatural, forced, and phony.

Now put me on a Zoom or a Facebook Live and I can chatter some of you know.

Put me on stage in front of people, and I'll be on FIRE! I love the energy of interacting with a live audience. I feed off it. 

But trying to talk to just one person cold? Trying to convince a stranger to join my team or try my products? Not so much. It's not that I can't carry on a conversation. I definitely can. But somehow I just don't like talking about business in that setting. I have to have a relationship with you before I feel comfortable getting down to business. 

Maybe that's why it's different when I'm on a Zoom or onstage. I know that everyone is expecting it to be business. The audience already knows what I'm going to talk about. It's not a surprise. And I probably know many of the people in the audience or at least the person who set up the event.

It's kind of weird, if you think about it. But unfortunately, it's totally true.

You might think that would greatly hamper any chance I had of building a successful business. And it first. When I started in business, I was so afraid to talk to people, I just didn't do it. I placed ads and handed out business cards and DVDs and simply waited for someone to reach out to me saying they wanted to work with me. 

Want to know how many people that was? ZERO!  

So then I tried buying leads. At least that way I'd be talking to people who wanted to talk about business, right? Well, we all know how that went. I wrote an entire blog post on the topic! 

Obviously, something happened. Something changed. Because here I am...7 years from the date of that blog post. Making money. So did I suddenly get over my aversion to talking about my business to strangers? Did I hire someone to do it for me? Do I just never talk business to anyone?

Of course not! I just found a way to work around it! I still never talk to strangers. I just make sure that by the time I'm actually having a one-on-one conversation with them, we've already started building that very important (to me anyway) relationship.

You can work around pretty much every obstacle if you want. You can overcome any weakness. I did it. You can do it too. Just give yourself time. Don't panic. And stop trying to do things that just don't feel natural to you. I will never be Ray Higdon or Eric Worre or Rick Billings. And that's just fine. I can do things my own way and still be successful.

If you're reading this, then I'm going to assume that you also want to talk business. And maybe, like me, you are too shy, too nervous, too frightened, too unsure, too WHATEVER, to do it. You might be thinking of giving up. Maybe all those people who told you it wouldn't work were right. 

Well I'm here to tell you they were WRONG!

You just have to find the work-around that's right for you.

There is a simple way to do that. Surround yourself with a community of people who have done it already. Yes, Ray Higdon is part of that community. But if you can't do the cold contact like he does, that's okay. Because Mark Harbert is also part of that community. And Diane Hochman. And Erin Birch. And many MANY others who do things THEIR way. 

Find a place to learn different skills to help you build an audience so you have a group of friends to talk to so you never have to talk to another stranger...ever!

Get access to tools that will help you reach out to your audience wherever they may hang out...Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, your blog, your newsletter, anywhere at all.

Where is this magical place? It sounds almost too good to be true, doesn't it?

Everybody knows I use a marketing system. Y'all should know by now that we offer free weekly training from the best minds in the business. And yes...there are TOOLS! Lots and lots of tools. Everything to help you build your audience.

If you haven't heard me talk about it by now, then you obviously aren't really following me anywhere. (Which is why we've never talked business. We don't have a relationship!)

You can learn all about my secret marketing system...and the community around

One of the saddest things I see in this business today is the people who are willing to spend a ton of money on opportunities they will never promote, tools they will never use, and coaches that can't help them.

I see people all the time running themselves BROKE trying to find that magic button or the silver bullet that will finally bring them success. 

This is definitely NOT that. Because, frankly, there is no button or bullet or secret program or system that will bring you long lasting success. There might be things that cash in on the latest hot trend that will bring you a momentary flash. But then the market changes, or something new comes along and suddenly you're left struggling and wondering what happened.

I have worked with this system for the last 5 years and credit it with much of my success.

If you're finally ready to build YOUR business on YOUR terms, check it out here.

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