
Monday, January 24, 2022

How to Find Bundles to Participate In

I REALLY wanted to grow my email list quickly once I got it set up. I’d heard that bundles could be a good way to do this. With a bundle, several contributors get together and offer a product. Sometimes, the products offered are free, requiring that customers simply opt-in to your mailing list.

However, with some bundles, the products might be paid. Typically, the products are deeply discounted so customers are saving money. Since the customers will use your shopping cart to make the purchase, you’ll get their email address, causing your mailing list to grow.

Bundles are fun to participate in and once you know how to create a product, they can be profitable, too! The challenging part can be finding a bundle to participate in. Here are a few tips to help you do that…

Ask Around

If you’re already part of groups on Facebook or LinkedIn for bloggers or business owners in your niche, simply ask. There might be group members who know of upcoming bundles and will point you in the right direction.

Don’t be discouraged if someone posts about a bundle that’s already over. Keep a list of these bundles as many creators offer them regularly. That means they might be looking for a fresh round of contributors in just a few weeks or months.

Do Your Research

Before you get involved with a bundle, take some time to do a bit of research first. You want to make sure that the creator and the contributors are worthy of your audience. If it seems like there’s something fishy or if the contributors don’t honor their deals, then don’t sign up.

Just like in real life, you will be painted with the same brush as those you associate with. If you hang out with scammy marketers, your audience will think you’re the same way. They won’t trust you and you’ll need to spend extra time repairing your reputation.

Connect with Bundle Creators

Once you’ve found a few bundles that look legitimate, connect with the creators behind-the-scenes. Follow them on Twitter or Instagram. Subscribe to their mailing list and comment on their blog posts. Get a feel for who they are and the community they’re trying to create.

Engaging with them and their audience gives a creator a chance to get to know you. Many bundle creators carefully consider who they let contribute. That’s because they don’t want to be associated with a business owner who lacks integrity and puts together shoddy products.

But when you show up in their community and you bring value, you automatically set yourself apart from the crowd. Now you’re no longer a faceless contributor but a business owner who cares about serving your mutual audience.

Bundles are a wonderful way to grow your mailing list. But don’t just join up with the first one you see. Take your time to do your research and only participate in bundles that will benefit your community.

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