
Thursday, January 19, 2023


I don't like fakers.

And it seems like I've seen them everywhere lately.

Charlatans promoting fake gloom and doom to make money off other people's fear. Fake "gurus" claiming super success when in reality they haven't made a dime, all in the hopes of making a quick buck off the latest "get-rich-quick" scam. Fake "surgeon doctors" wanting to be my "friend" 😉😉 on social media. (Ewwwww....)

I just don't like the fakers trying to take advantage of others for their own personal gain.

I'm 65 years old. I've been in this game a LONG time. I've seen a lot of things.. And yes, I have even fallen for some of the BS. Maybe that's why I'm so good at being able to spot the crap now.. And maybe that's why I dislike people who want to USE others who are just trying to create a better life for themselves and their family.

People who would tell a struggling single mom to borrow money to join their company at the "VIP" level...even though they knew she would most likely not be able to pay it back easily. (Yup...I did that. If I didn't, no one would take me "seriously" about my business...or so I was told)

People that will push you to do things that just don't feel comfortable for you and if you don't, they tell you that you aren't coachable. That you don't have a prosperity mindset.

I do not like it. BECAUSE IT'S WRONG!

I don't like the fakers. I hate manipulation. I hate the all the fake prosperity, and the fake lifestyles, and the fake happiness and the name-dropping, all designed just to get into your pocket.

But you know what I love? I love opportunity. I love the internet. I love the idea that you can start a small online "thing" and grow it as big as you want..

I love that you can find your audience, create a customer base, provide what they need, and earn a NICE living.

I love that a grandma like me could build a life that allows her to live exactly where and how she chooses while helping others do the same.

I love that technology has given us a chance to live a life of FREEDOM.


It's real and it's possible.

So the next time something just feels slimy and sleazy, trust that feeling. It's probably right.

And the next time you are being pushed to do something that just makes you feel uncomfortable, ask yourself, "Is there another way to promote my business or reach my audience I CAN do?" Because of course there is.

Don't be afraid to question. Do things your way. I did. I have even walked away from a couple of the biggest names in the industry because I just can't do what they want.

(These guys aren't doing anything wrong by the way. And what they do totally works for them. But it just didn't work for me. And rather than push myself to do it and dread promoting my business, I found another way.)

And you know what? The world kept spinning. No one attacked me. No one shunned me. (Or if they did I didn't notice. Must not have been anyone important.)

I watch so many people build themselves a "business" that just becomes another job. And doesn't that kind of defeat the whole purpose? Didn't we start a business so we could have more? Not only more money, but more time. Hard to do if you simply traded one form of "employment" for another.

Don't let that be you. Trust yourself. Challenge yourself. And go get what is yours.

And if I can be of any help, SHOUT.

Lot's of cool stuff coming in 2023. Some of it might make a real difference for you. And the one thing I can promise you is this....

I'M NOT FAKE. They don't come any more real than me. (And if you're not sure about that, go follow me on social media. I share everything there...warts and all.)

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