
Tuesday, July 18, 2023

It Takes a Bit to Impress Me

I've been around the industry for a very long time. I've been with many different companies. I have seen it all. And not to sound snooty or anything but it does take a bit to get my attention. I'm just not easily impressed. There's so much noise and junk out there it's really hard to tell who to listen to or which products are actually worth a damn. So for me it's always about who can show me the goods and show me the money.

And it's not that I am all about money. But if you are running a network marketing business, isn't that what you are supposed to do? Offer products that actually work? That people actually want? So you can turn a profit? I've always thought so.

You probably heard me say last year that I was leaving network marketing. And I fully intended to. But a few weeks ago I was introduced to some new products and two new-to-me companies.

The products did appeal to me and my husband so we gave them a try and you know what?

They work. Just like they're supposed to.

Then I got invited to learn more about each company. (What can I say? My friends are network marketers!)

And you know what?

I'm impressed. Enough that I am back in the network marketing biz. Enough that I joined BOTH of them. Because finding a simple, stable program, run by real decent people, with a low cost entry fee, that I know will be there tomorrow....

Well, it's like finding a nice, quiet, safe place in a good neighborhood where you know it's safe to hang out. It's not near all the cool clubs where all the little wanna-be's gather, trying to look big. It's not trendy with inflated costs. It's quiet, stable, dependable, and safe.

Which is just how I like 'em. Maybe that's why I'm still here after all these years.

I did my time chasing trendy and new and discovered that it's a good way to to lose. That's why I now build multiple rock solid revenue streams in safe and reliable environments that do not take advantage of the new guy in order to make money.

I don't know what you are promoting right now...

But if you want to see the non-hypey, impressive, latest additions to my long-term residual income streams, than you can get a free promotional link to the first one so you can make money right away without spending a dime.

Do that HERE

The other one may not be for everybody. I admit, I never envisioned myself in this business. But after seeing what the products did for my husband, I couldn't say no.

There's a Zoom tonight if you want to hop on

I learned a long time ago...the hard way, unfortunately...that slick wasn't for me. I run a simple business with simple products and tools.

Building strong residuals takes time but you CAN make cash flow today. If you're new to the game I hope I can save you from some of the nonsense and heartache I experienced. If you have been through the wringer I hope you get off the merry-go-round and let me show you how simple it all can be.

I have two multi-levels. Various support tools. All create residual income. And when you understand how it all works, you make money every day from all the sources, it's like that magical easy button everyone is looking for. It's been right here all the time. And I am willing to show you.

Like I said, it takes a bit to impress me. THIS impressed me.

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