
Thursday, August 24, 2023

Are You Tired of Wondering Who Will Buy Your Stuff?

I know most of you are great at teaching your craft, creating your content, and putting together your offers. But you still struggle with getting people to see what you have.

Let's face it. You need more traffic!

Do you want a quicker way to connect with more of your target market? The answer just might be a virtual workshop.

I love workshops! Why? Because they make it easy to fill my courses and programs. They are quick to prepare. You can have one ready for pimetime in 2 weeks or less! They don't require a lot of time. A 90 minute workshop is all it takes. They are FUN to host. (At least when I host them!). They build trust and authority with your ideal customer.

I have used workshops to generate leads and sales for years. I teach my clients to do the same. So I do know a little bit about the exact steps you need to take to create an amazing experience. There are 7 of them, to be exact.

I'll be teaching those along with all the other aspects of multi-channel marketing to the Rebel Tribe. If you're not a member, now would be a good time to ask me about it.


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