
Friday, October 20, 2023

Stop Faking!

Fake it till you make it...

We've all been told this at some point in our entrepreneurial lives. Well, I'm going to tell you just the opposite. It's time to STOP faking it.

There! I dared to say it.

I know it sounds like sound advice. I mean it's stood the test of time....right?

Wrong. It's not good advice at all. It needs to go. It undermines your own self-confidence.

Many of us still listen to that negative little voice whispering in our heads. The one that keeps saying things like...

"They will know I'm not an expert."
"They will question me."
"They will troll me."
"They will think I'm too ___________ (fill in the blank)."

They, they, they...

Before you know it, they are running YOUR business. If you started your business so you wouldn't have to deal with a crappy boss, why are you giving control to "THEY"?

You came here most likely because you've been looking for something more in your life. A place where you have control. Where you make the decisions. Where you have freedom and flexibility. Where you are the boss.

When you get so consumed with worry of what others might think or do, you actually lose the goal you were hoping to achieve. FREEDOM. You give up being the true boss of your business. You have now given that role to others.


And trust me. "THEY" are completely crappy people to work for. They don't care about your business. They don't care about your success. They don't care about your freedom.

All you do when you fake it is give power to the negative nellies, trolls and jerks. Forget that!

Ready to stop faking it? Take a deep breath and. Face your fears. Practice, practice, practice. Embrace the process. And step into growing your business with confidence. And whenever you are feeling unsure, remind yourself...


You can figure it out. You can learn new skills. You can achieve your goals. One step and one day at a time. Plus, it's a heck of a lot easier showing up for your folks.

It's a lot easier to learn new skills. It's a lot easier to gain more knowledge. When you're not faking your expertise and achievements.

Embrace the journey! It's okay to admit you don't know everything. It's okay to say you're still learning. Still asking questions. Still growing. And know that you will find the answer.

Kick this "fake it till you make it" stuff to the curb. Step into the Ninja Badass Marketer that you are becoming.


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