
Monday, November 27, 2023

The Endless Chase

I see it every day. People endlessly chasing their tails trying to make a buck. Chase chase chase. Sell sell sell. Run run run. First in one direction, then another. And then when nothing works, they START ALL OVER AGAIN! Or as so many others do, they quit altogether.

I just don't get it. I watch people I have known for years go from deal to deal. Next "big thing" to next "big thing". Jumping on one marketing trend after another. And yet they never create stable income.

They never stop to think, "Wait a minute...this isn't working!" And that's why I have decided to focus in on the thing that made all the difference for me. The one thing I know can change a person's business and make them leaders. And that one thing is proper marketing.

I'm not talking about creating fancy funnels or running paid ads. We're not going to be counting clickthroughs or conversions. You can do that if you want. A lot of hardcore internet marketers do. But I'm not one of them.

And chances are you aren't either. You're probably just like me. An average home business owner who wants to get off the treadmill and find something you can do in a couple of hours a day around your daily life that will yield you a couple thousand a month. And maybe even building that up to more over time.

And so it's time to learn marketing properly in the NETWORKING way.

So I'm about to embark on a mission to teach these skills to as many people as I can in 2024 and beyond. ANYONE can do this. It takes very little time. It gives you ever increasing leverage. The longer you do it the better you get. And the better you get the more income you can make.

It will give you influence. Recruiting power. It will let you stop having to spend time with looky-loos and tire kickers. It will let people tell you EXACTLY when they are ready to buy.

I could tell you more, but I won't. I'm just going to go work on the project and the training and bring it to you the minute it's ready. 

And what if I told you I can share resources that will make marketing easier than ever before? And what if I added the opportunity to join my team and learn from me directly at absolutely no cost to you?


So that's the good word today. I am telling you if you are not marketing on all cylinders, you are missing out. 

Some people will tell you my methods are outdated, dead, obsolete. I will tell you that I make money all day long using these exact methods.

The proof is in the pudding my friends. You decide if learning bona-fide SKILLS is worth your time. Or you can keep picking up the pieces and starting all over again, if you like that kind of thing.


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