
Thursday, April 4, 2024

Why I'm Ignoring the Advice to Stop Giving Away Value for Free

Hey there, fellow entrepreneurs, business mavens, and dream chasers! Today, I'm here to address a little piece of advice that's been thrown my way more times than I can count: "Don't give so much away for free."

Now, I'm sure many of you have heard this before. The idea is simple: if you're constantly doling out valuable content, advice, or services without asking for anything in return, you risk devaluing what you have to offer. People might get so used to getting things for free that they won't be willing to open their wallets when you finally make an offer.

But here's the thing: I'm not buying it. And neither should you.

Sure, I understand the logic behind the advice. We're all in business to make money, right? But what if I told you there's more to it than just the bottom line? What if I told you that sometimes, the greatest reward is not in what you gain, but in what you give?

Let me give you a little peek behind the curtain of my own journey. I didn't stumble into the world of entrepreneurship with a silver spoon in my mouth and a golden ticket in my hand. No, I entered this arena out of necessity, driven by a burning desire to care for my dad, who was battling Alzheimer's.

At that time, I was clueless about online marketing, or marketing in general, for that matter. But thanks to the kindness and generosity of a few individuals who took me under their wing, I found my footing. I learned the ropes, honed my skills, and eventually built a thriving business from the ground up.

And you know what? I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for those people who freely shared their knowledge and expertise with me. They didn't ask for anything in return; they simply saw someone in need and offered a helping hand. And now, it's my turn to pay it forward.

I am passionate about helping home business owners, especially women, succeed. I want to empower them to create the life they've always dreamed of—a life where they can be present for their families, set their own goals, and pursue their passions without limitations.

Because let's face it: life is about more than just making money. It's about making a difference. It's about leaving a legacy. It's about enriching the lives of others and, in turn, enriching our own.

So, despite the naysayers and the skeptics, I choose to continue giving away value for free. Not because I'm naive or because I don't care about making money, but because I believe that the true measure of success lies not in what we accumulate, but in what we contribute.

And hey, if that means I'm breaking the rules or going against conventional wisdom, then so be it. I'd rather be a rebel with a cause than a follower without a purpose.

So, my fellow trailblazers, I want to hear from you. What's your story? What drives you? What keeps you going when the going gets tough? Share your journey with me, and let's inspire each other to reach new heights.

Until next time, keep hustling and keep shining!

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