Will you act during the economic downturn, or simply REACT?
Don't let fear of the recession guide your goal setting plans for 2009. This is a BIG mistake...! Fear is an emotional response, only good for short-term survival. When you're in "fight or flight" mode, you're not thinking clearly about the path you're running... You're just RUNNING! So your efforts lack strategy, planning, and insight. I want you to do more than just survive 2009.
Internet shopping is predicted to hit $145.1 billion in the coming year, a significant 14% increase -- despite the recession! Consumers will be spending more time at home, using their computers for everything from bargain hunting and product research to upgrading skills. Studies show this shift is ALREADY well underway...!
I don't want the Big "R" to stop you from pursuing exciting personal, financial, and business goals in 2009, so I've arranged to get you exclusive VIP access to an important video that Internet marketing guru Derek Gehl just put up on his site. Derek's been successfully selling on the Internet for over a decade now, and he's brought in over $100 MILLION in sales... ... so he's by far the BEST person to advise you about how to thrive in ANY market. When you watch his FREE Goal Setting Video, you'll discover how you can make 2009 your richest year yet:
Derek's also going to be hosting a FREE Webinar in the first week of January to help everyone kick-off their New Year's goals with a bang. You can register for it here: http://www.internetmarketing.com/2009-goals/1155
Wishing you health, wealth, and happiness in 2009!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Starting Out With Way Too Little Money
I was reading a business forum the other day. One of the posts was from a woman who was announcing she was quitting her business and going back to work. She just couldn't make her business successful. It seems she stared out with way too little money and so her plan was to go back to her job and save enough money to start again. I don't know what type of business she was in, but I do know one thing. If she had $50 dollars, she could start a successful business. It doesn't matter what type of business you start, there are very inexpensive ways to market and promote it.
If you've read my blog at all, then you know that one thing you need is a website. You can build a web presence completely free by starting a blog or by simply joining some affiliate programs that provide a free website. If you want to host your own site, you can do so for under $20 a month! There are some great web hosting services available for extremely reasonable prices. My favorites? Try Yahoo! Web Hosting. Starting Price: $8.96 per month for the first 3 months. $11.95 per month thereafter. No setup fee.
Or if even $11.95 is a little steep, try HostNine. Price: $6.96 per month. No setup fee. http://www.hostnine.com/
If you want to host a website for under $5.00 per month, that is possible! Check out Host Gator where you can get web hosting for as little as $4.95 per month. http://www.hostgator.com/.
You will also need to register your domain name. Again, there are tons of cheap domain name registrars available. Perhaps the most well known is GoDaddy where you can register a new .com for $9.99. http://www.godaddy.com/.
I also recommend Yahoo! Domains where domain registration is $9.95 or free if you host with them. http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/domains/
If you want the lowest price available, check out Netfirms where you can register your domain for as low as $6.99 per year. http://www.netfirms.com/domain-names/.
Website done and domain name registered! How about some business cards? You can get 250 quality business card for as low as $3.99 at VistaPrint. I have used VistaPrint for my network marketing business cards and they did a wonderful job. http://www.vistaprint.com/business-cards.
Okay - now how to promote your business inexpensively. Well, if you have a printer of any quality, you can post flyers on bulletin boards, depending on the type of business you are starting. This works well for local business such as house and pet sitters, daycare providers, personal assistants, etc. You can buy paper for less than $10 just about anywhere. Design your flyer and print it. Go to your local UPS Store or Kinko's and make your own copies - cheap!
If your business isn't suited to bulletin board advertising, try classified ads - online for as low as $9.95 per month. There are so many online ad services available and almost all of them do a fine job. I don't really have a favorite. Just Google classified ads and you'll find all you need. Advertising locally is also usually very affordable. Now by locally I mean in papers such as The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette or The Morning News for me. Not the NY Times or The Washington Post!
What is the best investment you can make for less than $20? Go buy a copy of Jay Conrad Levinson's book "Guerrilla Marketing." For about $11.00, you can receive all the advice and tips you will ever need on how to market your business on a budget. It is available form Amazon.com or Barnes and Noble.com or directly from the Jay's Guerrilla Marketing website http://www.gmarketing.com/. Even if you don't buy the book there, I suggest you still visit his site just to read the articles. And be sure to sign up for the free weekly newsletter!
Lack of money shouldn't be a reason for you to get started on your own future. When I first started, I had NO money. My husband didn't believe this could work and wouldn't agree to let me use any of our money to get started. So I could only spend what I managed to save myself after household bills. Since I was working for a non-profit at the time, that wasn't much! Keep your job until you are making enough to quit. Use these resources to learn how to build and market your business for little or no cost. Take some of your business profits and invest it back into marketing and building your business. And next year, look back in satisfaction at how far you've come. Let's make 2009 your year to shine!
If you've read my blog at all, then you know that one thing you need is a website. You can build a web presence completely free by starting a blog or by simply joining some affiliate programs that provide a free website. If you want to host your own site, you can do so for under $20 a month! There are some great web hosting services available for extremely reasonable prices. My favorites? Try Yahoo! Web Hosting. Starting Price: $8.96 per month for the first 3 months. $11.95 per month thereafter. No setup fee.
Or if even $11.95 is a little steep, try HostNine. Price: $6.96 per month. No setup fee. http://www.hostnine.com/
If you want to host a website for under $5.00 per month, that is possible! Check out Host Gator where you can get web hosting for as little as $4.95 per month. http://www.hostgator.com/.
You will also need to register your domain name. Again, there are tons of cheap domain name registrars available. Perhaps the most well known is GoDaddy where you can register a new .com for $9.99. http://www.godaddy.com/.
I also recommend Yahoo! Domains where domain registration is $9.95 or free if you host with them. http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/domains/
If you want the lowest price available, check out Netfirms where you can register your domain for as low as $6.99 per year. http://www.netfirms.com/domain-names/.
Website done and domain name registered! How about some business cards? You can get 250 quality business card for as low as $3.99 at VistaPrint. I have used VistaPrint for my network marketing business cards and they did a wonderful job. http://www.vistaprint.com/business-cards.
Okay - now how to promote your business inexpensively. Well, if you have a printer of any quality, you can post flyers on bulletin boards, depending on the type of business you are starting. This works well for local business such as house and pet sitters, daycare providers, personal assistants, etc. You can buy paper for less than $10 just about anywhere. Design your flyer and print it. Go to your local UPS Store or Kinko's and make your own copies - cheap!
If your business isn't suited to bulletin board advertising, try classified ads - online for as low as $9.95 per month. There are so many online ad services available and almost all of them do a fine job. I don't really have a favorite. Just Google classified ads and you'll find all you need. Advertising locally is also usually very affordable. Now by locally I mean in papers such as The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette or The Morning News for me. Not the NY Times or The Washington Post!
What is the best investment you can make for less than $20? Go buy a copy of Jay Conrad Levinson's book "Guerrilla Marketing." For about $11.00, you can receive all the advice and tips you will ever need on how to market your business on a budget. It is available form Amazon.com or Barnes and Noble.com or directly from the Jay's Guerrilla Marketing website http://www.gmarketing.com/. Even if you don't buy the book there, I suggest you still visit his site just to read the articles. And be sure to sign up for the free weekly newsletter!
Lack of money shouldn't be a reason for you to get started on your own future. When I first started, I had NO money. My husband didn't believe this could work and wouldn't agree to let me use any of our money to get started. So I could only spend what I managed to save myself after household bills. Since I was working for a non-profit at the time, that wasn't much! Keep your job until you are making enough to quit. Use these resources to learn how to build and market your business for little or no cost. Take some of your business profits and invest it back into marketing and building your business. And next year, look back in satisfaction at how far you've come. Let's make 2009 your year to shine!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Some Gifts for My Readers!
It's the holiday season! Time to open presents! I've done all my shopping, wrapping, and mailing (or at least most of it). I even have some gifts for you! I have contacted friends and asked them to share some giveaways for my readers and did they ever come through. So look through your Christmas gift bag and see what we have in store for you!
First, we have some amazing free e-courses. I suggest you complete every one of them if you are in any type of business at all. I have and they were well worth the time. They were all created by Ken Evoy of Site Build It! fame so you know they will definitely teach you what you need to know.
Affiliate Masters Course
How to become a high-earning affiliate champion.
Service Sellers Masters Course
How to attract new clients from around the world... Or from around the block.
Local Business Masters Course
How to become a Webmaster that produces RESULTS for local small businesses.
WAHM-IT!, The Masters Course
How to be a Work-at-Home Mom (WAHM) and successfully build a real business on the Net.
Make Your Price Sell!, The Masters Course
How to price with complete confidence & double your Net profits.
Netwriting Masters Course
How to sell more? Write better. Write smarter. How to write to PREsell. Then write to SELL. The only course on the Net that shows you how to do both. And it's free!
Make Your Net Auction Sell!, The Masters Course
Learn how to start and grow a profitable Net auction business.
Speaking of Ken Evoy, he is also letting me give away some of his e-books for free. So, my next gift to you is a virtual stack of books that are guaranteed to help you grow your business next year.
Make Your Content PREsell!
Everyone should know how to write... to communicate! But many people believe they cannot write. This book breaks down the "I can't write" barrier-mindset.
Make Your Net Auction Sell!
An e-biz in every closet... Get into Auction Action!http://mynas.sitesell.com/wealthtogether.html
Make Your Words Sell!
Want to sell MORE? Become an e-persuader.
Make Your Price Sell!
How much money are YOU leaving on the table? Price with complete confidence & double your Net profits.
Make Your Knowledge Sell!
Turn knowledge into revenue -- sell "what you know" on the Net.
Make Your Site SELL! 2002
The definitive work on making ANY Web site SELL!
Now, if that's not enough, there's more. Claudia Meydrech is also offering free e-books as part of our Christmas gift package. She has a long list of them available - too many to post here. But if you just click here http://ebookandbookreviews.com/category/free-ebooks/, you'll be able to pick and choose the ones you want.
Keep digging - there are still more goodies in our Christmas gift to you. Have you ever thought about writing a book? Is there an idea for one that just keeps running around in your head? Want some help? Here's our next gift! Another great e-book. "Get It Out! That Book in your Head " by Carlyle Fraser, Rosie Horner and Marlino Morris! Pick it up here: http://www.rosiehorner.com/
Our next gift isn't free, but it's an amazing deal! Do you need some holiday graphics but thought you couldn't afford them? Merry Christmas! Get Holiday Graphic Design by Karlyn Web Banners, Buttons, Logos and More! Holiday Special - For You - Just $25 through Jan. http://www.karlyns.com/holiday-graphic-design/
As we enter the new year, it is good to put our thinking caps on, and find ways to have an abundant New Year. This gift, given by Heidi Caswell, is for those who are interested in earning money with affiliate marketing. Essential Strategies for Earning with Affiliate Links
Oh no, it looks like the box is finally empty. Wait! I think I see one more gift. Yes! There it is! Have you ever wanted to start your own business but don't have a clue what to do? Let me introduce you to my friend Barb Ireland. She has a most unique business. And she is willing to teach you how to do it also. Just sign up for her newsletter to get started. And when you do, she'll send you a free e-book as well. http://www.makeadiapercake.biz/
I hope you enjoy my Christmas gifts to you. Make sure you drop a thank you note to the kind friends who have helped make this possible: Ken, Claudia, Rosie, Karlyn, Heidi, Barb - a big thank you for allowing me to share these wonderful resources with my readers. Have a blessed holiday!
First, we have some amazing free e-courses. I suggest you complete every one of them if you are in any type of business at all. I have and they were well worth the time. They were all created by Ken Evoy of Site Build It! fame so you know they will definitely teach you what you need to know.
Affiliate Masters Course
How to become a high-earning affiliate champion.
Service Sellers Masters Course
How to attract new clients from around the world... Or from around the block.
Local Business Masters Course
How to become a Webmaster that produces RESULTS for local small businesses.
WAHM-IT!, The Masters Course
How to be a Work-at-Home Mom (WAHM) and successfully build a real business on the Net.
Make Your Price Sell!, The Masters Course
How to price with complete confidence & double your Net profits.
Netwriting Masters Course
How to sell more? Write better. Write smarter. How to write to PREsell. Then write to SELL. The only course on the Net that shows you how to do both. And it's free!
Make Your Net Auction Sell!, The Masters Course
Learn how to start and grow a profitable Net auction business.
Speaking of Ken Evoy, he is also letting me give away some of his e-books for free. So, my next gift to you is a virtual stack of books that are guaranteed to help you grow your business next year.
Make Your Content PREsell!
Everyone should know how to write... to communicate! But many people believe they cannot write. This book breaks down the "I can't write" barrier-mindset.
Make Your Net Auction Sell!
An e-biz in every closet... Get into Auction Action!http://mynas.sitesell.com/wealthtogether.html
Make Your Words Sell!
Want to sell MORE? Become an e-persuader.
Make Your Price Sell!
How much money are YOU leaving on the table? Price with complete confidence & double your Net profits.
Make Your Knowledge Sell!
Turn knowledge into revenue -- sell "what you know" on the Net.
Make Your Site SELL! 2002
The definitive work on making ANY Web site SELL!
Now, if that's not enough, there's more. Claudia Meydrech is also offering free e-books as part of our Christmas gift package. She has a long list of them available - too many to post here. But if you just click here http://ebookandbookreviews.com/category/free-ebooks/, you'll be able to pick and choose the ones you want.
Keep digging - there are still more goodies in our Christmas gift to you. Have you ever thought about writing a book? Is there an idea for one that just keeps running around in your head? Want some help? Here's our next gift! Another great e-book. "Get It Out! That Book in your Head " by Carlyle Fraser, Rosie Horner and Marlino Morris! Pick it up here: http://www.rosiehorner.com/
Our next gift isn't free, but it's an amazing deal! Do you need some holiday graphics but thought you couldn't afford them? Merry Christmas! Get Holiday Graphic Design by Karlyn Web Banners, Buttons, Logos and More! Holiday Special - For You - Just $25 through Jan. http://www.karlyns.com/holiday-graphic-design/
As we enter the new year, it is good to put our thinking caps on, and find ways to have an abundant New Year. This gift, given by Heidi Caswell, is for those who are interested in earning money with affiliate marketing. Essential Strategies for Earning with Affiliate Links
Oh no, it looks like the box is finally empty. Wait! I think I see one more gift. Yes! There it is! Have you ever wanted to start your own business but don't have a clue what to do? Let me introduce you to my friend Barb Ireland. She has a most unique business. And she is willing to teach you how to do it also. Just sign up for her newsletter to get started. And when you do, she'll send you a free e-book as well. http://www.makeadiapercake.biz/
I hope you enjoy my Christmas gifts to you. Make sure you drop a thank you note to the kind friends who have helped make this possible: Ken, Claudia, Rosie, Karlyn, Heidi, Barb - a big thank you for allowing me to share these wonderful resources with my readers. Have a blessed holiday!
Friday, December 5, 2008
New Look, New Projects, and a New Interview!
The results are in and it looks like I'm going to be testing my writing skills to the utmost next year. Almost everyone that responded to my previous questions about my focus for the coming year encouraged me to write the book. I have also been praying for guidance and suddenly, in the last few days, God has provided me with ideas and direction for not one book but four! So, it looks like I'm going to attempt to become an author. This is an entirely new direction for me. I'm so glad that I am friends with many authors. Perhaps they can tell me - can you write 4 books in a year?
New projects are in the works, now for the new look. I am already receiving entries for the logo contest and I must say, they are fabulous! It is going to be a tough decision. I may have a couple of my marketing expert buddies take a look at them to help me make the choice. I hope I keep getting entries - although if they are as good as what I have already received, it will only make it that much harder to decide!
One of the book ideas you have heard me talk about is the interviews with successful women entrepreneurs. The idea came from the success of the series of interviews I did on this blog. I am so excited about the opportunity I am going to have to sit down and with these women and really get to the heart of their success - and then share that information with others. Speaking of successful women, I have one I would like you to meet today. Barbara came to my attention as I was winding down the interview series. I had promised to include her and then life intervened and she was overlooked. My most heartfelt apologies to her! I know I said the series was over, but I also promised if I met someone worthy of sharing with my readers I would still do the occasional interview. Well Barbara has much to offer and I can't wait to introduce her to you - Barbara Bodling!

1. Tell us about yourself.
My name is Barbara Bodling and I live in Round Rock, Texas , just celebrated 27 years with my husband, have two kids named Christina and Andrew and also have a cat named Princess.
2. Tell us about your business.
I have two businesses which is called Heaven’s Blessings and Discount Shoppers Mall. Both of these businesses are shopping malls that are on the internet. The links are http://heavensblessings.net/ and http://www.discountshoppersmall.com/ These malls carry everything for your family from clothes to electronic items. There is a special going on at Discount Shoppers Mall, I am offering a 10% rebate for first time shoppers. These malls are outstanding malls in which a busy Mom can stay home and shop from right from her computer and have her products delivered right to her door. She does not have to worry about bringing her kids to the mall or find a place to park the car at the mall. Also, Heaven’s Blessings is raising money for a non profit organization called Together We Can Change The World so that orphanages can be built around the world or a medical procedure can be done for a child in need. So come one and come all and start shopping at the best malls on the internet.
3. Why did you start your own business?
The reason that I started my two businesses is because I do want to work for a boss. I like the freedom that a business can bring.
4. What do you like most and least about being your own boss?
What I like most about being my own boss is being able to run the business on my time schedule instead of my bosses. If I need to go to a doctor appointment for my child, I do not have to ask for a day for. The least thing that I like about being my own boss is not making money on a steady basis. In the beginning of my business, there were some days when I was not making a profit.
5. What personality traits and skills are needed to run a business?
The personality traits and skills that are needed to run a business is a lot of determination and having a mentality of never giving up on your business, also you should have great customer service skills and outstanding marketing skills.
6. What has been the most difficult part of being an entrepreneur?
The most difficult part of being an entrepreneur is when you first start your business. You have to find ways to promote your business; hopefully, one of these ways will bring in some clients.
7. Do you have any resources you have used to build your business that you would recommend?
The resources that I have used to build my business that I would recommend is network, network, network. A great place to network is Ryze. I also read books and use the internet to find more places to network as well as read articles on how to promote my business.
8. Do you have any tips to share on promoting your business?
Yes, I have one more tip that I forgot to mention. You should always carry business cards no matter where you go. You never know who you might run into, this person could be your next client.
9. What other advice do you have for someone starting their own business?
10. How can we contact you about your products and services?
The way that you can contract me about my products is click on my website for the different products that I sell. The links to my businesses are http://heavensblessings.net/ and http://www.discountshoppersmall.com/ You can also click on the tab “contact me” on the Discount Shoppers Mall website. You can also write me an email at Barbara.bodling@yahoo.com. I would like to offer first time buyers a 10% rebate on Discount Shoppers Mall, click on contact me and let me know that you are one of Melodieann’s readers for your discount.
11. Is there anything else you would like to share?
With Christmas just around the corner, instead of going to crowded malls for your shopping needs, stay home and shop from the privacy of your own home. You do not have to worry about crowded shopping malls or no place to park the car at the mall. So gather your Christmas list, and lets go shop at the best malls on the internet.
Friday, November 28, 2008
A Contest!
I have received much feedback from my previous post. You've given me a lot to think about. Thank you! I think I have a much clearer idea of what you would like to see from me in the coming year.
Since I'll be kicking off the new year with a new project, I've decided to take a lesson from Bob, the traveling dog. He just recently updated his blog with a whole new look - new masthead, new logo. It looks great. Check it out for yourself at http://travelswithbob.blogspot.com/.
Bob has inspired me to create my own unique look for WealthTogether. I need a logo and masthead that show what WealthTogether is all about. One problem - I don't have an artistic bone in my body. So I have decided to sponsor a contest. Submit your designs and I will select one to use on all of my WealthTogether sites and merchandise. Here are the rules:
1. Must be an original design. No previously published or copyrighted material.
2. Must be submitted in jpg, gif, bmp or png format, 8 MB maximum size.
3. All entries must be emailed to MelodieannW@gmail.com by December 31, 2008. Winner will be announced January 3, 2009.
4. Winner will receive $250 prize, an interview on the WealthTogether blog, a link to your site from all of my sites, credit for the design wherever possible and more!
5. Winning design will become the property of WealthTogether, Inc.
This is a great opportunity for an aspiring graphics designer to get some free PR! I can't wait to see the results.
Since I'll be kicking off the new year with a new project, I've decided to take a lesson from Bob, the traveling dog. He just recently updated his blog with a whole new look - new masthead, new logo. It looks great. Check it out for yourself at http://travelswithbob.blogspot.com/.
Bob has inspired me to create my own unique look for WealthTogether. I need a logo and masthead that show what WealthTogether is all about. One problem - I don't have an artistic bone in my body. So I have decided to sponsor a contest. Submit your designs and I will select one to use on all of my WealthTogether sites and merchandise. Here are the rules:
1. Must be an original design. No previously published or copyrighted material.
2. Must be submitted in jpg, gif, bmp or png format, 8 MB maximum size.
3. All entries must be emailed to MelodieannW@gmail.com by December 31, 2008. Winner will be announced January 3, 2009.
4. Winner will receive $250 prize, an interview on the WealthTogether blog, a link to your site from all of my sites, credit for the design wherever possible and more!
5. Winning design will become the property of WealthTogether, Inc.
This is a great opportunity for an aspiring graphics designer to get some free PR! I can't wait to see the results.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
A Question for My Readers
I have finished with the interview series. I may still post an interview occasionally if I meet someone who has information to share that will benefit YOU. But the regular weekly posts are finished. And while I work on my next series of posts, I'm also thinking about which direction to take my business in the coming year. It IS November after all and a new year will soon be upon us. Time to review what I've done and where I'm going.
Two projects keep coming back to me as I look ahead. I have prayed about them and talked to my husband about them and now I'm going to ask for your input. Both will take a lot of work but I don't mind that. I just wish to be sure that anything I do will ultimately prove to be of value to all of my readers.
First project - everyone seemed to enjoy the interviews. But they were rather limited in scope since I don't like my blog posts to be too long. I have been considering taking the concept and expanding it into a book where I could really sit down with these woman - and hopefully a few others who I know would make excellent subjects - and get to the heart of what they have done to become successful. I want to put all of their knowledge and experience into one place where other woman who are trying to build a business can access it whenever they wish. I have read the book "Conversations with Millionaires" by Mike Litman. It is based on the same sort of concept and it is an excellent book. I highly recommend it. But I wonder how many woman don't bother to read it because they feel they have nothing in common with these mega-success stories. I'm wondering if the stories of women who might live down the street or around the corner from you and are building successful businesses on their own might have a bigger impact.
Second project - every day I get emails from the latest internet marketing guru or business building expert wanting to sell me his plan to make money online or at home. I actually bought some of these until I realized that all they want to do is sell me their system and then teach me to sell their system to others.
I am a trainer. A certified master trainer in fact. I worked and studied hard for that certification and I really don't use it much right now. But I am being drawn more and more toward the idea of designing a course on building a business from home. Not my business. Not some "get rich quick" system by the latest internet hotshot. ANY business. Because just like anything else, building a business requires certain steps and skills and these can be learned. But once again I am wondering - would it have much impact on the lives of fellow woman would-be entrepreneurs?
And so, I ask for your input. You are my audience and it's for you that I do what I do. Would you find either of these of value? Do you have an idea to add to the concept? Or would you be interested in a new concept I've been learning about from my friend and mentor, Ken McArthur - a joint venture? Let me know your thoughts. You may be deciding my future for the next year!
Two projects keep coming back to me as I look ahead. I have prayed about them and talked to my husband about them and now I'm going to ask for your input. Both will take a lot of work but I don't mind that. I just wish to be sure that anything I do will ultimately prove to be of value to all of my readers.
First project - everyone seemed to enjoy the interviews. But they were rather limited in scope since I don't like my blog posts to be too long. I have been considering taking the concept and expanding it into a book where I could really sit down with these woman - and hopefully a few others who I know would make excellent subjects - and get to the heart of what they have done to become successful. I want to put all of their knowledge and experience into one place where other woman who are trying to build a business can access it whenever they wish. I have read the book "Conversations with Millionaires" by Mike Litman. It is based on the same sort of concept and it is an excellent book. I highly recommend it. But I wonder how many woman don't bother to read it because they feel they have nothing in common with these mega-success stories. I'm wondering if the stories of women who might live down the street or around the corner from you and are building successful businesses on their own might have a bigger impact.
Second project - every day I get emails from the latest internet marketing guru or business building expert wanting to sell me his plan to make money online or at home. I actually bought some of these until I realized that all they want to do is sell me their system and then teach me to sell their system to others.
I am a trainer. A certified master trainer in fact. I worked and studied hard for that certification and I really don't use it much right now. But I am being drawn more and more toward the idea of designing a course on building a business from home. Not my business. Not some "get rich quick" system by the latest internet hotshot. ANY business. Because just like anything else, building a business requires certain steps and skills and these can be learned. But once again I am wondering - would it have much impact on the lives of fellow woman would-be entrepreneurs?
And so, I ask for your input. You are my audience and it's for you that I do what I do. Would you find either of these of value? Do you have an idea to add to the concept? Or would you be interested in a new concept I've been learning about from my friend and mentor, Ken McArthur - a joint venture? Let me know your thoughts. You may be deciding my future for the next year!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Meet the Ladies(?) Who Are Changing the Face of Business - Professor Wordsearch
This is the last in my series of interviews with some of the brightest and most knowledgeable women in the world of home businesses. If you were ever considering starting a business of your own, I'm sure you have received enough information over the past few weeks to get you started on the right track. I've known some of these women for a while. Some of them I've only met while posting this series. But I have learned much from each of them and am grateful that they were willing to share their knowledge with me and my readers.

This last interview is a little different because my guest today is not a woman. I am pleased today to be able to introduce you to Professor Wordsearch. I first met the "Prof" on Ryze and though we responded to each other's posts a few times, didn't become that well acquainted. I admit, sometimes I was curious about what exactly it was that he did - but I never did ask. It was only after he learned of this series that he told me of his innovative advertising business. It is quite unique and I jumped at the chance to interview him for my blog for two reasons: Many of you will want to take advantage of his business. And it's a prime example of what kinds of creative businesses can be built with a very simple idea. So here he is - John Snyder aka Prof Wordsearch!
1. Tell us about yourself.
First of all Melodieann, Thank You for this tremendous opportunity. I hope that I can shed some insight and be an inspiration here. For those of you that have never been introduced to me, I am John Snyder, better known as Prof Wordsearch. I have been in Direct Sales nearly all of my adult life , I am 67 now, and I started my Advertising business, Ad-Vantage Advertising in 1992, developing my Dynamic Wordsearch Ads shortly thereafter. I was looking for a way back then to draw more attention to local advertising and provide affordable effective advertising for small merchants hard hit by recession. I distribute exclusively through non-profit groups. In short I help them raise much needed funds.
2. Tell us about your business.
The actual name for my company is Ad-Vantage Advertising and the product is Wordsearch Adz. I was looking for a way to spread the word about my Wordsearch Ads and perhaps open up new markets. Of course, some very knowledgeable people whom I am currently associated with saw the potential that this concept holds and encouraged me to expand my ideas. Then I saw the potential to help non-profit groups through fund raising.
3. Why did you start your own business?
As I said earlier, I started the Wordsearch Ads about 1992. I was in the midst of running a small advertising service delivering ad-sheets for local businesses, door-to-door. One day, as I was looking for a better way to get my ads noticed, I hit upon the idea of combining my hobby of making Word Searches with advertising. My first attempts were very crude and lacked the sophistication of my present day Wordsearch Ads, but from the reactions I was receiving, from customers and merchants alike, I knew that I was on to something really big.
4. What do you like most and least about being your own boss?
Are you kidding Melodieann? I like everything about being my own Boss, especially being able to market something that I created and watch it grow by leaps and bounds. It is like watching your child grow and mature.
5. What personality traits and skills are needed to run a business?
Perseverance and the belief that what you are doing, is something that you want to do. Then you have to have the determination to see it through . You have to devote to it whatever it takes to make it succeed. Sometimes it may even have to come before family and everything else. I know that sounds harsh, but if you want it badly enough, then you will do what it takes to make it so.
6. What has been the most difficult part of being an entrepreneur?
I would have to say, dealing with people who don’t understand. I am talking about family and friends who try to convince you that you are wasting your time. That only made me more determined, now I had other people to show that I was going to be successful.
7. Do you have any resources you have used to build your business that you would recommend?
The best resource you can have is your own brain. Think outside the box and come up with ways you can make what you are doing work for you. What makes you and your product (service) different, what makes it stand out? And Melodieann, you are right on target with your suggestion about RYZE, Networking can help you and suggest ways to market that you may never have thought of. Never, ever close your mind to suggestions. You may not be able to follow all advice given, but LISTEN.
8. Do you have any tips to share on promoting your business?
Always remember your business comes first, never forget that. Find your Niche.
9. What other advice do you have for someone starting their own business?
Find a business you can believe in, ask yourself, if you would use this product or service and how do you feel about recommending it to your family and friends. Talk it over with them first and get their feedback and HONEST Opinions. Take notes and develop ways to overcome all objections.
10. How can we contact you about your products and services?
I encourage everyone to visit my web site https://mail.helmsbriscoe.com/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.profwordsearch.com/ and print out the sample puzzles you find under “Pick-A-Puzzle”. This makes a Great Free Ebook of Wordsearch Adz. You will find puzzles done for many RYZERS. By the way, these are only a few of the thousands, I have done over the years, on all subjects.
The flag ship! This is a fully custom WordSearch puzzle about your business AND your own display ad at the bottom. This can be used anywhere, its all yours! The best of the best! See a Sample.
(Includes a FREE banner for 2 months on the explosive Ad-Network)
11. Is there anything else you would like to share?
Anyone can do what I did, if they want it badly enough. Just put your mind to it and do not let even on shred of doubt enter into the picture. Once you start doubting what you are doing, You might as well hang it up, because you will never regain the belief you need to succeed at the business. All I can say now is, I wish everyone the very best of luck and if there is ever anything I can do to help, do not hesitate to call on me. See you all at the Top!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Meet the Ladies Who Are Changing the Face of Business - Susan Gunelius
This interview project has been so gratifying for me - and beneficial I hope to the ladies I have interviewed. I know everyone who has read what they have shared has surely learned something! The project is winding down. There are a few interviews to go. And then - I have to figure out what to do with this wealth of information. I have an idea - which I'll share with you when it's all over. Meanwhile, prepare to be impressed by my latest "guest". Meeting her is an example of the power of networking. It all came about because I know someone who knows someone who..... Meet marketing expert Susan Gunelius!

1. Susan, will you please tell us about yourself?
I am a marketing and branding expert having spent over a decade managing and executing marketing programs for some of the largest companies in the world, including divisions of AT&T and HSBC. Currently, I run my own business as a freelance writer and copywriter, marketing and branding consulant, and professional blogger. I'm in the process of launching a new company to run my business through called KeySplash Creative, Inc. The website should be up and running soon at http://www.keysplashcreative.com/.
I am also a published author with two nonfiction books currently available and two more scheduled for publication in 2009 (Harry Potter: The Story of a Global Business Phenomenon, Kick-ass Copywriting in 10 Easy Steps, Google Blogger for Dummies, The Playboy Brand).
You can find me blogging about business, marketing, branding, blogging and more at these sites:
Brandcurve: http://www.brandcurve.com/ (all about branding for b5media)
Women On Business: http://www.womenonbusiness.com/ (my personal blog dedicated to helping women succeed in the business world)
About.com Guide to Web Logs: http://weblogs.about.com/ (all about blogging for About.com, a New York Times Company)
Everyday Marketing: http://bizsuccess.kudzu.com/?cat=35 (all about marketing for small businesses for Kudzu Small Business Success Center, a Cox Communications Company)
Corporate Eye: http://www.corporate-eye.com/ (I provide corporate branding articles)
PlayLibrary: http://www.playlibrary.com/ (all about children's toys, games, books and more for b5media)
The Disney Traveler: http://www.thedisneytraveler.com/ (all about Disney destinations around the world for b5media)
2. Tell us about your business.
Until recently, I've been operating as a freelancer through my website, www.SusanGunelius.com. Within the next month, I'll be launching the website for my new company, KeySplash Creative Inc. (http://www.keysplashcreative.com/), and my freelance business will become part of that company. KeySplash Creative is a full-service creative marketing solutions provider offering article writing, book writing, copywriting, and blogging services as well as marketing and branding consulting services.
3. Why did you start your own business?
I left the corporate world in 2004 when my triplets were born. At the time, it wasn't feasible to return to a 9-5 job. In late 2006, I had an idea to write a book about copywriting and began to research the book publishing process. Through that research, I learned that an important component to publishing a nonfiction book is to have a platform to help promote it. As a stay-at-home mother, I didn't have the ability to deliver speeches, attend events, and so on to build a platform. Instead, I had to find a way to build a platform from my home. I used the expertise I had developed during my corporate career to begin offering my services as a freelance writer and copywriter then found blogging as a way to quickly develop an online presence and publishing platform. I experimented with a variety of tools to broaden my online reach and eventually, found the right mix to not only sell my book proposals but also to have publishers find me to write additional books and to grow my freelance writing, copywriting and branding and marketing consultation business. As my freelance business grew, I decided to incoporate and start my own company to provide a consistent and professional brand image for my business, and thus, KeySplash Creative was born.
4. What do you like most and least about being your own boss?
I like being able to select the direction that I want my company to take, the type of business and clients I want to take on to grow the business, and the ability to operate my business with integrity. So often in the corporate world, I felt like I had to market products that I didn't believe in. My goal with KeySplash Creative is to offer professional and honest services and become a true partner in helping my clients achieve success through compelling copy, articles, books and useful marketing and branding consultation.
The worst part of being my own boss is being on the clock 24x7. There is never a time when I feel like I can shut the door to my office and call it a day.
5. What personality traits and skills are needed to run a business?
Patience and persistence. Success doesn't happen overnight and you can't rest when it comes to pursuing new opportunities to grow your business.
6. What has been the most difficult part of being an entrepreneur?
Starting a business requires a huge time commitment. For me, that commitment has meant time away from my children. That's the hardest part for me.
7. Do you have any resources you have used to build your business that you would recommend?
I highly recommend my Everyday Marketing blog, http://bizsuccess.kudzu.com/?cat=35, for help with marketing ideas for small businesses. I also recommend VistaPrint for marketing materials and Wordpress for a small business website rather than traditional web design. Using Wordpress as a content management solution (CMS) is not only economical, but it also makes it incredibly easy to make changes to your website on the fly. The learning curve is minimal and the benefits are huge. I also recommend the forums at http://www.absolutewrite.com/ for writers and the forums at http://www.wahm.com/ to learn about working from home. Finally, I recommend my About.com site, http://weblogs.about.com/, to learn about blogging.
8. Do you have any tips to share on promoting your business?
I have so many suggestions to help business owners promote their companies and services. In fact, there are far too many to list here. Read my Everyday Marketing blog (http://bizsuccess.kudzu.com/?cat=35) for marketing tips, my About.com site (http://weblogs.about.com/) to learn how to use a blog as a promotional tool, and my branding blog (http://www.brandcurve.com/) to learn more about branding your business and products.
9. What other advice do you have for someone starting their own business?
Don't jump in without conducting research and understanding the market first. Create a plan then stick to it, but don't be afraid to experiment, take risks and adjust your plan accordingly along the way. Be patient and don't give up. Finally, start a blog and leverage the power of the social web to boost your business to the next level.
10. How can we contact you about your products and services?
Currently, my website is http://www.susangunelius.com/. There is a contact form on my site to get more information about my writing, blogging, or branding/marketing consulting services. My direct email address is contact[AT]susangunelius.com.
11. Is there anything else you would like to share?
Yes. I'd like to reach out to female bloggers who write blogs about business. Whether you're an entrepreneur or corporate executive, please consider visiting www.WomenOnBusiness.com and either join the conversation or submit your blog using the Contact form to the Businesswomen Bloggers Directory. Additionally, Women On Business is currently accepting guest posts from businesswomen bloggers who can provide useful content for other women to help them succeed in the business world. Use the Contact form to submit your guest post query or volunteer to become a Weekly Contributor. You can get the details on the Write for Us page.

1. Susan, will you please tell us about yourself?
I am a marketing and branding expert having spent over a decade managing and executing marketing programs for some of the largest companies in the world, including divisions of AT&T and HSBC. Currently, I run my own business as a freelance writer and copywriter, marketing and branding consulant, and professional blogger. I'm in the process of launching a new company to run my business through called KeySplash Creative, Inc. The website should be up and running soon at http://www.keysplashcreative.com/.
I am also a published author with two nonfiction books currently available and two more scheduled for publication in 2009 (Harry Potter: The Story of a Global Business Phenomenon, Kick-ass Copywriting in 10 Easy Steps, Google Blogger for Dummies, The Playboy Brand).
You can find me blogging about business, marketing, branding, blogging and more at these sites:
Brandcurve: http://www.brandcurve.com/ (all about branding for b5media)
Women On Business: http://www.womenonbusiness.com/ (my personal blog dedicated to helping women succeed in the business world)
About.com Guide to Web Logs: http://weblogs.about.com/ (all about blogging for About.com, a New York Times Company)
Everyday Marketing: http://bizsuccess.kudzu.com/?cat=35 (all about marketing for small businesses for Kudzu Small Business Success Center, a Cox Communications Company)
Corporate Eye: http://www.corporate-eye.com/ (I provide corporate branding articles)
PlayLibrary: http://www.playlibrary.com/ (all about children's toys, games, books and more for b5media)
The Disney Traveler: http://www.thedisneytraveler.com/ (all about Disney destinations around the world for b5media)
2. Tell us about your business.
Until recently, I've been operating as a freelancer through my website, www.SusanGunelius.com. Within the next month, I'll be launching the website for my new company, KeySplash Creative Inc. (http://www.keysplashcreative.com/), and my freelance business will become part of that company. KeySplash Creative is a full-service creative marketing solutions provider offering article writing, book writing, copywriting, and blogging services as well as marketing and branding consulting services.
3. Why did you start your own business?
I left the corporate world in 2004 when my triplets were born. At the time, it wasn't feasible to return to a 9-5 job. In late 2006, I had an idea to write a book about copywriting and began to research the book publishing process. Through that research, I learned that an important component to publishing a nonfiction book is to have a platform to help promote it. As a stay-at-home mother, I didn't have the ability to deliver speeches, attend events, and so on to build a platform. Instead, I had to find a way to build a platform from my home. I used the expertise I had developed during my corporate career to begin offering my services as a freelance writer and copywriter then found blogging as a way to quickly develop an online presence and publishing platform. I experimented with a variety of tools to broaden my online reach and eventually, found the right mix to not only sell my book proposals but also to have publishers find me to write additional books and to grow my freelance writing, copywriting and branding and marketing consultation business. As my freelance business grew, I decided to incoporate and start my own company to provide a consistent and professional brand image for my business, and thus, KeySplash Creative was born.
4. What do you like most and least about being your own boss?
I like being able to select the direction that I want my company to take, the type of business and clients I want to take on to grow the business, and the ability to operate my business with integrity. So often in the corporate world, I felt like I had to market products that I didn't believe in. My goal with KeySplash Creative is to offer professional and honest services and become a true partner in helping my clients achieve success through compelling copy, articles, books and useful marketing and branding consultation.
The worst part of being my own boss is being on the clock 24x7. There is never a time when I feel like I can shut the door to my office and call it a day.
5. What personality traits and skills are needed to run a business?
Patience and persistence. Success doesn't happen overnight and you can't rest when it comes to pursuing new opportunities to grow your business.
6. What has been the most difficult part of being an entrepreneur?
Starting a business requires a huge time commitment. For me, that commitment has meant time away from my children. That's the hardest part for me.
7. Do you have any resources you have used to build your business that you would recommend?
I highly recommend my Everyday Marketing blog, http://bizsuccess.kudzu.com/?cat=35, for help with marketing ideas for small businesses. I also recommend VistaPrint for marketing materials and Wordpress for a small business website rather than traditional web design. Using Wordpress as a content management solution (CMS) is not only economical, but it also makes it incredibly easy to make changes to your website on the fly. The learning curve is minimal and the benefits are huge. I also recommend the forums at http://www.absolutewrite.com/ for writers and the forums at http://www.wahm.com/ to learn about working from home. Finally, I recommend my About.com site, http://weblogs.about.com/, to learn about blogging.
8. Do you have any tips to share on promoting your business?
I have so many suggestions to help business owners promote their companies and services. In fact, there are far too many to list here. Read my Everyday Marketing blog (http://bizsuccess.kudzu.com/?cat=35) for marketing tips, my About.com site (http://weblogs.about.com/) to learn how to use a blog as a promotional tool, and my branding blog (http://www.brandcurve.com/) to learn more about branding your business and products.
9. What other advice do you have for someone starting their own business?
Don't jump in without conducting research and understanding the market first. Create a plan then stick to it, but don't be afraid to experiment, take risks and adjust your plan accordingly along the way. Be patient and don't give up. Finally, start a blog and leverage the power of the social web to boost your business to the next level.
10. How can we contact you about your products and services?
Currently, my website is http://www.susangunelius.com/. There is a contact form on my site to get more information about my writing, blogging, or branding/marketing consulting services. My direct email address is contact[AT]susangunelius.com.
11. Is there anything else you would like to share?
Yes. I'd like to reach out to female bloggers who write blogs about business. Whether you're an entrepreneur or corporate executive, please consider visiting www.WomenOnBusiness.com and either join the conversation or submit your blog using the Contact form to the Businesswomen Bloggers Directory. Additionally, Women On Business is currently accepting guest posts from businesswomen bloggers who can provide useful content for other women to help them succeed in the business world. Use the Contact form to submit your guest post query or volunteer to become a Weekly Contributor. You can get the details on the Write for Us page.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Meet the Ladies Who Are Changing the Face of Business - Dana Neal
This interview project has been so gratifying for me - and beneficial I hope to the ladies I have interviewed. I know everyone who has read what they have shared has surely learned something! The project is winding down. There are a few interviews to go. And then - I have to figure out what to do with this wealth of information. I have an idea - which I'll share with you when it's all over. Meanwhile, prepare to be impressed by my latest "guest". She's an amazing woman with much to share. Meet Dana Neal!
1. Dana, will you share a bit about yourself?

2. Tell us about those businesses.
E.S.S.E.N.C.E Of A Woman~~innovative event planners.
C.K.Q Gifts~~gifts and services
4,My Kids, Inc~~nonprofit helping families eliminate debt and provide scholarships for teens that don’t meet the 4.0 criteria.
C.K.Q Gifts~~gifts and services
4,My Kids, Inc~~nonprofit helping families eliminate debt and provide scholarships for teens that don’t meet the 4.0 criteria.
3. Why did you start your own business?
I had no choice; my youngest son was ill and needed me home. It was a snap decision.
4. What do you like most and least about being your own boss?
I don’t like the marketing side of the business. I believe I have something people want and need; I hope they would just find me. I like making my own hours and putting a lot of me into my business.
5. What personality traits and skills are needed to run a business?
You have to be a people person. You have to know that at the end of the day it is not about the money you made but the people you have helped.
6. What has been the most difficult part of being an entrepreneur?
Making ends meet every month. Especially now in this “recession” I am struggling to obtain clients.
7. Do you have any resources you have used to build your business that you would recommend?
Social/business networks are the “in” thing to promote your businesses, get advice and obtain future clients. If a business is not set in just their state social networks are the best. I love the Black Business Builders Club http://www.blackbusinessbuilders.com/?1548 (which is not just for African Americans), I love the Ryze network, Ning Network, and Briz.com.
8. Do you have any tips to share on promoting your business?
Never limit yourself. If you want to be that platinum event planner or worldwide speaker, you have to promote yourself everywhere your market is. Don’t spam anyone; work your business!
9. What other advice do you have for someone starting their own business?
Start smart; take chances on yourself. Be willing to fail and then find your way. Businesses were not made in day.
10. How can we contact you about your products and services?
11. Is there anything else you would like to share?
Being in business takes patience and love of self. Not selfishness, but the ability to motivate self so you can help others.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Meet the Ladies Who Are Changing the Face of Business - Claudia Meydrech
I'm starting a new project and I'm so excited! I have met so many wonderful women who have been instrumental in helping me achieve all that I have. Now I want you to meet them too! So, I am interviewing each of them and each week I will share an interview with you. Prepare to meet some of the most talented, dynamic, and successful women entrepreneurs. Take notes - because what they will teach you can change your life!

I love networking! It's what brought me to the attention of my guest this week. We started out having nothing more in common than the fact that we were both members of the Divas at Boomer Diva Nation. But as we networked and interacted I discovered we have a lot in common. We are both big believers in the power of medicinal herbs and organic foods. But she is much more knowledgeable about it than I am. Her website and blog have taught me a great deal. We're both from the East. She lives in New Jersey and I was raised in Northeastern Pennsylvania. And best of all - we both have dogs who blog! I can't wait to have you all meet her - Claudia Meydrech - and her Yorkie, Aspen! (There Aspen. I know Bob promised we would mention you in the interview.)
1. Claudia, tell us a little bit about yourself.
I live in Northern NJ, a rural part of the State. Our home is a little lakefront log cabin in a small lake community. We are surrounded by protected forest on one side of our street, and a lake and state forest on the other, so enjoy a variety of wildlife, including beautiful black bears who frequent our garbage and the bird feeder. I have been married to my wonderful husband, Paul, for almost 30 years, and have a son, Mark, and a married daughter, Heather. We share our home with our little Yorkshire Terrier, Aspen. She has her own blog at http://aspentheyorkie.com./
2. Tell us about your business.
I am a Certified Nutritionist who is discovering ways to help people find health through Nutrition using the internet. One way that I do this is through educational articles and information at my main website, http://happynutritionist.com/. I charge very reasonable prices for Nutrition and Health Evaluations through my site, and also receive some compensation when people click through some of the text link ads on the site. My interest in Nutrition began with an interest in medicinal herbs. For over 20 years I have been helping people choose the right medicinal herbs for their needs through http://mynsp.com/happynutritionist as a Nature's Sunshine Herb Specialist. I am also a wholesale buyer and seller of delicious, unusual, natural/organic snacks through the Wholefood Farmacy, http://happynutritionist.wholefoodfarmacy.com/ - it is free to be a wholesale buyer and you receive a free website.
3. Why did you start your own business?
I can honestly say that I never planned on having my own business. When I was 36, almost 21 years ago, I was very unhealthy, and so was my son. After numerous visits to doctors, and many a bad reaction to prescribed medications, I met someone who introduced me to medicinal herbs. I experimented on myself first, and was so thankful to see dramatic improvement. I then learned how to resolve my sons health problems, people saw the change, and the rest is history. I later realized that Nutrition was also extremely important, and changed our eating habits while taking courses to be certified in Nutritional Counseling. Others saw the change in us, and it was natural for me to want to help, and the business evolved over time.
4. What do you like most and least about being your own boss?
I loved the freedom of revolving my work schedule around my children as they were growing up. I loved the fact that about 5 years ago I was able to chose to cut back dramatically to be available during my father's illness and passing, and to help my disabled brother get settled into a wonderful group home. I love the fact that if you work from home, it is so helpful for your income tax return...everyone should do some type of business at home, no matter how small, to enjoy the write-offs.
5. What personality traits and skills are needed to run a business?
I appreciate the words from the Bible that describe the Fruits of the Spirit when I deal with people, and carry out business. Galations 5:22 says "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Dealing with people can be wonderful, but at times, it can also be a challenge. Keeping these words before me remind me to approach everyone with love; to help them to find peace and remain peaceful myself; show patience when a call comes at a time when I am busy, or a person has a difficult personality; offer goodness; be faithful and consistent in my work and how I treat my clients; be gentle and self-controlled when my business or circumstances seem out of control. I am sure each person will find a different way to apply these principles. It is true that it helps to learn to be outgoing toward people, listen to them and their needs, and to some degree, be assertive, but most of all, be yourself. If you know there are areas you can improve about yourself, find a coach to help you in these areas.
6. What has been the most difficult part of being an entrepreneur?
Being disciplined and balanced. It is easy to get distracted when working from home, but it's also easy to get so involved in your business that you neglect your family and home.
7. Do you have any resources you have used to build your business that you would recommend?
I have chosen several online networking sites through with to interact with people, and maintain a few blogs. Before the internet, when serving my local community, I posted business cards or fliers on our Community Center bulletin board, advertised in our local paper, even took our community phone book and made "cold calls", a few a day. I always have business cards or fliers available to give away. I am looking forward to getting back to that again in the near future.
8. Do you have any tips to share on promoting your business?
If you are a grandmother, or a Baby Boomer who could be a grandmother,you may want to visit my Work at Home Grandmoms blog and learn from others, or share your own business story, http://www.workathomegrandmoms.com/
9. How can we contact you about your products and services?
My contact information: Claudia L. Meydrech, CN Phone: 973-573-3395 Website: http://happynutritionist.com/ - please visit and sign up for my newsletter, then contact me using the form on the site, and I will send you "Natural Remedies for Common Problems"
Contact me using the form on any of the pages at my website.
Networking:Follow Me on Twitter - happynutritionRyze - http://www.ryze.com/go/ClaudiasCorner
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/ - search for Claudia L. Meydrech
I am also on LinkedIn and MySpace
Health Blogs: Happy Nutritionist's Nuggets - http://www.happynutritionistsnuggets.com/
HerBulletin - Herb Synergy & Body System Health - http://www.herbulletin.com/
Happy, Healthy Children - http://www.happyhealthychildren.com/
Health Squidoos:
Herbal Medicine - What's in Your Medicine Cabinet? http://www.squidoo.com/herbalmedicine
Mommy, I have a Tummy Ache - http://www.squidoo.com/tummyache
Mommy, I have a Pink Eye - http://www.squidoo.com/pink_eye
Mommy, I have a Sunburn - http://www.squidoo.com/sun_burn
10. Is there anything else you would like to share?
I just want to than Melodieann for her kindness is sharing this on her blog, thanks, Melodieann, and thanks to each who have taken the time to read this!

I love networking! It's what brought me to the attention of my guest this week. We started out having nothing more in common than the fact that we were both members of the Divas at Boomer Diva Nation. But as we networked and interacted I discovered we have a lot in common. We are both big believers in the power of medicinal herbs and organic foods. But she is much more knowledgeable about it than I am. Her website and blog have taught me a great deal. We're both from the East. She lives in New Jersey and I was raised in Northeastern Pennsylvania. And best of all - we both have dogs who blog! I can't wait to have you all meet her - Claudia Meydrech - and her Yorkie, Aspen! (There Aspen. I know Bob promised we would mention you in the interview.)
1. Claudia, tell us a little bit about yourself.
I live in Northern NJ, a rural part of the State. Our home is a little lakefront log cabin in a small lake community. We are surrounded by protected forest on one side of our street, and a lake and state forest on the other, so enjoy a variety of wildlife, including beautiful black bears who frequent our garbage and the bird feeder. I have been married to my wonderful husband, Paul, for almost 30 years, and have a son, Mark, and a married daughter, Heather. We share our home with our little Yorkshire Terrier, Aspen. She has her own blog at http://aspentheyorkie.com./
2. Tell us about your business.
I am a Certified Nutritionist who is discovering ways to help people find health through Nutrition using the internet. One way that I do this is through educational articles and information at my main website, http://happynutritionist.com/. I charge very reasonable prices for Nutrition and Health Evaluations through my site, and also receive some compensation when people click through some of the text link ads on the site. My interest in Nutrition began with an interest in medicinal herbs. For over 20 years I have been helping people choose the right medicinal herbs for their needs through http://mynsp.com/happynutritionist as a Nature's Sunshine Herb Specialist. I am also a wholesale buyer and seller of delicious, unusual, natural/organic snacks through the Wholefood Farmacy, http://happynutritionist.wholefoodfarmacy.com/ - it is free to be a wholesale buyer and you receive a free website.
3. Why did you start your own business?
I can honestly say that I never planned on having my own business. When I was 36, almost 21 years ago, I was very unhealthy, and so was my son. After numerous visits to doctors, and many a bad reaction to prescribed medications, I met someone who introduced me to medicinal herbs. I experimented on myself first, and was so thankful to see dramatic improvement. I then learned how to resolve my sons health problems, people saw the change, and the rest is history. I later realized that Nutrition was also extremely important, and changed our eating habits while taking courses to be certified in Nutritional Counseling. Others saw the change in us, and it was natural for me to want to help, and the business evolved over time.
4. What do you like most and least about being your own boss?
I loved the freedom of revolving my work schedule around my children as they were growing up. I loved the fact that about 5 years ago I was able to chose to cut back dramatically to be available during my father's illness and passing, and to help my disabled brother get settled into a wonderful group home. I love the fact that if you work from home, it is so helpful for your income tax return...everyone should do some type of business at home, no matter how small, to enjoy the write-offs.
5. What personality traits and skills are needed to run a business?
I appreciate the words from the Bible that describe the Fruits of the Spirit when I deal with people, and carry out business. Galations 5:22 says "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Dealing with people can be wonderful, but at times, it can also be a challenge. Keeping these words before me remind me to approach everyone with love; to help them to find peace and remain peaceful myself; show patience when a call comes at a time when I am busy, or a person has a difficult personality; offer goodness; be faithful and consistent in my work and how I treat my clients; be gentle and self-controlled when my business or circumstances seem out of control. I am sure each person will find a different way to apply these principles. It is true that it helps to learn to be outgoing toward people, listen to them and their needs, and to some degree, be assertive, but most of all, be yourself. If you know there are areas you can improve about yourself, find a coach to help you in these areas.
6. What has been the most difficult part of being an entrepreneur?
Being disciplined and balanced. It is easy to get distracted when working from home, but it's also easy to get so involved in your business that you neglect your family and home.
7. Do you have any resources you have used to build your business that you would recommend?
I have chosen several online networking sites through with to interact with people, and maintain a few blogs. Before the internet, when serving my local community, I posted business cards or fliers on our Community Center bulletin board, advertised in our local paper, even took our community phone book and made "cold calls", a few a day. I always have business cards or fliers available to give away. I am looking forward to getting back to that again in the near future.
8. Do you have any tips to share on promoting your business?
If you are a grandmother, or a Baby Boomer who could be a grandmother,you may want to visit my Work at Home Grandmoms blog and learn from others, or share your own business story, http://www.workathomegrandmoms.com/
9. How can we contact you about your products and services?
My contact information: Claudia L. Meydrech, CN Phone: 973-573-3395 Website: http://happynutritionist.com/ - please visit and sign up for my newsletter, then contact me using the form on the site, and I will send you "Natural Remedies for Common Problems"
Contact me using the form on any of the pages at my website.
Networking:Follow Me on Twitter - happynutritionRyze - http://www.ryze.com/go/ClaudiasCorner
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/ - search for Claudia L. Meydrech
I am also on LinkedIn and MySpace
Health Blogs: Happy Nutritionist's Nuggets - http://www.happynutritionistsnuggets.com/
HerBulletin - Herb Synergy & Body System Health - http://www.herbulletin.com/
Happy, Healthy Children - http://www.happyhealthychildren.com/
Health Squidoos:
Herbal Medicine - What's in Your Medicine Cabinet? http://www.squidoo.com/herbalmedicine
Mommy, I have a Tummy Ache - http://www.squidoo.com/tummyache
Mommy, I have a Pink Eye - http://www.squidoo.com/pink_eye
Mommy, I have a Sunburn - http://www.squidoo.com/sun_burn
10. Is there anything else you would like to share?
I just want to than Melodieann for her kindness is sharing this on her blog, thanks, Melodieann, and thanks to each who have taken the time to read this!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Meet the Ladies Who Are Changing the Face of Business - Pam Archer
I'm starting a new project and I'm so excited! I have met so many wonderful women who have been instrumental in helping achieve all that I have. Now I want you to meet them too! So, I am interviewing each of them and each week I will share an interview with you. Prepare to meet some of the most talented, dynamic, and successful women entrepreneurs. Take notes - because what they will teach you can change your life!
Weddings and Fitness. I'm not sure how those two businesses are related. But this week's guest has managed to build successful businesses around each of those areas. Pam and I met when we both became Divas and members of Boomer Diva Nation. I was intrigued by her businesses. Since I am always struggling with my own fitness level, her expertise was invaluable to me. Many of my site selection clients are ladies seeking the perfect location for their weddings. Even though I only work to help them find the location, I still have stories to tell. So it was interesting to hear Pam share her experience and advice with all the aspects of wedding planning I never get involved in. When I decided to do this series on my blog, I knew I had to have her. She's fun, she's smart, she's a DIVA all the way, she's Pam Archer!
1. Tell us about yourself.
I’m older than dirt, but have a passion for life, and anticipate that the best is yet to come. I am married, and the mother to three daughters, the eldest of who is my business partner. East Tennessee, in the awesome Appalachian Mountains, is my home. I was born and raised in Knoxville. One of six siblings, born to a Baptist minister, I have a heritage steeped in southern tradition, for which I am very grateful.
2. Tell us about your businesses.
Well, I have two.
I am the president of Archer Fitness Consultants, Inc., which umbrellas everything I do in the fitness industry, from producing exercise videos to teaching classes, personal training, and certifying instructors all over the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico. I have had the privilege to work on national TV, with Jenny Craig, Int’l, on an exercise show called “Jenny’s Fit in 15”. I am still very active in the fitness industry, video production, and training instructors. I write a health and fitness column for a local newspaper, and blog for Prevention.com.
My other business, Pamela’s Exclusive Floral & Event Design is a full service wedding and event planning company. We are not a retail store rather we are strictly dedicated to creating dynamic and dramatic special events, including elegant floral design. I have a trained and artistic staff of floral designers, directors, coordinators, and design specialists. We will travel anywhere at any time. We provide personal, professional, and exemplary service to our clientele.
3. Why did you start your own business?
To tell you the truth, I didn’t plan either of my businesses, they just happened!
As for the fitness career, I had created an innovative and unique workout. It was a step work out, meant to be performed with a partner, employing the use of two steps. My classes loved the workout, and I experimented with it at my trainings. In 1995, my husband and I made the decision to produce a video of it. Our attorney advised us to incorporate, so that is exactly what we did. We had no idea that this would open the doors in the industry the way that it did. The business expanded from there to include all of the other activities.
Pamela’s Exclusive Floral & Event Design was formed after several young women in my church asked me to do the flowers for their weddings. That was in 1999, and we have steadily grown into the full service business that we are today.
4. What do you like most and least about being your own boss?
The biggest reason I love being my own boss is because I get to initiate my own ideas and shoot for the stars without someone telling me it can’t be done. I like working from my home, and the flexibility that comes with that. However, what I love is also what I don’t like. I can never truly get away from my work without leaving my home, and the ideas never stop. I often overload myself, due to my tendency to take on more projects than I should.
5. What personality traits and skills are needed to run a business?
First of all, I believe that for a person to be a successful entrepreneur, they have to have a passion for what they are doing. If you don’t have that passion, you will burn out, because owning your own business is hard work! Integrity is key, too.
Being able to interface with people on a personal level; possessing good people skills is essential.
A sense of humor goes a long way to being able to withstand the pressure of the day-to-day problems that arise.
I believe that it is important to have some organizational skills to keep the business running on track, and on budget.
Your employees must be a reflection of your mission statement. They are the true face of your business. Be careful who you hire, and treat them well when you find a good one.
6. What has been the most difficult part of being an entrepreneur?
Time management! I have my fingers in so many pies, and wear so many totally different hats, that I get very frustrated, because I want to do even more.
Transitions are tough. Every business goes through them. Last year, we went through a lot of growing pains. We needed more workers, but since I price jobs months in advance, I didn’t have the budget to hire more. It cut into my profit to have to train new employees and put them on the job. We eventually caught up, once I was able to quote new jobs to include new hires.
7. Do you have any resources that you would recommend?
BNI, Business Networking International, is a great local resource for growing your business, regardless of what it is that you do. It’s like having 25-40 salespeople working for you for free. Look on-line to http://www.bni.com/ to find a chapter in your area.
I do a lot of social networking and blogging. I enjoy both, but neither has really grown my businesses yet, but you never know who you will meet on-line or the connections they may have. With my blogs, I am laying a good foundation for a readership of a soon to be published book I am writing.
I am a member of the Boomer Diva Nation, Founded in 2007, by Beverly Mahone. This is an incredibly gifted group of Baby Boomer women who are shaking things up, and paving the way for women around the world. We network daily. I met Beverly on My Space.
8. Do you have any tips to share on promoting your business?
Volunteer, volunteer, volunteer! Volunteering to speak at Civic Groups, schools, churches, everywhere someone would listen, is how I got my start. When you are involved in your community, someone will eventually ask what you do for a living. People like to do business with people they trust. You build trust among people with whom you are working concession stands!
Call your local newspapers and offer to write articles on your area of expertise. Submit these articles to trade publications, and other magazines.
Offer discounted or free services for a limited amount of time, to gain a loyal customer. Donate door prizes for fundraisers. Build a name in your community.
Trade publications are useful to learning more about your business, and how others in your field handle growth or problems. For us, trade shows are the foundation of our business. We promote directly to the brides.
I would not recommend wasting your resources for advertising in publications or in media that doesn’t target your market. Save your marketing dollars for a big hit to your demographic. We learned that the best value for our dollar was to advertise in bridal magazines, as opposed to the newspaper.
Having an on-line presence is necessary. Our web site, because it displays our work, is our best advertisement. Make sure that yours looks professional, not too busy, and is easy to navigate.
9. What advice do you have for someone starting their own business?
Do your homework! Research whether there is a demand for your services in your area.
Have a plan. You will take too many detours, if you don’t have a map to where you want to go.
10. How can we contact you about your products or services?
You can call me at 800-PAM-2861 or contact me on-line:
afcpam@mindspring.com or pam@pamelaseventdesign.com
Pamela’s Exclusive Floral & Event Design
http://www.pamelaseventdesign.com/ blog: http://www.idoweddings.wordpress.com/
Archer Fitness Consultants, Inc.
Blog: http://www.archerfitpress.wordpress.com/
11. Is there anything else you would like to share?
Be consistent, endure, and true to yourself. Follow your dreams and your heart, and you will succeed.

1. Tell us about yourself.
I’m older than dirt, but have a passion for life, and anticipate that the best is yet to come. I am married, and the mother to three daughters, the eldest of who is my business partner. East Tennessee, in the awesome Appalachian Mountains, is my home. I was born and raised in Knoxville. One of six siblings, born to a Baptist minister, I have a heritage steeped in southern tradition, for which I am very grateful.
2. Tell us about your businesses.
Well, I have two.
I am the president of Archer Fitness Consultants, Inc., which umbrellas everything I do in the fitness industry, from producing exercise videos to teaching classes, personal training, and certifying instructors all over the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico. I have had the privilege to work on national TV, with Jenny Craig, Int’l, on an exercise show called “Jenny’s Fit in 15”. I am still very active in the fitness industry, video production, and training instructors. I write a health and fitness column for a local newspaper, and blog for Prevention.com.
My other business, Pamela’s Exclusive Floral & Event Design is a full service wedding and event planning company. We are not a retail store rather we are strictly dedicated to creating dynamic and dramatic special events, including elegant floral design. I have a trained and artistic staff of floral designers, directors, coordinators, and design specialists. We will travel anywhere at any time. We provide personal, professional, and exemplary service to our clientele.
3. Why did you start your own business?
To tell you the truth, I didn’t plan either of my businesses, they just happened!
As for the fitness career, I had created an innovative and unique workout. It was a step work out, meant to be performed with a partner, employing the use of two steps. My classes loved the workout, and I experimented with it at my trainings. In 1995, my husband and I made the decision to produce a video of it. Our attorney advised us to incorporate, so that is exactly what we did. We had no idea that this would open the doors in the industry the way that it did. The business expanded from there to include all of the other activities.
Pamela’s Exclusive Floral & Event Design was formed after several young women in my church asked me to do the flowers for their weddings. That was in 1999, and we have steadily grown into the full service business that we are today.
4. What do you like most and least about being your own boss?
The biggest reason I love being my own boss is because I get to initiate my own ideas and shoot for the stars without someone telling me it can’t be done. I like working from my home, and the flexibility that comes with that. However, what I love is also what I don’t like. I can never truly get away from my work without leaving my home, and the ideas never stop. I often overload myself, due to my tendency to take on more projects than I should.
5. What personality traits and skills are needed to run a business?
First of all, I believe that for a person to be a successful entrepreneur, they have to have a passion for what they are doing. If you don’t have that passion, you will burn out, because owning your own business is hard work! Integrity is key, too.
Being able to interface with people on a personal level; possessing good people skills is essential.
A sense of humor goes a long way to being able to withstand the pressure of the day-to-day problems that arise.
I believe that it is important to have some organizational skills to keep the business running on track, and on budget.
Your employees must be a reflection of your mission statement. They are the true face of your business. Be careful who you hire, and treat them well when you find a good one.
6. What has been the most difficult part of being an entrepreneur?
Time management! I have my fingers in so many pies, and wear so many totally different hats, that I get very frustrated, because I want to do even more.
Transitions are tough. Every business goes through them. Last year, we went through a lot of growing pains. We needed more workers, but since I price jobs months in advance, I didn’t have the budget to hire more. It cut into my profit to have to train new employees and put them on the job. We eventually caught up, once I was able to quote new jobs to include new hires.
7. Do you have any resources that you would recommend?
BNI, Business Networking International, is a great local resource for growing your business, regardless of what it is that you do. It’s like having 25-40 salespeople working for you for free. Look on-line to http://www.bni.com/ to find a chapter in your area.
I do a lot of social networking and blogging. I enjoy both, but neither has really grown my businesses yet, but you never know who you will meet on-line or the connections they may have. With my blogs, I am laying a good foundation for a readership of a soon to be published book I am writing.
I am a member of the Boomer Diva Nation, Founded in 2007, by Beverly Mahone. This is an incredibly gifted group of Baby Boomer women who are shaking things up, and paving the way for women around the world. We network daily. I met Beverly on My Space.
8. Do you have any tips to share on promoting your business?
Volunteer, volunteer, volunteer! Volunteering to speak at Civic Groups, schools, churches, everywhere someone would listen, is how I got my start. When you are involved in your community, someone will eventually ask what you do for a living. People like to do business with people they trust. You build trust among people with whom you are working concession stands!
Call your local newspapers and offer to write articles on your area of expertise. Submit these articles to trade publications, and other magazines.
Offer discounted or free services for a limited amount of time, to gain a loyal customer. Donate door prizes for fundraisers. Build a name in your community.
Trade publications are useful to learning more about your business, and how others in your field handle growth or problems. For us, trade shows are the foundation of our business. We promote directly to the brides.
I would not recommend wasting your resources for advertising in publications or in media that doesn’t target your market. Save your marketing dollars for a big hit to your demographic. We learned that the best value for our dollar was to advertise in bridal magazines, as opposed to the newspaper.
Having an on-line presence is necessary. Our web site, because it displays our work, is our best advertisement. Make sure that yours looks professional, not too busy, and is easy to navigate.
9. What advice do you have for someone starting their own business?
Do your homework! Research whether there is a demand for your services in your area.
Have a plan. You will take too many detours, if you don’t have a map to where you want to go.
10. How can we contact you about your products or services?
You can call me at 800-PAM-2861 or contact me on-line:
afcpam@mindspring.com or pam@pamelaseventdesign.com
Pamela’s Exclusive Floral & Event Design
http://www.pamelaseventdesign.com/ blog: http://www.idoweddings.wordpress.com/
Archer Fitness Consultants, Inc.
Blog: http://www.archerfitpress.wordpress.com/
11. Is there anything else you would like to share?
Be consistent, endure, and true to yourself. Follow your dreams and your heart, and you will succeed.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Customer Service Should Be A Celebrity Experience

At least that's what author Donna Cutting believes. As a customer, I have to agree. I'd like to experience that level of customer service. As a business woman, I also have to agree. It's exceptional customer service that can turn first-time customers into life-long clients.
As I read Donna's newest book, The Celebrity Experience, I thought of all the times that my own purchasing decisions had been made based solely on the type of service I received. I realized that there were times I had actually paid more for a product or service simply because I was so impressed by the service. I remembered all of the times I had received the "red carpet treatment" Donna describes - and all of the times I didn't. And I came to one conclusion - I go where I am treated well. Price can be important, brands and familiarity will sometimes win, but being treated like I'm the most important customer in the store - that will win me over every time. Now Donna has written a book that will teach business owners how to give their customers that same experience!
The concepts outlined in Donna's book are so true that I finished the book the first day I received it. It was worth a few hours of lost sleep to learn how to make my clients feel like stars. I can't wait to begin applying some of the principles she describes. I just know they will help my business grow. I guarantee if you read her book and follow her tips, you too will create a bunch of happy, loyal customers! In fact, I'm so impressed with it, I'm thinking of buying a few more copies - for those businesses I now longer patronize because of their customer service.
Just to give you an idea of the wealth of information in her book, I have Donna's permission to include a small excerpt for you. Once you've read it, you'll want to purchase Donna's book right away so you can read the rest of what she has to share.
Red-Carpet Customer Service and the Art of And Then Some
What is red-carpet customer service? It’s mastering the basics of service, delivering a great experience, and then some! It’s in the “and then some” that your customers have a Celebrity Experience.
For instance, Diane Anderson of St Petersburg, Florida, told me about her auto mechanic at Wilsey Auto Service, Inc. who goes the extra step of cleaning her car inside and out every time Diane brings the car in for service. When they are really pressed for time, they give Diane a coupon for a full-service car wash and detail. It starts with going the extra mile. What could you do for your customers as a courtesy that you aren’t doing now? Washing her car takes some extra time, and it stands out to Diane because no other auto mechanic has ever offered such service. As a result, they have earned Diane’s loyalty. Remember “and then some.”
Here’s another example that happened to me just recently. As I write this story, I am in Chicago preparing to speak for an association conference tomorrow. I arrived last night so I could spend a day in the hotel room writing this chapter. When I got off the plane, I rented a car to drive myself to the meeting location. Now, I’ve rented many cars in my years working as a professional speaker. Often I take a shuttle bus from the rental car counter to the car lot, and encounter many forms of customer service. Some drivers load my luggage into the shuttle bus, some don’t. Some smile at me and welcome me aboard, some don’t. Some drive carefully and considerately, some don’t. The driver I met last night, however, did everything I had hoped for “and then some.” His name is Ken, and he is a driver for Alamo Rental Car out of Midway Airport in Chicago. He welcomed me on board with a warm smile and friendly hello as he loaded my luggage into the shuttle bus. Usually, this is where it stops. But as I rode, Ken told me everything I needed to know about Chicago. He told me what the weather was at the time and what it would be three days later. He told me that the traffic is always the same – bad- and that I should always leave extra time to get anywhere. He told me how to get back to the rental car lot, and exactly where and how to return my car. He told me where I could purchase gas close to the lot. He told me about sights I might like to see in Chicago and the best places to dine. I didn’t even have to ask him. (The true mark of a celebrity service professional: Answer all the questions your “celebrity” might have, and the ones they don’t even know they have, before they ask.) When we arrived at the lot, he told me to stay in the shuttle bus, and he pulled my rental car around and loaded up my luggage. As I came out of the bus, he helped me inspect the car for damages. Never, in all of my travels, have I encountered such service by a shuttle bus driver. Ken has mastered the art of “And Then Some.”
Why just go through the motions when you can challenge yourself to be extraordinary….and then some?
©2008, Donna Cutting, Use with permission only
This is excerpted, with permission, from “The Celebrity Experience: Insider Secrets to Delivering Red-Carpet Customer Service” (Wiley, 2008), by Donna Cutting
What is red-carpet customer service? It’s mastering the basics of service, delivering a great experience, and then some! It’s in the “and then some” that your customers have a Celebrity Experience.
For instance, Diane Anderson of St Petersburg, Florida, told me about her auto mechanic at Wilsey Auto Service, Inc. who goes the extra step of cleaning her car inside and out every time Diane brings the car in for service. When they are really pressed for time, they give Diane a coupon for a full-service car wash and detail. It starts with going the extra mile. What could you do for your customers as a courtesy that you aren’t doing now? Washing her car takes some extra time, and it stands out to Diane because no other auto mechanic has ever offered such service. As a result, they have earned Diane’s loyalty. Remember “and then some.”
Here’s another example that happened to me just recently. As I write this story, I am in Chicago preparing to speak for an association conference tomorrow. I arrived last night so I could spend a day in the hotel room writing this chapter. When I got off the plane, I rented a car to drive myself to the meeting location. Now, I’ve rented many cars in my years working as a professional speaker. Often I take a shuttle bus from the rental car counter to the car lot, and encounter many forms of customer service. Some drivers load my luggage into the shuttle bus, some don’t. Some smile at me and welcome me aboard, some don’t. Some drive carefully and considerately, some don’t. The driver I met last night, however, did everything I had hoped for “and then some.” His name is Ken, and he is a driver for Alamo Rental Car out of Midway Airport in Chicago. He welcomed me on board with a warm smile and friendly hello as he loaded my luggage into the shuttle bus. Usually, this is where it stops. But as I rode, Ken told me everything I needed to know about Chicago. He told me what the weather was at the time and what it would be three days later. He told me that the traffic is always the same – bad- and that I should always leave extra time to get anywhere. He told me how to get back to the rental car lot, and exactly where and how to return my car. He told me where I could purchase gas close to the lot. He told me about sights I might like to see in Chicago and the best places to dine. I didn’t even have to ask him. (The true mark of a celebrity service professional: Answer all the questions your “celebrity” might have, and the ones they don’t even know they have, before they ask.) When we arrived at the lot, he told me to stay in the shuttle bus, and he pulled my rental car around and loaded up my luggage. As I came out of the bus, he helped me inspect the car for damages. Never, in all of my travels, have I encountered such service by a shuttle bus driver. Ken has mastered the art of “And Then Some.”
Why just go through the motions when you can challenge yourself to be extraordinary….and then some?
©2008, Donna Cutting, Use with permission only
This is excerpted, with permission, from “The Celebrity Experience: Insider Secrets to Delivering Red-Carpet Customer Service” (Wiley, 2008), by Donna Cutting
Friday, September 26, 2008
Meet the Ladies Who Are Changing the Face of Business - Betty Lynch
I'm starting a new project and I'm so excited! I have met so many wonderful women who have been instrumental in helping achieve all that I have. Now I want you to meet them too! So, I am interviewing each of them and each week I will share an interview with you. Prepare to meet some of the most talented, dynamic, and successful women entrepreneurs. Take notes - because what they will teach you can change your life!

I love to cook. And I have a cookbook collection that fills several shelves in my kitchen. According to my husband, if I made a new recipe everyday for the rest of my life, I would still never try all of them. So when I first met fellow Baby Boomer Diva Betty Lynch, there was an instant bond. I buy the cookbooks and try the recipes. But Betty actually writes the cookbooks and creates the recipes! She's a foodie and she is another shining example of how a woman can turn her passion into her business. She also has a couple of other businesses that she promotes. She's an amazing woman and my good friend. Let's get cooking with Betty Lynch!
1. Tell us about yourself.
My name is Betty Lynch, I'm a cook and food loving recipe collector. I love trying new recipes and putting my special touches to a dish. I'm married to my best friend and we're about to celebrate 20 years this November. I have one 4 legged child, Copper who is a Treeing Walker Coonhound and is full of energy.
2. Tell us about your businesses.
My Country Kitchen, http://www.mycountrykitchen.com/ is a recipe website. I share recipes, and cooking tips and anything that I think might interest my readers. I've published one cookbook, Back to the Table with My Country Kitchen, and it is for sale from that website. I'm currently working on a second cookbook that will hopefully be out in time for Christmas. You will have to watch that website for more information about the new cookbook for Dads.
L'Bri Pure n' Natural, http://www.bettyl.lbrionline.com/ is an aloe vera based skin care company that is the BEST on the market today. It is affordable and it really works. I no longer have dry skin due to using these products every single day. My skin is silky smooth, which before using L'Bri was not smooth at all. This skin care product line is truly amazing!
My Power Mall, shop while saving time and money. http://mypowermall.com/biz/home/66536
Purchase the things you already purchase from yourself and get money back. Give away power malls to your family and friends and earn rebates on their purchases. You just have to purchase one thing a month, that's it. Try purchasing your Christmas gifts on line from over 1000 stores all year long. That's it.
3. Why did you start your own businesses?
I started My Country Kitchen to share recipes and cookbooks with others. My original goal was to write one cookbook, but it is turning into much more. We're working on behind the scenes to add a new feature to My Country Kitchen that you will really enjoy. It is so much fun sharing recipes with my subscribers. I have a newsletter you can sign up for and receive notices of new recipes.
I started L'Bri because I believe in the product from the bottom of my heart. I want everyone to have silky skin as I have.
I started with My Power Mall because I shop online about 90 percent of the time. It just makes good sense to save money and time, while making money doing something I already do, shop online.
4. What do you like most and least about being your own boss?
I like being my own boss because I'm in control of how fast my business grows. It is totally up to me. What I like least about being my own boss, is it's totally up to me. Haha! If I don't do it, no one else will. So see that can be good and bad. At some point I see hiring employees that will carry on when I take time off.
5. What personality traits and skills are needed to run a business?
Top notch customer service has to be your number one priority. If you do not treat your customer like a gem, someone else will. You need to be of a servant's heart when you are dealing with customers.
When you make a business decision, think it through and through. Do not make quick decisions.
6. What has been the most difficult part of being an entrepreneur?
When I was working on my first cookbook, I had to "unhire" the person who I hired to edit and put the cookbook in final format. That was so unpleasant and I cried for days. But I had to have the best possible product to represent My Country Kitchen, and it was not getting done. I saw my dream rolling out the window. It cost me a lot of money and I will never make those mistakes again.
7. Do you have any resources you have used to build your business that you would recommend?
For editing, I recommend Kim Emerson of Writing Pro and for graphic design work Ginger Marks, both are on the Ryze network. These ladies take your project to heart and will work until the job is done correctly. Both are full of wisdom!
8. Do you have any tips to share on promoting your business?
Both Kim Emerson does email promotions that are top of the line. Promoting your business through postcards at events, business cards with a piece of candy attached to it. You always have to look outside the box for easy and inexpensive ways to keep your business name in front of people.
9. What other advice do you have for someone starting their own business?
Make a business and marketing plan. Work your plan every day!
10. How can we contact you about your products and services?
Betty Lynch
cmclynch@prodigy.net or betty@mycountrykitchen.com --
Betty LynchAuthor - "Back to the Table with My Country Kitchen" http://www.mycountrykitchen.com/
L'Bri Pure n' Natural Aloe Vera Based Skincare -Ask me for your FREE mini skin care set - http://www.bettyl.lbrionline.com/
My Power Mall - Shop From Yourself - http://www.mypowermall.com/Biz/Home/66536
Tea Party Resident Columnist - http://roses-and-teacups.com/menu-tea-party-food.html
Featured Writer for Passionate for Life Magazine http://www.passionateforlife.com/

I love to cook. And I have a cookbook collection that fills several shelves in my kitchen. According to my husband, if I made a new recipe everyday for the rest of my life, I would still never try all of them. So when I first met fellow Baby Boomer Diva Betty Lynch, there was an instant bond. I buy the cookbooks and try the recipes. But Betty actually writes the cookbooks and creates the recipes! She's a foodie and she is another shining example of how a woman can turn her passion into her business. She also has a couple of other businesses that she promotes. She's an amazing woman and my good friend. Let's get cooking with Betty Lynch!
1. Tell us about yourself.
My name is Betty Lynch, I'm a cook and food loving recipe collector. I love trying new recipes and putting my special touches to a dish. I'm married to my best friend and we're about to celebrate 20 years this November. I have one 4 legged child, Copper who is a Treeing Walker Coonhound and is full of energy.
2. Tell us about your businesses.
My Country Kitchen, http://www.mycountrykitchen.com/ is a recipe website. I share recipes, and cooking tips and anything that I think might interest my readers. I've published one cookbook, Back to the Table with My Country Kitchen, and it is for sale from that website. I'm currently working on a second cookbook that will hopefully be out in time for Christmas. You will have to watch that website for more information about the new cookbook for Dads.
L'Bri Pure n' Natural, http://www.bettyl.lbrionline.com/ is an aloe vera based skin care company that is the BEST on the market today. It is affordable and it really works. I no longer have dry skin due to using these products every single day. My skin is silky smooth, which before using L'Bri was not smooth at all. This skin care product line is truly amazing!
My Power Mall, shop while saving time and money. http://mypowermall.com/biz/home/66536
Purchase the things you already purchase from yourself and get money back. Give away power malls to your family and friends and earn rebates on their purchases. You just have to purchase one thing a month, that's it. Try purchasing your Christmas gifts on line from over 1000 stores all year long. That's it.
3. Why did you start your own businesses?
I started My Country Kitchen to share recipes and cookbooks with others. My original goal was to write one cookbook, but it is turning into much more. We're working on behind the scenes to add a new feature to My Country Kitchen that you will really enjoy. It is so much fun sharing recipes with my subscribers. I have a newsletter you can sign up for and receive notices of new recipes.
I started L'Bri because I believe in the product from the bottom of my heart. I want everyone to have silky skin as I have.
I started with My Power Mall because I shop online about 90 percent of the time. It just makes good sense to save money and time, while making money doing something I already do, shop online.
4. What do you like most and least about being your own boss?
I like being my own boss because I'm in control of how fast my business grows. It is totally up to me. What I like least about being my own boss, is it's totally up to me. Haha! If I don't do it, no one else will. So see that can be good and bad. At some point I see hiring employees that will carry on when I take time off.
5. What personality traits and skills are needed to run a business?
Top notch customer service has to be your number one priority. If you do not treat your customer like a gem, someone else will. You need to be of a servant's heart when you are dealing with customers.
When you make a business decision, think it through and through. Do not make quick decisions.
6. What has been the most difficult part of being an entrepreneur?
When I was working on my first cookbook, I had to "unhire" the person who I hired to edit and put the cookbook in final format. That was so unpleasant and I cried for days. But I had to have the best possible product to represent My Country Kitchen, and it was not getting done. I saw my dream rolling out the window. It cost me a lot of money and I will never make those mistakes again.
7. Do you have any resources you have used to build your business that you would recommend?
For editing, I recommend Kim Emerson of Writing Pro and for graphic design work Ginger Marks, both are on the Ryze network. These ladies take your project to heart and will work until the job is done correctly. Both are full of wisdom!
8. Do you have any tips to share on promoting your business?
Both Kim Emerson does email promotions that are top of the line. Promoting your business through postcards at events, business cards with a piece of candy attached to it. You always have to look outside the box for easy and inexpensive ways to keep your business name in front of people.
9. What other advice do you have for someone starting their own business?
Make a business and marketing plan. Work your plan every day!
10. How can we contact you about your products and services?
Betty Lynch
cmclynch@prodigy.net or betty@mycountrykitchen.com --
Betty LynchAuthor - "Back to the Table with My Country Kitchen" http://www.mycountrykitchen.com/
L'Bri Pure n' Natural Aloe Vera Based Skincare -Ask me for your FREE mini skin care set - http://www.bettyl.lbrionline.com/
My Power Mall - Shop From Yourself - http://www.mypowermall.com/Biz/Home/66536
Tea Party Resident Columnist - http://roses-and-teacups.com/menu-tea-party-food.html
Featured Writer for Passionate for Life Magazine http://www.passionateforlife.com/
Friday, September 19, 2008
Meet the Ladies Who Are Changing the Face of Business - Beth Bentley
I'm starting a new project and I'm so excited! I have met so many wonderful women who have been instrumental in helping achieve all that I have. Now I want you to meet them too! So, I am interviewing each of them and each week I will share an interview with you. Prepare to meet some of the most talented, dynamic, and successful women entrepreneurs. Take notes - because what they will teach you can change your life!

Today, I want you meet Beth Bentley. I first met Beth on Ryze when I was searching for some gifts for my granddaughter. I came across a post of Beth's where she described her business. I had to check it out since it sounded like something my princess would just love. And I was right. It also shows you that you don't have to have a complicated product or service to be a success. Beth brought her passion for a very simple product to her market and it works. But I won't spoil it for you. I'll let her tell you about it in her own words. Loyal readers, Beth Bentley!
1. Tell us about yourself.
My name is Beth and I turned 34, 9-7. I have been married for 7 years and I have 4 kids ranging from teens to toddler (16 y/o son, 13 y/o daughter, 7 y/o son and 1 y/o daughter). Every time I put one in school, I have another one, lol.
2. Tell us about your business.
I started my hairbow business a year ago.The name of my business is SweetBabyCakesBowtique. The name came from my baby girl. I call her SweetBaby and my husband calls her BabyCakes. I custom make boutique hairbows for babies, toddlers and older girls. I use good quality grosgrain ribbon and attach them very securely with an alligator or french clip. I also heat seal all ribbon edges so they do not fray.
3. Why did you start your own business?
About a year ago I bought my youngest daughter a headband. I looked at this headband trying to figure out how it was made. I got online and found some information on how to make the headbands and hairbows. I got addicted right away. I could not wait to order up some ribbon and get to playing with it. I have sold online for years so I created a store and went from there. I love coming up with different themes, Birthday, Princess, Diva and MORE!!! I also like matching bows to my daughters Gymboree outfits. I don't have to go searching for a match, I can create it myself.
4. What do you like most and least about being your own boss?
I don't really call myself a boss, lol. I enjoy what I do. I come up with all my ideas and go to my networks for help when I need it. I work as I have the time. I have 4 kids so time is hard to find sometimes.
5. What personality traits and skills are needed to run a business? Y
You need a very friendly, outgoing personality. You must be devoted and determined. When you sit down to make an order, you put your best into it. If it doesn't look good enough, start all over and try again. If you are not happy with it, don't send it to someone else. You want to build a good relationship with the people you meet and do business with so they will come back and refer you to others.
6. What has been the most difficult part of being an entrepreneur?
The fact that I am responsible for everything. I sit down with my ribbon and look at it trying to think of a bow someone will want. I want people to look at the bow and say...I WANT THAT!! Sometimes I would like for some input, lol. It's all trial and error though. Some bows go FAST and others don't. I also struggle with TIME, not enough of it.
7. Do you have any resources you have used to build your business that you would recommend?
I Love networking on Ryze. There's several groups available and I have met lost of people and done business with a few as well. I also have my blog ready. Lots of people say this is a GREAT resource. http://microwebblogs.com/babycakes/
I also participate in a monthly trade game on http://www.mommyauctions.com/.
You can build a FREE store on there. List as much as you want for FREE, only 5 % fee when you make a sale. I also go to the message boards daily on there. I am also a CL for the flea market board on IVillage. You can advertise your store on there as well as long as it's homemade or yard sale items. http://messageboards.ivillage.com/n/mb/listsf.asp?webtag=iv-ppfleamarket&nav=start.
I also have a network group I am trying to get going on cafemom http://www.cafemom.com/group/5525.
Network as much as you can everyday is my advice. Don't spam people, join their groups and get to know everyone.
8. Do you have any tips to share on promoting your business?
I get my business by networking and meeting people. Make sure you have a good name for your business and use it. I use it as a member name on lots of groups.
9. What other advice do you have for someone starting their own business?
Be persistent. make sure it's something you enjoy, have fun with it. Give it everything you have, don't be a slacker. You want to build a relationship with your customers. You want repeat business. Make sure your customers are 100% satisfied. I would rather offer a full refund than have an unhappy customer. Luckily I have never had to do that. When someone makes a purchase, I always email them thanking them and I send a Thank you card with their order. On some sites that have feedback, I leave it as soon as payment is made. A lot of people wait for the buyer to leave it first. I think that is not a very good business strategy in my opinion. I always leave feedback first and have yet to receive a negative because of it.
10. How can we contact you about your products and services?
You can visit my website at http://sweetbabycakesbowtique.weebly.com// Email me at BethBentley@centurytel.net. Call me at 256-591-5790.
For everyone who reads this blog and orders from me, you get a 15% discount on your total purchase before shipping, a free set of Mickey Mouse hairbows (not custom made, store bought) and your name will be entered into a drawing for a FREE hairbow of your choice from my store at http://sweetbabycakesbowtique.weebly.com// or http://www.sweetbabycakesbowtique.com/ Does not apply to custom orders. If you have a business and win the hairbow, I will feature you on my store as the winner and my blog with your business info.
11. Is there anything else you would like to share?
Join some groups and participate on the message boards. You will meet some wonderful people along the way and grow your business.

Today, I want you meet Beth Bentley. I first met Beth on Ryze when I was searching for some gifts for my granddaughter. I came across a post of Beth's where she described her business. I had to check it out since it sounded like something my princess would just love. And I was right. It also shows you that you don't have to have a complicated product or service to be a success. Beth brought her passion for a very simple product to her market and it works. But I won't spoil it for you. I'll let her tell you about it in her own words. Loyal readers, Beth Bentley!
1. Tell us about yourself.
My name is Beth and I turned 34, 9-7. I have been married for 7 years and I have 4 kids ranging from teens to toddler (16 y/o son, 13 y/o daughter, 7 y/o son and 1 y/o daughter). Every time I put one in school, I have another one, lol.
2. Tell us about your business.
I started my hairbow business a year ago.The name of my business is SweetBabyCakesBowtique. The name came from my baby girl. I call her SweetBaby and my husband calls her BabyCakes. I custom make boutique hairbows for babies, toddlers and older girls. I use good quality grosgrain ribbon and attach them very securely with an alligator or french clip. I also heat seal all ribbon edges so they do not fray.
3. Why did you start your own business?
About a year ago I bought my youngest daughter a headband. I looked at this headband trying to figure out how it was made. I got online and found some information on how to make the headbands and hairbows. I got addicted right away. I could not wait to order up some ribbon and get to playing with it. I have sold online for years so I created a store and went from there. I love coming up with different themes, Birthday, Princess, Diva and MORE!!! I also like matching bows to my daughters Gymboree outfits. I don't have to go searching for a match, I can create it myself.
4. What do you like most and least about being your own boss?
I don't really call myself a boss, lol. I enjoy what I do. I come up with all my ideas and go to my networks for help when I need it. I work as I have the time. I have 4 kids so time is hard to find sometimes.
5. What personality traits and skills are needed to run a business? Y
You need a very friendly, outgoing personality. You must be devoted and determined. When you sit down to make an order, you put your best into it. If it doesn't look good enough, start all over and try again. If you are not happy with it, don't send it to someone else. You want to build a good relationship with the people you meet and do business with so they will come back and refer you to others.
6. What has been the most difficult part of being an entrepreneur?
The fact that I am responsible for everything. I sit down with my ribbon and look at it trying to think of a bow someone will want. I want people to look at the bow and say...I WANT THAT!! Sometimes I would like for some input, lol. It's all trial and error though. Some bows go FAST and others don't. I also struggle with TIME, not enough of it.
7. Do you have any resources you have used to build your business that you would recommend?
I Love networking on Ryze. There's several groups available and I have met lost of people and done business with a few as well. I also have my blog ready. Lots of people say this is a GREAT resource. http://microwebblogs.com/babycakes/
I also participate in a monthly trade game on http://www.mommyauctions.com/.
You can build a FREE store on there. List as much as you want for FREE, only 5 % fee when you make a sale. I also go to the message boards daily on there. I am also a CL for the flea market board on IVillage. You can advertise your store on there as well as long as it's homemade or yard sale items. http://messageboards.ivillage.com/n/mb/listsf.asp?webtag=iv-ppfleamarket&nav=start.
I also have a network group I am trying to get going on cafemom http://www.cafemom.com/group/5525.
Network as much as you can everyday is my advice. Don't spam people, join their groups and get to know everyone.
8. Do you have any tips to share on promoting your business?
I get my business by networking and meeting people. Make sure you have a good name for your business and use it. I use it as a member name on lots of groups.
9. What other advice do you have for someone starting their own business?
Be persistent. make sure it's something you enjoy, have fun with it. Give it everything you have, don't be a slacker. You want to build a relationship with your customers. You want repeat business. Make sure your customers are 100% satisfied. I would rather offer a full refund than have an unhappy customer. Luckily I have never had to do that. When someone makes a purchase, I always email them thanking them and I send a Thank you card with their order. On some sites that have feedback, I leave it as soon as payment is made. A lot of people wait for the buyer to leave it first. I think that is not a very good business strategy in my opinion. I always leave feedback first and have yet to receive a negative because of it.
10. How can we contact you about your products and services?
You can visit my website at http://sweetbabycakesbowtique.weebly.com// Email me at BethBentley@centurytel.net. Call me at 256-591-5790.
For everyone who reads this blog and orders from me, you get a 15% discount on your total purchase before shipping, a free set of Mickey Mouse hairbows (not custom made, store bought) and your name will be entered into a drawing for a FREE hairbow of your choice from my store at http://sweetbabycakesbowtique.weebly.com// or http://www.sweetbabycakesbowtique.com/ Does not apply to custom orders. If you have a business and win the hairbow, I will feature you on my store as the winner and my blog with your business info.
11. Is there anything else you would like to share?
Join some groups and participate on the message boards. You will meet some wonderful people along the way and grow your business.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Meet the Ladies Who Are Changing the Face of Business - Nancy McDonald
I'm starting a new project and I'm so excited! I have met so many wonderful women who have been instrumental in helping achieve all that I have. Now I want you to meet them too! So, I am interviewing each of them and each week I will share an interview with you. Prepare to meet some of the most talented, dynamic, and successful women entrepreneurs. Take notes - because what they will teach you can change your life!
Today, I introduce our first Canadian guest! Nancy and I are both members of Women Business Owners Network and HER Mastermind Network, which is where we met. She is always posting great advice on these forums so I jumped at the chance to share her experience with you. I know after reading her interview, you'll be as big a fan of hers as I am! Nancy McDonald!!

1. Nancy, can you start by telling us about a little bit about yourself?
My Name is Nancy Macdonald and I live in London Ontario Canada. I have four wonderful daughters and seven grand children ranging from teen agers to a new baby. I am so thrilled to watch each of the children develop.
2. Tell us about your business.
My business website and passion is http://www.preciousbabysite.com/.
I specialize in helping Moms and Ladies find a guide and a safe place to share their feelings. For a resource in parenting and life coaching in life's day to day events. I also have an ongoing ecommerce store on ebay specializing in products that are hand picked for quality and savings.
I use different media to help and motivate others with my podcast.
3. Why did you start your own business?
The business was started after my life changing event when due to a circumstance I was no longer able to nurse actively in patient care. My skills were transferred to using the resources on the net.
4. What do you like most and least about being your own boss?
Being your own boss you are responsible for your site and its development. Just like watching a child grow and go through the different phases , so does your business.
5. What personality traits and skills are needed to run a business?
The personality trait I feel is the ability to adapt and to be resourceful in many ways. To have the ability to learn from others and to learn patience.
6. What has been the most difficult part of being an entrepreneur?
Not being able right away to have an income. It takes hard work, so then you need to be able to adapt. I contract my services as a virtual customer service to maintain a weekly cashflow
7. Do you have any resources you have used to build your business that you would recommend?
I have found resources from networking with other like minded working at home woman and men .. We share our skills and our strengths to help each other in mentoring and being a sounding board and cheering section. There are times when we work long hours that having an online friend is the best.
8. Do you have any tips to share on promoting your business?
I join groups of the products and services where I would chat and meet others who might need my services. I offer free minutes to people so that they can check out what I can offer. I also spend time each day promoting my business with advertisements and sharing with others.
9. What other advice do you have for someone starting their own business?
That not to be discouraged easily and to do a lot of research on what they would like to do online. I find that I also enjoy very much my virtual free lance work.
10. How can we contact you about your products and services?
email: plscall4me@execulink.com
If any of Melodieann's readers buy from my ebay store , I would offer a discount of $2.00 off of any item.
11. Is there anything else you would like to share?
Having a passion in life and watching it grow even though you struggle is a great reward and a feeling of satisfaction.
Today, I introduce our first Canadian guest! Nancy and I are both members of Women Business Owners Network and HER Mastermind Network, which is where we met. She is always posting great advice on these forums so I jumped at the chance to share her experience with you. I know after reading her interview, you'll be as big a fan of hers as I am! Nancy McDonald!!

1. Nancy, can you start by telling us about a little bit about yourself?
My Name is Nancy Macdonald and I live in London Ontario Canada. I have four wonderful daughters and seven grand children ranging from teen agers to a new baby. I am so thrilled to watch each of the children develop.
2. Tell us about your business.
My business website and passion is http://www.preciousbabysite.com/.
I specialize in helping Moms and Ladies find a guide and a safe place to share their feelings. For a resource in parenting and life coaching in life's day to day events. I also have an ongoing ecommerce store on ebay specializing in products that are hand picked for quality and savings.
I use different media to help and motivate others with my podcast.
3. Why did you start your own business?
The business was started after my life changing event when due to a circumstance I was no longer able to nurse actively in patient care. My skills were transferred to using the resources on the net.
4. What do you like most and least about being your own boss?
Being your own boss you are responsible for your site and its development. Just like watching a child grow and go through the different phases , so does your business.
5. What personality traits and skills are needed to run a business?
The personality trait I feel is the ability to adapt and to be resourceful in many ways. To have the ability to learn from others and to learn patience.
6. What has been the most difficult part of being an entrepreneur?
Not being able right away to have an income. It takes hard work, so then you need to be able to adapt. I contract my services as a virtual customer service to maintain a weekly cashflow
7. Do you have any resources you have used to build your business that you would recommend?
I have found resources from networking with other like minded working at home woman and men .. We share our skills and our strengths to help each other in mentoring and being a sounding board and cheering section. There are times when we work long hours that having an online friend is the best.
8. Do you have any tips to share on promoting your business?
I join groups of the products and services where I would chat and meet others who might need my services. I offer free minutes to people so that they can check out what I can offer. I also spend time each day promoting my business with advertisements and sharing with others.
9. What other advice do you have for someone starting their own business?
That not to be discouraged easily and to do a lot of research on what they would like to do online. I find that I also enjoy very much my virtual free lance work.
10. How can we contact you about your products and services?
email: plscall4me@execulink.com
If any of Melodieann's readers buy from my ebay store , I would offer a discount of $2.00 off of any item.
11. Is there anything else you would like to share?
Having a passion in life and watching it grow even though you struggle is a great reward and a feeling of satisfaction.
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