I enjoy my bacon in a couple of different forms. When I want full bacon flavor, I go for strips of bacon. And when I want to highlight the flavor of what else I'm eating I use bacon bits. So it is with Brian Basilico's books. When I want to dig deep into his knowledge and get the full experience, I reach for his book, "It's Not About You, It's About Bacon" with it's new companion workbook. And when I just want a taste, a tidbit to satisfy an immediate craving, I reach for his new book, "It's Not About You, It's About Bacon Bits."
In my earlier review of his first book, "
It's Not About You, It's About Bacon," I stated it was page after page of information. It explains all of the "WHYS" of Social Media and Relationship Marketing. But if you're new to this concept, the book can be a bit daunting. The solution? Brian's new companion
Workbook and Guide. It's the perfect tool to help you get as much out of Brian's book as possible.

Just as in the original book, each chapter starts with a list of points to take home. Called "Bacon-izms," these are the important ideas in each chapter. Things like "Social Networking is about the message, not the tools." And "Give the people YOU want what THEY want from your website." Or "Social networking is a process, not an advertisement." All important points. But what do you do with them? How do you incorporate them into your business? That's where the workbook is so helpful. We know that social networking is about the message, not tools." We just learned that from Brian. But the workbook goes on to explain that the key concept here is focusing your message. So as we read the chapter, we now know what we are trying to learn - how to focus our message. And as you go through the chapter, the workbook provides you a place to jot down notes from your reading. complete with the page number, so you don't have to try and remember everything you read or mark up your book with underlines and highlighter.
After you have read your latest chapter and taken note of what's important to you, Brian helps you apply what you have learned. The next section of the workbook contains questions designed to help you think about these concepts and apply them to your business. How do your messages get your audience to KNOW you? How do they get those who know you to LIKE you? How do they get those who know you and like you to TRUST you? And again, there is space to write down your thoughts and ideas as they come to you so you don't lose them. And once you have gathered every piece of information from Brian that you possibly can, there is a place to create an action plan or to-do list to ensure you put it to use. After all, all the information in the world is pointless if you don't use it!

"It's Not About You, It's About Bacon" really is 276 pages of solid information. Add the companion workbook, and it's a full-blown course in relationship marketing. But if you prefer your bacon - and your information - in smaller bites, then "Bacon Bits' may be more suited to your taste. "
It's Not About You, It's About Bacon Bits" contains 101 relationship marketing tips. Things you really need to know and can use. Find your niche. Kill the elevator speech. Set reminders. All great tips if you want to succeed. But as usual, Brian takes it one step further. Instead of just listing 101 tips, he tells you how to do it. Kill the elevator speech. Great! But what do you say instead? Brian tell you. Do you frequently forget your business cards? Brian tells you how to solve that problem. Speaking at a networking event and want to take a giveaway? Brian has a suggestion for the perfect item!
Whether you like your information in-depth or in bite-sized bits, Brian Basilico has just what you need. If you are like me and like it both ways, depending on your mood, then these three books are the perfect combination to learn about, and more importantly, learn how to use, relationship marketing. "It's Not About You, It's About Bacon" gives you the information you need to lay the foundation. The companion workbook and guide shows you how to use what you have learned. "It's Not About You, It's About Bacon Bits" provides the tips and ideas you need to take it over the edge. I have all three books in my resource library and I refer to them often. You should also!
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Thanks for the reviews and the love!
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