Let's look at this realistically. You are investing in your future. For the cost of your membership fee, you receive the right to do business as a representative of our company. You receive all of your marketing materials, order forms and enrollment forms. You receive weekly rep support emails, access to tons of conference and training calls, and the ability to represent a fabulous company with terrific products. You get the combined experience of some of the top moneymakers in network marketing. You don't have to stock any inventory. You don't have to worry about billing and collections. You don't have to repeatedly make sales calls and take orders and then make deliveries. And most importantly, you get me and my team. Let's be blunt. If you make money, we all make money, so you can be assured we will do all we can to teach you how to be successful in this business.
I asked some friends of mine who are all business owners what it cost them to start their ventures. Are you ready?
The Business Broker: $16,000
The Event Planner: $7,000
The Day Care Center Owner: $33,000
The Computer Expert: $550
The Caterer: $1,100
The Pizzeria Owner: $65,000
The Personal Trainer: $2,700
The Organizer: $25,000
The Personal Shopper: $2,500
The Landscaper: $5,000
The Housekeeper: $500
Most of these women started their businesses a few years ago. I'm sure the costs would be higher today. And they don't receive the added benefit of having everything provided for them. Nor do they have a team dedicated to helping them succeed.
What it costs to start a business is one of the things you need to think about when considering stepping out on your own. The cost of starting a business can be quite a bit of money. But it's not just about the cost of the business. It's about the value of the investment. I guarantee if anyone reading this who thinks the cost of joining my team is too much will just take a look at what they spend each month, they will discover they spend that and more on things that do nothing to improve their future. How do I know? One $4 latte everyday, rain or shine, at Starbucks, adds up to $120 a month. Add the $2.50 muffin to that and it's $195 a month. And 360 cable channels, over half of which we never watched, added up to $70 a month. That's $265 a month! Get rid of this stuff! That's how I paid for my enrollment!
So how is my latest team member going to pay for his? Well, first there's that newspaper subscription he never reads. And there's the health club membership he has which he never uses. And then there's....
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