
Friday, April 26, 2024

Unveiling the Unexpected...Getting a Little Personal Today.

So, here I was diving into the black hole of old videos and photos, and guess what? I stumbled upon something that's got me itching to share.

Spoiler alert: it's got nothing to do with the marketing stuff I normally share on this blog. Or the rah-rah empowerment/mindset posts I'm famous for. But hey, sometimes life throws curveballs, right?

Alright, brace yourselves, because here it comes: I get some seriously intriguing visitors out here on this dirt road of mine! Yep, you heard that right. But before you start scratching your head in confusion, let me clarify - I'm not talking about your run-of-the-mill door-to-door salesmen or the neighbor's yappy dog. Oh no, I'm talking about some next-level, out-of-the-box visitors.

Now, I know you're dying of curiosity, so I'm throwing you a lifeline in the form of a link. Click it if you dare to venture into the wild wonders of my world. Don't worry, I'll wait here with bated breath for your reaction.

Alright, now that we've had our little detour into the whimsy of my life, let's get back on track. But first, a massive shoutout to all you fabulous folks who always click, comment, and keep the conversation going. You rock my world!

Now, let's talk business, shall we?

How about a quick tip on how to stop giving all your stuff away like you're running a charity and actually start getting paid.

Step #1: Put your pricing on your website.

Step #2: Whenever someone asks you what you do or asks for advice, send them to your website.

Easy peasy, right? Well, okay, maybe not always, but hey, I'm here to help you overcome the MINDSET that prevents you from charging.

So, before you do anything else, head over to your website and make sure you've got some prices and/or packages right there on the home page to refer people to. Trust me, your bank account will thank you later.

Alright, my fellow smart and sassy entrepreneurs, that's all for now.

Remember, I'm always rooting for you and your journey to success.

(P.S. Did I spell "peasy" correctly? Is it even really a word? Where are my grammar and spelling nerds when I need them?)

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